9 Replies to “Good Question”

  1. A week ago there was a semi popular Instagram meme which said, I don’t want AI to be making art and poetry for me, I want AI to be washing my dishes, laundry, and floors, so I have time to make art and write poetry.

    But I think both AI and the people selling AI have both forgotten this. It is especially maddening in the “forgotten all the basics dept” to be on the phone with Telus for example, and not have any “click #3” type of responses fit the problem at hand, which is something you’d think they’d have figured out in the past 30 years of automated phone response systems.
    Perhaps it’s the legacy of having been a gov’t owned entity prior to Oct. 1990

    Is there an upper limit to the number of phone numbers I can block on an iPhone? I’d like to be able to block all numbers starting with New Jersey area codes if possible, as I’m NEVER going to know anyone from there / I’m fine with missing the call from anyone who may be physically located there, forever.

    1. Wash your own dishes and laundry. These things, in proper quantities, allow you to switch off and do some mindless labor. This can be meditative. Like driving a car or cutting the grass.

      People keep wanting automation to do more, but then they spend their time reading, watching, and doing things that make them unhappy or neurotic.

  2. There are very few companies out there that offer “live” tech support – more often than not a crude AI script is used to qualify your issue, then a chat session ensues with a poorly trained person who can barely speak or understand English. (FYI Rogers/Shaw support has been off-shored to Central America). On-line chat is now ubiquitous, as it allows for multiple requests to be processed sequentially (actually concurrently) by one human.

  3. I literally laughed out loud at the end. The author yells at a passing cloud writes:

    …we’re squandering our lives dealing with completely needless, useless complexity imposed on us by monopolies, scammers …, rapacious tech platforms, fraudsters and marketers.

    And the article ends with –

    Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases originated via links to Amazon products on this site.

    Eff right off, buddy. You’re part of the problem.

  4. If AI is truly mankind’s savior as it’s purported to be … then why has it had such a clumsy, incompetent, rollout? Such as Alphabet’s version depicting George Washington as someone who “looks like me” … if you happen to be a black/asian/lesbian

  5. The Left counts on the conservatives to adopt this “old man yells at cloud” attitude towards new technology. While cynical old white males roll their eyes and disclaim “it’s all trash” the Left quietly seizes control of an entire emerging section of the culture and the economy.

    It’s happened again and again.

    There’s a reason we’re called the stupid party, and they’re the evil party.

  6. Remember when Spock and Kirk caught the computer in a logic trap and it blew up? I had one of those moments when registering my Garmin product this morning.

    First step is to register an account. Returned with “Unexpected error”.

    So I tried again. Re-entered all the info (the GPS number must be fifteen numbers long and there are 2 of them) and Garmin returned with “Looks like that account already exists. Please login to your account.”

    Tried to login to my account and Garmin returned with “No such account exists. Please register an account.” So, being Canadian, I tried to register again. “Looks like that account already exists”.

    But what I really want AI to solve is how to implement itself while using less energy, not significantly more.
