Trudeau Friends and Family

Blacklocks- No Money Literally Shoveled

David Yeo, a longtime civilian employee with the department, was also CEO of Dalian Enterprises Inc. of Ottawa that received $8.1 million in military contracts. Yeo resigned while under investigation. His company was suspended as a federal contractor.

Bloc Québécois MP Nathalie Sinclair-Desgagné (Terrebonne, Que.) described federal mismanagement as chronic with little oversight by cabinet. “We are seeing this throughout the government and it is really a shame,” she said.

“The government seems to be losing control of agencies, losing control of what is happening fundamentally within departments,” said MP Sinclair-Desgagné. “We wonder if ministers even know what is happening on a daily basis within their departments. This is throughout the government.”

25 Replies to “Trudeau Friends and Family”

  1. “The government seems to be losing control of agencies, losing control of what is happening fundamentally within departments,”
    Whaaat !!! does she thinks this is happening by accident??? does she think this is one bad apple????
    Lady,,,, this is happening by design,,,, this criminality is happening intentionally,,,, this is the modus operandi of the LPC, it happens, each time they hold power,,,, this is what happens when criminals get to hold power, over the people!!!!

    And now we can’t release the names of treasonist MP’s because of privacy or something??? because they may sue the country,,, if we’re wrong(csis)
    Murders are accused of murder, do murders sue if they’re found not guilty?
    So were supposed to go into the next election, knowing there are treasonists running for re-election???

  2. The only sensible assumption to the #Libranos troubles is that they’re all in on this, they’re all compromised.

    What’s the difference between being treasonous and hiding or conspiring to hide other’s treasonous treacheries?,any%20act%20preparatory%20thereto%3B%20or

    I’m not surprised that it’s a Bloc Quebecois MP who is directing this at the #Libranos as their stated purpose is to represent Quebec, and not Canada. The others in parliament could learn that lesson, that regionalism has taken flight in tier 2 Canada and soon it will be every citizen for themselves / screw this country.

    *Still getting RCMP ads on the Facebook news scroll saying how they’re here in AB “to serve” but never addressing the problems the national police service have in actually arresting a #Librano for any wrongdoing.

  3. Canada is witnessing the most corrupt government in the history of Canada and many thousands of Canadians are OK with that

  4. I’m shocked I tell you, simply Shocked…..S/

    “Who knew” should be the comment but….we deplorables have known for a very long time, but none of us are in any position to do anything about it!

    1. The federal government needs radical downsizing – Argentina style. Reducing public employees by 50% fixes half the problem.

      Unnecessary regulatory agencies like CRTC, gone. Regional development agencies, gone. CBC, gone. Any department connected with the carbon tax, gone. Any federal departments that are a provincial responsibility, gone. The majority of consultants, gone. Corporate welfare, gone. Generous MP, Governor General and Senate perks, gone as much as possible. Foreign aid, severely limited if not eliminated.

      The Senate might be able to stall bills but I’d think laying off government employees and cost reductions would not go through the Senate.

      1. I agree, CRTC should be gone, along with ceebeecee. might as well get rid of Environment Canada as well. Where else can you work and be soooo wrong, soooo often, and still be employed ! ???

        1. If all of the unnecessary federal government spending was cut and employee numbers halved, I wonder if it would be enough to eliminate the annual federal deficit the Liberal party have racked up.

        2. The environment is a provincial responsibility. Thus “Climate change Canada” or whatever it’s called now can go.

  5. Well, if that bastion of honesty, Bill Blair, says they aren’t shoveling money to anyone, I’m sure they are using a bulldozer instead.

    1. Yup!
      Billy Blair is to honesty what he is to good looks (Juthtin is to manliness, Chrystia is to slenderness…)

  6. What starts as multiculturalism ends in Islamic Jihad. In between, the county undergoes a cultural revolution such that generations are put through the institutions that have sanitized history, culture, critical thinking, reason, personal responsibility, and any sense of national identity (except for Quebec and Indians). The LPC / NDP / Greens operate within these parameters and their power monopoly is periodically interrupted by conservative seat warmers as reality intrusions become too obvious for even the most obtuse observer. These will subside as the Eloi become more dependent and tolerant of sloth in all things.

  7. I just watched an interview with Sam Cooper on the podcast Brave New Normal (ep 039). It’s long but worth the time. The tentacles to the LPC are long and deep.

  8. I’m not going to start anything, but boy I’ll help out once my betters decide its legal.
    I have rope, I know how to tie a slip knot and shit, trees are everywhere…

    If contempt were measured in one dollar coins, how high is a half trillion stack?

  9. Just wait until the entire civil service is reflective of the new population make up. The entire treasury will be plundered.

  10. The trouble is that ministers are politicians, not managers.

    It’s like expecting dog catchers to be great pastry chefs.

    1. But each minister has a deputy minister, who is supposed to be the “manager” and “non-partisan” and report to the minister.

      How many deputy ministers have been fired for their mismanagement? Most of them just keep popping up in different ministries, servicing the bureaucracy.

    2. And yet, I have seen Korean pizzerias where the pastry catchers were also excellent dog chefs!

  11. A shovel couldn’t handle the amount of money that the liberals have handed out, I doubt a back hoe could keep up with the billions that have been spent?

  12. Well.. The minority government Boy Blunder has spent more money than Canada has.. 100X over.. = INFLATION..
