The People Are Revolting!

In brown are where the “Far-right” won in France today.

Macron calls snap elections.

France’s finance minister said on Monday that the snap election called by President Emmanuel Macron after a bruising loss to the far right in European Parliament elections would be the most consequential legislative vote in the republic’s history.

Macron’s shock decision amounts to a roll of the dice on his political future. It could hand a great deal of power to Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally (RN) after years on the sidelines, and neuter his presidency three years before it is due to end.

The legislative vote will take place on June 30, less than a month before the start of the Paris Olympics, with a second round on July 7.

Bury le bitch.

48 Replies to “The People Are Revolting!”

  1. Yeah … the socialist/fascist extremist ruling class are so far out, the mainstream seem to them like ‘far right’.
    Notice that ‘far right’ is the meme of the ruling class and media cartel, if they call normal people like that, the normal people are supposed to roll over and play dead,
    They live in another world. Probably afraid that their gravy train is coming to an end station.
    They have no other life skills than talk bullshit.
    The plebeians are buying less of it.

    1. Go find Mike Benz on X and watch his vid on EIP, then his vid on the Pritzgers. Head of the snake, or at least one very poisonous one. I knew the Pritzgers were bad, but not that bad.

    2. One correction to Vito’s excellent comment: swap “socialist” with “communist”. These ruling class tyrants are way past asking for permission.

  2. At least Macron has called for an election——unlike Trudeau and Singh hanging on to power in shear desperation!
    I agree 100% with Vito’s comment!

  3. The pattern in France is familiar. Macron’s party lost everwhere except in Paris and a few large cities. This is much the same pattern as North America: all of the rural countryside, small towns and cities against entrenched socialism in a few big cities. This pattern appeared in the recent Dutch elections and is emerging in Germany as the coalition has lost suppport to AfD. In all cases this is a familiar historical pattern of urban vs. countryside.

    The so-called free press has been fishing around for the most effective adjectives. Do these morons imagine that anyone who matters is detered by their libel attempts at “far right”, “ultra right”, “extreme right”?

    Regardless, Macron deserved this outcome. He promised to unite France in his election win in 2022. Instead he increased divisions triggering violent clashes between police and “jilets jaunes”. France like most of the rest of the EU is being swamped by illegal migrants.

    1. The urban rural split has been a truism since ancient Athens.

    2. I’m no geography expert … but it’s pretty easy to identify where Paris is located on this brown map. It stands out like a white cancer eating the country away from the top center.

      1. Exactly so. Four large white spots aside from Paris are the urban opposition: Marseilles, Lyons, Bordeaux, Toulouse.

  4. I find it quite interesting that said “far right” are those who produce FOOD, without which the denzions of the cities would STARVE.

    Carry on Leftists, the days of reckoning are coming….

    1. Is it any wonder why the EU is trying to destroy the farmer? They’d rather starve than cede political power to conservative farmers.

        1. I can’t wait as Tributes from all the World’s districts gather in Paris for the Games this summer.
          May the odds be ever in your favor.

  5. It still applies: if socialists want to call normal peplet ‘far right’, then normal people can refer to ‘progressives’ as socialists. It’s past time to take back the narrative. Recognize that the current media and education industry are not friendly to normal people.

  6. Maybe, just maybe the regular French don’t want their sons and daughters sent to the meat grinder in the nazisfied Ukraine.

    1. Being a nationalist doesn’t make you a nazi, hating jews doesn’t make you a nazi, people all over the world have hated the jews since there were jews. To be a nazi you have to be a member of the National Socialist German Workers Party, which doesn’t exist anymore, and hasn’t done since 1945

      1. ” To be a nazi you have to be a member of the National Socialist German Workers Party, which doesn’t exist anymore, and hasn’t done since 1945″

        So you keep saying. But anyone can choose to be a neo-Nazi, right Rusty? Does that make you feel better, somehow, about your political leanings?

        1. Can you choose to be a Neo Nazi? Is that an organization selling membership cards? What makes one a Neo Nazi? Is it Nationalism? I was a nationalist until I realized Canada was a dead loss and there was no point supporting it. Is it the Jew hatred? That certainly isn’t unique. Is it the economic policy? Half the world shares the same economic policy to some extent or another. The Nazi Party where in no way unique that they deserve to be held up as a comparison to people you don’t like. It’s kinda brain dead and makes you look stupid if you can’t find a better description for someone than to call them after a political party that went defunct 80 years ago.

