If It Wasn’t For Revenue Canada

Where would all the fake news come from?

Blacklocks- Paid $233K For Ghostwriters

“How much did the Government of Canada pay to publish news written by government employees?” Records showed the Revenue Agency paid as much as $1,000 apiece to distribute faked news stories.

The ghostwritten articles meet the federal definition of fake news. The Department of Canadian Heritage in a 2017 Memorandum To The Minister described fake news as “state-sponsored” content.

8 Replies to “If It Wasn’t For Revenue Canada”

  1. revenue canada . cbcpravda are all propaganda wings of the liberal party

    check out their fake inflation numbers

  2. Every notice how some kids today just cheat without one moment of hesitation.
    I wonder what ideology holds that as their primary directive?
    It must be evil, when you see where and how easy it has put down its roots.

  3. “Records showed the Revenue Agency paid as much as $1,000 apiece to distribute faked news stories.” How much did they pay employees to distribute faked tax information?

  4. I consider all information and news from the gov’t of tier 2 Canada to be fake, built to further their directives, and not a quality reportage of anything that’s actually occurred.


  5. Imagine the level and extent of partisan politically weaponized bureaucracy PP will inherit after the next election. They should subject all government employees to psychological examination to weed out the sociopaths. They could bring in Jordan Peterson and start at the top of every Ministry and work down. Anyone refusing to test can either quit or get transferred to the newly created Inuvik Think Tank trailer complex. Ah, to dream!

    1. They should subject all government employees to psychological examination to weed out the sociopaths.

      Nope. Day one, fire every odd-numbered SIN. Day two, fire every even numbered SIN. Then start from scratch, w/ no previous gov’t employees allowed. Set hiring quotas at 10% of previous numbers. No unions allowed. No gold-plated pension plans. No wages higher than what can be found in the private sector. French is not a requirement. Asses in the office, not at home.

      That’s a start.

  6. So now we know what Revenue Canada employees do..
    Besides supplying confidential tax payer information to their scamming relatives,they write fiction for the Good Governance myth.
    Sure explains why it might take them over a year to process your tax overpayment,for their priority is to ensure Canadian Pravda is provided with material,government lies instead of reporter misinformation?
    How and why would we suspect a difference?
    It takes no stretch of the imagination to see these evil minions proceeding from propaganda writing to persecuting all who doubt them..Like every conservative payer of tax.
    Must be an awful feeling at Parasite Central when the OPM starts running out.
    And running out it is,our loony being worth 1/10 of F.A.

  7. Would have been cheaper to get AI to do it, but it’s not unexpected from this bunch.

    the National Post published an advertisement from the Garden Gnome finance minister outlining her plan to implement additional punishment for engaging in capital gains, that was full of misinformation and lies by omission.
