18 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. I applaud the IDF’s efforts to reduce the number of “innocent civilian” refugees who will seek asylum in the West.

    1. Al Jazeera, to state the obvious, is supporting Hamas.

      Note in passing that then-CBC news head Tony Burman quit to take the directorship of AL Jazeera English. Now he teaches part time at the Metropolitan University School of Journalism. Teaching undergraduates how to be morally and intellectually superior.

  2. In a survey of Gazans in March, 71% supported the Oct 7th attacks, up from 59% in Dec 2023.
    There is a reason no one wants Gazan refugees.

    1. Well Justin is going to bring in 5 to 10,000 into this country without screening. Keep voting liberal you sheep

  3. I am so looking forward to all the “doctors” and “journalists” that will arrive in Canada when Blackie and his mistress bring in their 5,000 Palestinian “refugees”.

  4. “All of them are legitimate targets, every Gazan.”
    So is every “western” lefty urnolist!

    1. Yes.
      “Would there have been a warning to those civilians [Gazans] for them to get out on time?” BBC anchor Helena Humphrey asked former IDF spokesperson Jonathan Conricus during a recent interview.

  5. Journalists & doctors?
    My God, they’re a plague.
    The IDF needs to kill ’em all.
    Remember, Hell needs to be fed.

  6. Liberal charity in the US employs terrorist hostage taker, potentially a hostage killer.

    Taxpayers subsidize all “charities” and should be able to at least sue them in kangaroo courts.

    Rational adults have to start playing offence, make these empathetic touchy feely liberals answer publicly for the rapes and murders they wish upon their enemies.

  7. Let me first state that I am an assholephobic.
    This morning my assholephobia went into high gear.
    Canadian media is pushing a Palestine massacre because the IDF killed a bunch of terrorists holding Israeli hostages.
    The leader of the “Conservative” party will not commit to defunding these assholes.
    My assholephobia kicks into high drive when ever I see this thing trying to garner my vote. LOL.

    1. “The leader of the “Conservative” party will not commit to defunding these assholes.”

      Try not to be stupid as the ultra-left. You never, never, never give away policy intentions before an election. This is particularly true when the entire foreign affairs establishment and the lamestream media hates your guts and is looking for any excuse to portray you as a racist. PP is right not to give anything away; Justatwit and his gang of morons are perfectly capable of winning this without you helping the Libs-Dips.

      1. PP has already stated he would cut off the CBC except in Quebec.
        The truth seem foreign to politicians.

  8. Where are Joe and Matt, valiantly riding to the defense of all the ‘innocent Palestinians’ killed?

    Reading through the YouTube comments you also find out that the sister of this ‘Palestinian’ doctor/terrorist worked for UNRWA and his brother (or BIL) worked for the ICJ. Those are your upper-class ‘Palestinians’, right there….all complicit, and all legitimate *targets*.

    (some fool in the comments asked if the Gazan children killed were also “complicit”. No, not if they were too young to understand what was going on…but their parents certainly WERE, and it was they who chose to put their children in harm’s way.)

    1. It’s as though some of these idiots criticizing the rescue have never seen a made-for-tv movie where the police sniper is waiting to take the shot and not harm the hostage.

    1. “Why am I supposed to care more about Palestinian lives than the Palestinians?”

      An excellent question, that.
