What on earth are they thinking?

Oil CEOs tell House of Commons committee they support carbon pricing. That’s CARBON TAX, FOLKS!

Here’s some real oilmen for you:

2024 Saskatchewan Oil Person of the Year Del Mondor

2024 Southeast Saskatchewan Oil Person of Year Ryan Birnie

I was just at the Saskatchewan Oil and Gas Show this week. And former Prime Minister gave an awesome fireside chat as the keynote. Unfortunately, his people didn’t want any reporting on it. So I can’t. But man, I sure wish I could.

20 Replies to “What on earth are they thinking?”

  1. So the oil CEO’s are communists and wish the destruction of the middle class just like the liberals and n d p.

    1. Executives like to think they can just go along to get along. Just a few more accounting rules, and it all works.

      They still don’t get it, they don’t get that the left wants them dead. How the hell can you get to be an oil exec and not get this?

      1. The general public in England is now suspicious of the ‘climate change/global warming’ crud. These schmucks deserve to be replaced by their shareholders. In UK, we are in need of a clean sweep of our treacherous politicians.

    2. It’s pretty simple really. The government is determined to get their hands on a the pot of money that energy companies provide. Just like with tobacco, they will grab that money by any means necessary because that is what governments do. The energy company executives are trying to steer the theft in the direction that least harms their respective companies.

  2. Don’t you just love it when a former PM does not have the courage to speak out to the country at large. There we have the downfall of Canada because people are cowards.

    1. I doubt the former PM is a coward, there may be an agreement between him and P.P. to not interfere in the current election plan of the Conservatives so as to not have the former PM as a target with which to blame all things conservative as being “Harper like” etc…

      1. If that former PM is who I think it is, he is the same one that would not deep-six the CBC. You know, the CBC that chose NOT TO BROADCAST the latest Oiler’s games. The same PM that left 30 or so Senate seats vacant when he was chased out by the creep that we have now!
        If he would rather not have his “Fireside chat” presentation repeated, is it worth listening to??

        1. You wanted Lenin. You voted for Stephen Harper. And it’s his fault that you’re disappointed. Got it.

  3. Of course they would support carbon pricing, it doesn’t affect them (much) as the producer, while emissions caps would hit them directly.

    Support billing someone else, not them.


  4. They are just trying to protect their industry and their profits by telling the politicians (and the public) what they want to hear. That’s the beauty of the ongoing ‘climate crisis’ scam: governments can’t resist it, because the money is just too good.

  5. Shrug. Nothing new here. The unholy trinity: big government, big inions, and big business working together to suck every drop of blood. THEY DESPISE YOU !

  6. Why wouldn’t they support it, as they don’t pay it, their customers do. They are also trying to fend off an “excess profits” tax that the government wants to inflict on them and loblaws.

  7. Corporate cowardice is a disgusting spectacle but it’s not something unusual. Those large corporation CEOs are pimping for the regime to seek benefit or less abuse. I don’t, by design, own any shares in those companies, even though I like the sector along with Gold and Uranium.

  8. Who benefits most from the green energy scams-the oil industry because oil will never be replaced? Who pays for all those green energy-scams-we do not the oil industry.

  9. This is Canaduh. The post national nation that never really was. Don’t expect a different result.

  10. Call it fascism or corporatism, it means business do the governments bidding – or else. “Nice business you’ve got there, be a pity if you had new regulations, we can help youwith this subsidy ?”

  11. Call it fascism or corporatism, it means business do the government’s bidding – or else. “Nice business you’ve got there, be a pity if you had new regulations or would you prefer this subsidy to help you”
