A Nation of Rent Seekers

If someone’s going to question whether a $510 million legal fee is excessive or not, why not ask the same question about the $10 billion settlement that triggered the fees in the first place?

 Two First Nations have launched a court application against the lawyers who helped bring forward a $10-billion settlement with Canada and Ontario, saying the $510 million they’re set to be paid is too much.

“The legal fee is extremely over-the-top,” said Garden River First Nation Chief Karen Bell.

She said she has an “obligation to seek accountability and transparency,” and the application should not disrupt payments to beneficiaries. Those payments are scheduled to start flowing in August.


14 Replies to “A Nation of Rent Seekers”

  1. Was there an agreement in place when they hired the lawyers? Some raycissst would make a comment about Indian givers, so don’t.

  2. “She said she has an “obligation to seek accountability and transparency”

    Now THAT’S funny…good one!…

  3. This is how you know there’s a criminal conspiracy occurring.
    The wheels start falling off when some of the conspirators get the idea that there are members of the gang taking too big a cut.

  4. The sainted and never to be doubted JWR put in place rules that the First Immigrant’s claims were not to be questioned so the lawyers merely filed the papers on a sure thing. It is extortionate windfalls like this that fuels the goldrush of claims that fuels the Indian Grievance Industry. But hey, its only government money!

  5. Ohhhhhhh mommaaaaaaaa … I believe every ‘W’ Lawyer should be staked to an anthill until they die. Or some other suitable means of traditional Native Canadian murder.

  6. This kind of Bullshit only happens in Banana Republic states and our corrupt Liberal Canada—$ 510 million legal fees unbelievable! Trudeau and the Left have ruined Canada financially and set our debt so our children -children’s will be paying it off !!!!!!

  7. Is this another case where the first immigrants didn’t bother reading and understanding the contract they signed?

    I’m sure the useless courts will once again decide that the contracts can be voided for the benefit of the first immigrants.
