Monday On Turtle Island

Dementia Joe’s America:  Kids belong to the LGBT community.  The Biden family.

Blackie’s Canada:  Residential schools and the media.  Today Climate Justin burns jet fuel to Quebec City for a photo op.  Trudeau’s population replacement plan.

Woke World:  This could of been an encounter in Canada.  A revolution in Europe?

Today In Islam:  The Green Prince talks about the pro-Hamas crowd.  Qur’anic Jew hatred,

Your morning meme.  Another meme.

16 Replies to “Monday On Turtle Island”

  1. Ref kids belong to LGBT community.

    “A homosexual himself, Wiener has co-authored bill AB 1955, which would, among other things, prohibit schools from implementing policies requiring parental notification of their child’s gender identity or gender expression unless the student consents.”

    A homo, eh. Is that all? Any room for a P in that ridiculous alphabet soup?

    1. Wiener led the State in the elimination of single family zoning as … discriminatory. So he’s a Communist Homo … with aspirations for National power.

      Psst … hey homo! Housing is still unaffordable and too damn expensive and complicated to build in CA. Your fascist law didn’t add a single housing unit to the State.

  2. It is hard to imagine how a tiny minority such as the alphabet people can acquire enormous political clout, but we now have gay politicians asserting state ownership of children who are confused about their sexuality.

    Another toxic side effect of identity politics wherein some identities are more equal than others.

    1. The Liberals create inflation and then want to tax it? Nothing unusual – they already tax air.

    2. Those who can will adjust, and those who get a one off windfall because they are selling or “deemed to have sold” a secondary property will get screwed.

      It won’t bring in as much as she claims, and the lack of investment in canada will make things worse.

    1. Which begs the question – do Hungarian Jews bugger children? Methinks they doth protest too much.

  3. “Climate Justin burns jet fuel to Quebec City for a photo op”

    Somebody with access to the information should add up all the fuel and carbon that the idiot consumes with his flying around.

    Would venture to say that the idiot consumes more fuel and exhausts more carbon than population of a small town.

  4. Bad news for the CV shot.

    Plaintiffs argue that what’s commonly known as the COVID-19 vaccine isn’t a vaccine at all (because it doesn’t prevent transmission), but is a therapeutic, so it cannot be mandated by law.

  5. Scott Weiner looks like a failed abortion he and his parents would have been proud of.

  6. Multi-Racial Disaster.
    Biden is to be congratulated for raising a family of junkies. It is so sad that his Irish/Jewish/French/Puerto Rican relatives never set him straight on parenting.

  7. “A conscious decision to be an open country.”
    The ringing we all hear, including the ears of older immigrants, that grows louder each day, is the death knell of Canada.
    An open country? An open pit.
    More than ever, people will take every ounce of wealth they can and use it or remove it.
    Imagine what health care will be like?
    Lately I’ve seen so many “new Canadians” with obvious and severe disabilities it beggars belief.
    And I don’t blame them!
    But Jesus, you don’t feed strangers while starving your own family.
