66 Replies to “Garden Gnome Barbie”

  1. Wow, she sounds like some kind of liberal cult follower. What is with the creepy voice?

    1. Well TBF … you have a Drama Teacher as PM …and this woman is one his prized Drama students. And boy howdy does she deliver the Drama … in halting voice and mannerism …

      Yes, Canada is like a bad soap opera with B- list actors

      1. “Yes, Canada is like a bad soap opera with B- list actors”

        it’s like a government sponsored soap opera on the CBC, with d list actors.

          1. And no doubt every 1%er is gonna’ answer her with, ” NO! No I do NOT want to live in a Canada like THAT! And before you steal anymore of my money to splash-around on your vanity projects and virtue-signalling or redecorate your office again, all while sanctimoniously lecturing us with this codswallop guilt-trip about stuff YOU’VE done NOTHING to fix over the last nine years, I’M LEAVING CANADA!!!

            – Or has already left. You wanna’ know why Canada has no doctors? Why would a doctor pay for 11 years of university, work 100-hour weeks and watch over half his money get taxed away, AND then watch what our “betters” pi$$-it away on, when he can drive 100 miles south, score a green card, then double his salary and halve his taxes?

    2. Be nice. Remember she is a Rhodes Scholar.

      And I think she is the one who penned the saying, “even a journey of a thousand miles starts with just one goosestep”! 🙂

      1. A Rhodes Scholar you say. Educated way, way , beyond her intellectual capacity. A common affliction among so many who listened to the mantra “stay in school, stay in school”.

        1. Pete Buttigeg is a Rhodes scholar, as is Jake Sullivan, as is Rachel Maddow, as is Robert Reich.
          I assume no SAT was involved in those selections.

  2. OMG, I didn’t think it was possible to be that out of touch with the reality you have created. And somehow she really believes more of the same will fix it.

  3. I turned it off after 2.5 seconds. That condescending, smarmy voice had me wanting to toss my lunch. Frig JT is easier to handle.

    Let me guess, she is guilting voters into throwing more money after bad. Probably gaslighting all the way through how they have done a great job. ST’s self own is probably spot on. F’in imbeciles have a spending problem augmented with corruption! Trash bin isn’t justice enough. Throwing them into a sewage settling pond would be more apropos.

    1. I subverted my gag relex and listened to it after quitting the first time. We have the clowns, we have the show, the only thing missing is the tent.

      1. What did she even say?

        I couldn’t listen to more than ten seconds of her smarmy, kindergarten teacher delivery.

  4. So shallow and fking empty.
    Nothing of substance or any use to anyone that expects anything from themselves or their kids.
    Years of blind tolerance, upsidedown policy, and an opposition that might have been able to say told you so if they had the guts to point what should have been obvious out.
    But nope, easy, and nice along with zeros in bank accounts is all the voters had the stomach for.
    And now crony capitalism, and Marxism waiting in the wings, and the progs smiling watching the backbone get ripped out of a country.
    FK them, and PP too because I don’t think he’s got what it takes.
    Too little to bloody late.
    Empty speeches from dummies should be making parents , and their older kids ungovernable.

  5. Look at all the dopey sh8theads behind and beside her. She’s disgusting and using that god awful kindergarten teacher affectation that just makes you want to hurl. Hello Garden Gnome Barbie, you helped to create this version of Canada that we are living in.

  6. I turned it off when she talked about having parents help kids with house .down payments. Imagine the horror she put her parents through to put down a down payment on her house in North Toronto. I wonder if she’ll invite her parents to have MAiD when they reach their best by date.

      1. I wouldn’t cross the street to piss in her ear to put out the fire in her brain.

  7. If the CPC were smart they would label this the “Do you want to live in a country “ speech and blast it everywhere and everyday during the election campaign.
    But then again, there is no decenting voice allowed on n Canada against the LPC. Just ask that idiot Peter Mansbridge who spoke out about Rebel News being allowed on cable.

    1. Exactly my thoughts. Fodder for an election advertisement.
      Gag, gag, gag. I’m trying to eat my lunch.

    2. let’s not forget where they found Peter Mansbridge, he was a mall announce in Saskatchewan with a high school diploma

      1. Nope, found in Churchill Manitoba.

        Mansbridge worked as a ticket agent for Transair at Churchill Airport in Churchill, Manitoba. In 1968, Mansbridge was discovered by Gaston Charpentier, a station manager for the local Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) radio station CHFC, when he heard Mansbridge making a flight announcement. Charpentier hired the 19-year-old Mansbridge as the host of CHFC’s late night music program.[8] In 1971, Mansbridge moved to Winnipeg to continue as a reporter for the CBW radio station and in the next year, he joined CBWT-TV as a reporter.


  8. I could not do it with the sound on , so I suffered though it with the sound off. The stiffs behind her look like they are trying to gag down their cyanide pill, to get some relief from her jerky, bobble head moves.

  9. The Right Hon. Member for Ukraine was not snuffing in the microphone and head wasn’t as bouncy. Must be off the c$ke for now. Condescending Witch.

  10. She on crack?
    Or just enormously stupid?
    Got to hand it to our progressive comrades..
    She describes the country she and her comrades are making and then asks the rhetorical question?
    Is this her way of bragging?
    Only question I have had,since the hair Apparent was first elected,..
    “Will there be a bag limit”?
    Stupid bitch is finally cluing in,or did someone write her a letter,asking these questions and she has mixed it up with her que cards?
    We must exit Confederated Can Ahh Duh..for we have nothing in common with people who have repeatedly elected this creature and its ilk.

    1. Ferme ta gueule!
      Ferme ta boite!

      Also comes to mind..

      Otherwise, all the descriptors of her I came up with while watching, have already been stated in the comments above!

  11. I turned it off when she started speaking Fwench.
    I wonder is she comes across as c*nty when she’s parlez vousing.

  12. My hat is off to all you rugged folks who had the courage to click, watch, and listen. You’re made of far tougher stuff than this old cowboy.

    1. It’s not courage Jamie, it’s like watching a long lost Monty Python episode.
      Except it isn’t, and that’s the amazing part.

  13. Indeed. This might be a fine campaign speech if it came from the loyal opposition.

  14. She’s trying so hard to empathize that it comes out all sticky and maudlin.

  15. The pregnant teenage girl can afford the newest iPhone and a $100 per month data plan but she can’t afford a $12 box of condoms?

    1. How many teens pay their own phone bill?
      That would be an unwelcome struggle for the little darlings.
      Easy Peasy Progs understand that.
      Freeland only has to be “nice”……
      That’s it.

  16. Yup. Watched for about a minute with the sound off. Turned it up slowly, but kept my fingers on the volume. Couldn’t make it past 10 seconds.

  17. LOLs.. Look at all the disheartened leaches looking at the doors and windows as she speaks.. Canada is broken beyond repair.. BTW I lasted a big fat 2 seconds of Fraulein Freeland..

    The NDP liberal alliance has had the floor for a decade.. They have delivered ashes for a mountain of debt..

  18. The Trudeau Traitors government is bragging/confessing that it will be impossible to balance the budget without major cuts to program spending.

  19. How many mirrors did she crack practicing that delivery?
    Horror show, witch.

  20. Why do Chrystia Freeland’s smiles and head-tosses remind me of Bionca Ellis smirking in court. (She stabbed a random toddler to death in Cleveland). I won’t make a link but you’ve probably seen it. Take a second look.

  21. Imagine, even for a split second, having to wake up every morning listening to that voice. “Shoot me now!” comes to mind.
    Having to look at her, I’d add, “Never mind, I’ll do it myself!”
