12 Replies to “There Is No Depopulation Agenda”

  1. Leftist models of government – socialism, communism, fascism – always lead to the same place.

    The Left, by its nature, is authoritarian. It may view itself as benevolent, but make no mistake, it is authoritarian at its root.

    All Leftist roads lead to Totalitarianism. Always.

    1. The Left IS authoritarian because it sees itself as benevolent because it knows best.

  2. Unfortunately, the Left is so successful because Conservatives………….
    Fill in the blank but are winning certainly isn’t the answer.

  3. It’s the natural reversion to tribalism, feudalism, fascism, socialism, collectivism and any other form of statism. Individualism is a sin in our culture, whether from Christian-routed altruism, progressive culture capture (Hollywood), leftist politics of envy, resentment, and hatred, or post modern nihilism. Within the captured institutions, young people aren’t exposed to heroic individuals or individual achievement but the ethos of the herd. Liberty is a revolution that must continue in some form or it is lost to this reversion.

    The rationale for state control above is based on non problems that the free market solves every day. “Too much fertilizer” results in high costs and going out of business while “too much corn” results in over supply and reduced prices (benefitting consumers) until more farmers change crops. Speaking of corn, the existence of Ethanol mandates ensures more overproduction.

    1. Agreed. Ethanol mandates are an environmental disaster propagated by government; just like nearly every environmental problem of large magnitude.

  4. The left HATES Free Markets, because in Free Markets The People decide what’s best. Adjustments are made according to The People’s NEEDS, desires, and wants. Free Markets operate like Nature. Mother Nature self-adjusts when anything goes out of balance. Overpopulation? Yeah, Mother Nature will take care of it without any help from leftist meddlers. Same with human populations.

    BTW … my local news had a sad, sad, story this morning about how donations to local food banks have dropped-off sharply. As a result “families” who depend on this aid are being hard hit. To make their point, they interviewed an enormous black mother/grandmother who needs the food bank to feed her 9 children. The mother/grandmother is on disability for a permanent injury she received working in her school district food service job. Nine children, no job, total welfare … and not a speck of irony from the newscaster.

    How about starting to solve the overpopulation problem with black and brown “families” who drop litters of children they cannot care for without welfare and food aid? Ohhhhhhh … but those litters are all Democrat/Leftist voters … OK … Nevermind.

    1. Kenji, I suspect that the food banks are getting fewer donations because Bidenomics has been shrinking the middle class.

      The huge American middle class has traditionally been generous. The middle class often started out relatively poor and were able to work their way up to comfortable circumstances. My guess is that the upward mobility that America offered is why those that have come up out of tight times (been there, done that, and got the t-shirt) are inclined to give help here and there to those less fortunate.

      That’s the real story that your local news will undoubtedly ignore while trying to lay on the guilt with sob story interviews,
      With interest rates, inflation, and taxes rising, the middle class is being squeezed and no longer has the spare change that they used to readily give to others in need.

      1. 100%

        As I have “shared” here before … I left my single, alcoholic, father’s dingy apartment at age 14 because there was literally no food in the house. I escaped, and I salute all who helped me escape … as I hope to have helped others.

  5. This is the work of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s genocidal cousin, D. Populate Fitzgerald.
