Friday On Turtle Island

Dementia Joe’s America:  Did America just die?  Groomer month at Scholastic.  President in absentia.  The FBI celebrates Pride.  Biden’s visit to Normandy.

Blackie’s Canada:  Islamophobic campaign in Canada?  Another reason to hate the CBC.  Another Liberal Party scam.  UPDATE:  Our Dear Leader has burned jet fuel back from France. Today Justin burns jet fuel to Calgary for a photo op.

Today In Islam:  A Palestinian scholar.  Biggest fear being raped.

Your morning meme.  Another meme.   A cartoon.

18 Replies to “Friday On Turtle Island”

  1. This morning on CTV news they claimed that Israel bombed a school and killed 33 people, then turned around and said it Israel claimed it was a shelter for militants “without providing evidence”

    CTV is on the other side.

    1. CTV is on the other side.

      Along w/ the rest of MSM. Welcome to the 20th century…

        1. “CTV is not worth watching.”

          Not for decades now, VOWG. Gave them up back in the 90s…

  2. “…. Accounts bearing the name United Citizens for Canada posted content portraying Canadian Muslims as threatening Western values, and suggesting pro-Palestinian protesters in Canada were seeking to implement Shariah law.”

    Only because muslims, wherever they are, do threaten and abhor western values. They literally threaten to kill all of us and that is not supposed to be mentioned?

    Screw that part of our world and let it go to hell.

    1. +++Billy. When the ignorant mass of the population are bleeding in the streets I doubt they will wake up. Prevention seems to be a word no longer in our vocabulary.

      1. A lot of the language has been perverted and muted/restricted/forbidden.

        But I speak English and will carry on just so.

        They are the purveyors of a lot of gormless twaddle. Piss’on’im.

  3. Ref. Liberal Party scam.

    Imagine letting our governments and schoolboards feed your school-age kids. Estrogen soup for the boys and testosterone sandwiches for the girls.

    (See Sexual Propaganda being taught in Trudeaupia below)

  4. Using the word Palestinian and Islamic Scholar, wow. Would that be a person who studies evil and believes in evil?

  5. Islamophobic……. A phobia is a fear, anyone who does not have a guarded concern, not necessarily a fear, about islam ain’t playing with a full deck. As I have said many times during the last couple of decades, read the koran.

    1. Absolutely. A phobia is an irrational fear of something. Having a disdain for something odious and repugnant like the cult of Islam is not irrational and is, therefore, not a phobia. Islamophobia does not exist other than in the minds of leftists.

      1. “Absolutely. A phobia is an irrational fear of something. Having a disdain for something odious and repugnant like the cult of Islam is not irrational and is, therefore, not a phobia. Islamophobia does not exist other than in the minds of leftists.”

        And the cowardly loser politicians of our own Canadian ‘Conservative’ Party couldn’t wait to support a motion condemning that ‘Islamophobia’, thus legitimizing the term.

  6. Did America just die…… as Vox Day said a number of years ago….. America is done and dusted.
    The ultimate demise of a nation (empire) is not always poof, it’s gone, it lasts for a long time as a shadow of itself. Prosperity will be gone, freedom will be gone and life will become cruel and brutal for many. Canada does not have much farther to fall.
    People living in the streets, in tents, in boxes, welfare immigrants consuming the remnants of more prosperous years and people. One does not have to look to hard to see where we are headed in both countries.

  7. So President Shitshispants is shitting his pants on a different continent. Unremarkable.

    1. It would be uppertown expensive and not really that much space. Maybe it’s a lot he didn’t yet have. Meaning it’s for towers.

  8. Hobbies of the Rich and Powerful.
    Someone needs to research Biden’s genealogy and see how far back the incest (leading to his insanity) goes back.
