15 Replies to “Trudeau’s Canada”

  1. It is white people who are the major recipients of discrimination.
    We often see jobs whereby white people need not apply .. these jobs are for blacks, or brown people only.

    Has anyone see. job offers that are for white people only? You would be jailed for racism or some such.

    Some Bllack and brown people are not very good at their jobs or take too many sick days … do not deserve a promotion or a raise … but they believe they are being discriminated against and are entitled …. When in reality they shouldn’t even have been hired in the first place.

    In Canada there is no shortage of self-loathing liberals to side with the diversity hire rather than those who are more competent.


    1. “We often see jobs whereby white people need not apply…”

      My wife and I were JUST discussing that. Anti-white racism is perfectly acceptable in today’s culture while black and brown people can do whatever the F they want to do.

  2. A grifting we will go.. They cant find any actual institutionalized racism.. So they will investigate themselves.. Can I get a witness style :)..

    They don’t need us anymore.. Off in some computer model fantasy land.. In control of both the problem and the solutions.. Roll Over Beethoven style..


    1. “They don’t need us anymore.. Off in some computer model fantasy land.. In control of both the problem and the solutions.. ”

      That’s what Liberals do best, isn’t it? Find a problem (and if they can’t find one, they will just fabricate it) blame the existence of that problem on the Conservatives and then claim that only they, the Liberals, can ‘fix’ it. Then they throw millions of dollars at the problem ( funneled through their friends, of course) before either declaring it ‘fixed’ or creating a Royal Commission to study it…which then finds that the Liberals need to throw *still* more money at the problem to have any hope of fixing it.

  3. Canada’s black population is 4.3% (census). The government pushed hard to hire black (cuz BLM), creating positions for minorities only. And of course, the civilian sector also pushed woke hiring practices, along with academia. All these agencies competing to hire from a very small pool. So at the end of the day, they scrape the bottom of the barrel and hire people so incompetant they can’t hide behind a government desk and a box-checking bureaucracy. The bell curve is real.

  4. The Libs started a program to benefit businesses started by Blacks. Some applications were rejected because the applicants weren’t Black enough. I guess the Libs had a pantone scale handy on their desks.

  5. From:
    “It finally happened. The Hill has fired me.”
    June 7, 2024 Kate

    ‘Sorry guys, we didn’t make the new rules. But those are the new rules.’

    This nonsense obviously qualifies.

  6. The Canadian Human Rights Commission is a disgrace. It is modelled after the Volksgerichtshof of WWII.

  7. The Canadian Human Rights Commission is anti-white and Christianophobic. They will no doubt pass any inspection with flying colours.

  8. It’s hard to predict the circus wheel of Leftist outrages. Black has more value than white. Ghey has more value than black … hell … more value than anything. Well … other than a man “transitioned” to a woman who demands the female plumbing necessary to fake an abortion. It’s ALL Satanic idolatry. And as such … these people should all be burned at the stake.

    The left is just BEGGING for a new Salem witch trial. They’re just BEGGING for a new Inquisition. As much as we mock those historic tragedies … there were reasons why they got started … and it wasn’t all fundamentalist Christianity … there were people going full Satanic. The church simply reacted to the insane and profane.

    That pretty much sums up “Pride Month” … insane and profane.
