1984, here, and soon to be now

Bronwyn Eyre

Remember when Charlie Angus was unsuccessful in his private members bill to muzzle promoting oil and gas? Turns out the NDP-Liberal coalition means he wasn’t so unsuccessful after all, and the Saskatchewan government is crying foul. Is anyone else?

Aleana Young

But if I go to jail for this, the Sask NDP energy critic said she’ll join me and the attorney general in the same cell.

When did we become 1984? Saskatchewan fighting oil and gas gag law inserted in federal budget

15 Replies to “1984, here, and soon to be now”

  1. So as soon as this becomes law, start filing complaints against any company promoting their solar and wind products as they are damaging to the environment. Also, against all the companies that provide carbon offsets, especially the ones that Trudeau is enriching in order to “offset” his travel.

  2. Hilarious.

    The last press release on Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP) website is about the stellar job four industry CEOs did testifying to the Standing Committee on Environmental and Sustainable Development last week. As posted on SDA by Brian on June 7th, these same clowns told the committee they were all in favour of carbon taxes.

    Here’s the turd-polishing release on CAPP’s website. Lapdogs instead of guard dogs.


  3. The Canadian constitution was written by the government and for the government.
    A province – especially Quebec – can tell the feds to pound salt, but an individual?
    You’ll be in a cell on your own, Brian.

  4. Every MP who votes for this,deserves a cruel and unusual fate..
    Just remember those “Heritage moments”…”The Guillotine,because…it’s our heritage”.
    The parasites are such failures,in their efforts to persuade,that they must ban all speech.

  5. “When you hear the names of legislation, or anything done by the government, it is worth remembering that the group that sent so many people to the guillotine during the French Revolution was called “The committee of public safety,” not the “Cut off their Heads Committee.”
    Elon Musk

  6. The Alberta and Saskatchewan governments need to commission studies that verify the environmental sustainablity and social good claims of oil and gas companies operating in their provinces and have provincial ministers advertise the benefits of those oil and gas companies. Also invoke the Saskatchewan First and Alberta Sovereignty Acts. Make the federal government and their environmental activist buddies butt heads with provincial governments instead of private companies.

    1. If Saskatchewan and Alberta want to be really provocative then pass symbolic legislation that exactly mirrors this federal legislation but against “green” energy companies instead of oil and gas companies. Then point out the problematic environmental sustainability of wind and solar mining, manufacturing and installation plus the social cost of high electricity prices and the risk of life-threatening failures of unreliable, intermittent electricity during extremely cold prairie winters.

    2. No….what they need to do is shut off the oil and gas pipelines to Eastern Canada.

  7. I am sure that the feds wouldn’t want any money/taxes derived from such “unclean” industries. Keep it at home and spend it on useful things.

  8. godam liberals they just[inTURDeau] never give up do they?
    a bunch of nazis. micromanage the entire NATION. ferfecuksake its like theyve ‘run out’ of meaningful stuff to legislate like dont steal cars, forge cheques or shoot people. now they go for the more ‘obscure subjective’ stuff to justify their f’ing jobs.

    ps note this IN NO WAY impacts the typical beer swilling Cdn hoser who is abysmally ignorant, AND WANTS TO BE regarding ottawa and its minions.

  9. This, coming from a government that hasn’t said one honest thing about climate, energy, the economy, their political enemies, anything related to Covid, etc ad infinitum.

  10. Put me down in favour of a Truth in Environmentalism act.
    this act will penalize any “business activity for protecting or restoring the environment or mitigating the environmental and ecological causes or effects of climate change”. Applied to the enviro grifter industry businesses (aka ENGOs) it could keep these clowns in court for a decade. As soon as it is implemented flood the government with complaints when ever some fundraiser makes a questionable claim, which is most of them. Stop playing defence – attack!

  11. Like all federal laws, it doesn’t matter how it’s been written. It will only ever be used against companies the Liberals don’t like.
