Trudeau’s Canada

21 Replies to “Trudeau’s Canada”

  1. l wanna know who in blazes are the hard core liberal voters continue to be all starry eyed about a TURD and foisting this naziism on us,
    quitcherbicthing until you come up with some explanations

  2. CCP = communist cesspool party. It is world wide. I Canada it hides under such names as Liberal, NDP, Green, Progressive Conservative.

  3. Trudeau really is a front hole. You know…the poop-smelling franken-surgery abomination sort. Frunt for short.

  4. “Pastors remain silent”

    Oh, I’m sure there are some speaking out … online …. anonymously, of course.

    You know, hiw they bravely spoke out against Caesar fir the persecution of the unvaxxed.

    1. Here’s what the so-called Lutheran pastor of my so-called Lutheran church speaks out about …

      White people bad
      Men bad
      Heterosexuality bad
      Suburbia bad
      Capitalism bad
      Comfortable lifestyles bad
      Trump REALLY bad … a convicted Felon bad … although the pastor says we should take-in REAL convicted felons and share our wealth with them. If we did, there would be no more theft or looting …

      1. Yup. Seems like they’re all in a race to fill their pews with atheists, cowards, druids, and perverts.

      2. havent stepped inside one of those places coming up 4 years. this time vowed to keep it that way.
        constantly interrupted, refused permission to share my testimony after some 7 yrs attendance, and after posing a serious ‘intro’ question regarding the nature of miracles, get shut down with a dismissive ‘everything is a miracle’.
        rude dismissive exclusivists. and not the only place did that, in fact FIFTH TIME.
        and speaking of ‘5’, this outfit made a huge addition. one morning l offer to render assistance, my share of the work FIVE TIMES, turned down *every time* NEVER asked again, waited 4 years for them to finish the composite siding.
        fcuk ’em. ‘caring’ ‘christians’
        (oddly enough of the 5 ,3 no longer exist. jeepers. Who can arrange that?)

  5. “the Chinese Communist Party, whom have been proven to have interfered in at least the last two elections,”
    I still contend the ChiComs helped the Turd in his first election win, even before the second and third minority gov’ts.
    When Trudeau made that very intentional, public statement about his fawning for the Chinese Communist Government, to that women’s meeting, he was signaling to the ChiComs that he was willing to sell out Canada, and then again after the election, stating Canada “the first post-national state.” and that “There is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada,”
    That was the Turd telling the Communists, to come and pick Canada clean, and I’ll help you do it,,, just keep me in power, so I can fill my coffer too. There’s plenty for both of us.

    1. and another opportunity to inquire WHY soooooo many Canaduhians WANT this.
      never a satisfactory analysis of that question. everything but.
      speculate who wins the election.
      speculate who resigns after.
      speculate who fills the shows.
      but N-O-T-H-I-N-G on this bullheaded insistence on steering the nation off the cliff of history

  6. Far too many young Canadian men died in vain. Don’t like that comment, to damn bad.

    1. But while all eyes and ears are focused on Librano quislings getting cosy with the Chicoms ( squirrel ) I suspect a far more damaging collusion was taking place between the Librano hierarchy and the WEF/UN cabal, to say nothing of the influence exerted by Mc Kinsey. I wish we had Journalists in Canada.

  7. At some point in time, the term insurrection – what a fckn joke – will be called revolution.
    If the fckn police and the security services won’t arrest suspected traitors, then they forfeit the presumption of a peaceful & respectful citizenry.
    There cannot be laws for the many and no laws for the few.

  8. Multiculturalism – whore house.. Of course the government funded natives are burning churches.. Of course the government has no interest in any of it.. What we need is another lecture from a overweight native lady.. Untouchable..

    As for selling out to the Chinese communists.. They are rich now so that makes them the good guys.. See how that works.. A moment in time when liberal democracies were the richest nations on earth.. We let that go to our democratic heads.. Wealth and democracy have nothing to do with each other..

    So, as long as they don’t sell my eyeballs :)..

  9. I still say.. A bunch of communists dancing on my fathers grave is disgusting.. He wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire..

  10. Many Canadians are bewildered that Trudeau doesn’t seem to care about foreign interference into Canadian elections or the burning of churches. What’s the reason for his refusal to act? All sorts of theories come to mind — some quite damning — but it might be just pure pig headedness.

  11. Killer Marmot covering for Blackie again. Yep he is just Pig Headed.
    Follow the money. How is this Blackface/Brownface illiterate idiot worth $70 million now?

    Where is the investigation? He is dumber than a pile of rocks.
    As the ugly Olivia Chow would say- “Sum Ting Wong”

  12. Dad was right.
    5 wasted years and the final belief that he and his fellow soldiers were “shooting the wrong people.”
    We won the battles and lost the war.
    For sloth,greed and envy are the foundation of Liberal Canada.
    Where a mere 23 years after the sacrifice of so many young men, Canada elevated a draft dodging,Nasty Loving Panzy to “Leader of the Nation”.
    And now we have “Spawn of Dear Leaders wife” driving the nation even lower.
    What will Act 3 bring?
