Great Success!

Reason- California Is Doubling Down on Banning Plastic Bags

“Last year, Californians threw away more plastic bags, by weight, than when the law first passed,” according to a recent New York Times article, which called it “an environmental rule that backfired and inadvertently made the matter worse.”

Two bills are now making their way through the Capitol. Senate Bill 1053 and Assembly Bill 2236 would also ban the thicker plastic bags that replaced the thinner previously-banned bags.

12 Replies to “Great Success!”

    1. That sounds more humane than the Canadian MAID drug …

      Gavin could set an example for all other mental patients who should really avail themselves of MAID … all the Trannies and Queers for example.

  1. Used to reuse plastic grocery bags for all kinds of things. Now I buy boxes of plastic bags to be used for all kinds of things. There is no difference in the number of plastic bags I consume, it’s just now I carry my groceries home stuck under both arms.

  2. Here’s the thing …

    I have a pantry full of really large and snazzy shopping bags in; plastic, canvas, and fabric. And I had become a good little conversationist by using those bags every time I shopped. Then something happened … COVID. And the stores all forbid me to bring my own shopping bags, because the COVID virus could live on surfaces for weeks (MIT scientists said so), and because of asymptomatic transmission. My bags were banned. And I’ve not used the bags ever since.

    Lie to me and screw me once … and I won’t get screwed with again. So I use the heavy duty reusable plastic bags that Safeway charges me 10c ea. to use. They are really strong, and I can stuff them full of groceries. I have strong hands and can carry 6 of those bags (3 in each hand). Then I throw them away. FU State of CA. FU State “medical professionals” who said COVID could live on my bags for weeks … they can all GFY

  3. Enough With the Half-Measures.
    When are they going to get down to it and ban shopping and eating?

  4. The proper way to reuse paper bags is as kindling for backyard fires.

    And california seems to believe the same lie that the convict posing as environment minister is spreading when it comes to thin wall plastic bags.

  5. I gleefully throw out these new thicker plastic containers. I didn’t want them and I won’t use them. They didn’t charge me for them, but rather it’s just another factor driving up my cost of living. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to jump through this particular hoop.

  6. In the 21st century, every environmental disaster is the result of a government policy.