          1. “Can you choose to be a Neo Nazi? ”


            ” Is that an organization selling membership cards? ”

            I don’t know. We are becoming a paperless society, so probably not.

            ” What makes one a Neo Nazi? ”



            Neo-Nazism comprises the post-World War II militant, social, and political movements that seek to revive and reinstate Nazi ideology. Neo-Nazis employ their ideology to promote hatred and racial supremacy (often white supremacy), to attack racial and ethnic minorities (often antisemitism and Islamophobia), and in some cases to create a fascist state.[1][2]

            Neo-Nazism is a global phenomenon, with organized representation in many countries and international networks. It borrows elements from Nazi doctrine, including antisemitism, ultranationalism, racism, xenophobia, ableism, homophobia, anti-communism, and creating a “Fourth Reich”. Holocaust denial is common in neo-Nazi circles.

            Neo-Nazis regularly display Nazi symbols and express admiration for Adolf Hitler and other Nazi leaders. In some European and Latin American countries, laws prohibit the expression of pro-Nazi, racist, antisemitic, or homophobic views. Nazi-related symbols are banned in many European countries (especially Germany) in an effort to curtail neo-Nazism.


            Go to Ukraine, they should be easy enough to find. It’s not like they have to hide over there…

          2. So they’re nationalists who hate Jews and fags. That would be the entire population of the earth until about 50 years ago. Doesn’t really narrow it down. By that definition the world has always been and will always be crawling with nazis.

        2. You can certainly choose to label yourself neo-Nazi. But why bother? Just show a lick of sense, and every leftwing shithead will leap to label you.

          From the Marxist point of view a Nazi is anyone who took up, or supports taking up, arms against Comrade Stalin. That’s where you get the “Nazi” Ukrainians. To consider that kind of Nazi evil requires some serious moral shortcomings.

          1. “To consider that kind of Nazi evil requires some serious moral shortcomings.”

            To persist in denying their very existence probably indicates the same.

          2. Fred From BC, So Ukrainians continue to hold a grudge against people who tried to exterminate them in the past and are trying to do again, can’t imagine why. Ukrainians aren’t the only ones who do.

          3. Beg your pardon, Fred, I should have made it clear I meant the historic Ukrainian “Nazis” like Bandera or the old guy they applauded in Parliament. Ukraine today doesn’t lack for vile elements and if they want to pass for Nazi, you might as well let them. I might quibble over the name, but not the nature.

  7. Macron du Merde was heard quoting Juthtin Le Turd: “Do we tolerate these people?”

    1. “Instead of far right, let’s use the correct term: normals.”

      I read a great one where some leftist woman tried to explain the political spectrum when someone asked the question: what is far-right? She first explained that the center-left were Liberals, the proper left were ‘progressives’ and the far-left were communists (with a short explanation of their relative beliefs). Fair enough. She then opined that the center-right were Conservatives (who were nationalists), the proper right were Libertarians (who believed in individuality rather than nationalism) and the far-right were fascists (who were ultra-nationalists).

      (Wait… what?? Nationalists…then NOT nationalists…then ULTRA nationalists?? okaaaay…)

      Needless to say, the comments were fun to read…:)

  8. The People Are Revolting!


    Once again….PHRASING!!!!

  9. National-Socialists are Socialists. Sez Hitler. Read the platform. The only thing left of them are Communists. When people call National-Socialists far right, you know they are the ones on the far left. Sure they won’t seize the means of production like good little Commies, they will just put the knife under your throat and ask you to cooperate. Calling populists far-right is for scaring the kids. But it stops working when they start lumping an ever-growing percentage of the population as far-right. One day you’re a normal dude, the next day you’re a far-right extremist because you object being crushed by taxes, inflation, discriminatory hiring practices and hope one day your kids can afford a house. When about 30% of Frenchmen agree on something politically, you know you have problems. It’s afraid.

  10. After the behaviour of our State Minions during Covid,if you still wonder where todays NASTIES are were not paying attention.
    The State of Thuggery is real.
    Read the NAZI manifesto,they still walk amongst us,gravitating to positions inside the bureaus..
    Where they can act out their pathetic fantasies ,protected by Government and Unions.
    What best defines our modern Nasty is their incredible belief that The Collective Knows better than the individual.
    Thus they will attempt to “correct your thinking” as they “nudge” you toward compliance.
