3 Replies to “Queerness And Quantum Mechanics, Together At Last”

  1. Quantum Queer: kinda brings new meaning to schrodinger’s cat.

    Woman taking cat to the vet.
    A: Excuse me maám, how is the pussy in your box?
    B: Not sure, shall we lift the lid to see?
    A: Ahhh, keep your skirt down…I was talking about the cardboard box.
    B: oh, it’s dead, got shot.

  2. I always found quantum physics a baffling field. My take is that if your theory violates the law of identity, causality and logic your theory needs to be re-examined. I’m not surprised to see someone trying to blend queer theory with quantum physics as both are adept at dispensing with logic.

  3. Let’s see …

    The Gays insist that … Love is Love
    But … Time isn’t Time

    Good to know. They equate hetero Love with Homo Love. But they didn’t really mean it. Because their Time is more “quantum” than your Time. Yes, people eventually tell you who they are … after all the sales-sloganeering has achieved its goal.
