Oil and Gas 20 and 30 classes to be offered to Sask high schools

Saskatchewan launches high school oil and gas courses to encourage students to join industry

High school students in Saskatchewan will soon be able to take Grade 11 and 12 level classes in oil and gas. The class will be half online, and half in the field. How that second part is going to work out remains to be seen. This is in-depth coverage on this new initiative to encourage young people to join the energy industry.

My 17 year old son will likely be one of the first to sign up.

UPDATE: and the Leader Post’s Murray Mandryk doesn’t like it.

Also: B.C.’s Eby frustrated at Quebec immigration money ‘at the expense’ of Western Canada


7 Replies to “Oil and Gas 20 and 30 classes to be offered to Sask high schools”

  1. Classes to promote what keeps us warm, fed, and alive, are a great idea to instil in high school. The kids have a lot of pressure to be herded into “exploring their dreams” of shuffling paper across a desk so any amount of pushback is welcomed.

  2. My Oilpatch 10 involved a shovel. My Oilpatch 20 involved throwing skids on a pipeline and similar meaningful work.

    1. LOL, yea mine consisted of shoveling wet Cement at 1:30 AM after a downhole Casing pour on a dbl out by Med Hat. While doing so, watched as a rig welder pulled up, as he sat in his diamond tuffed cab drinking a coffee while getting paid. THAT instance, put me on my Career path – Apprentice welder, J’man, Welding Engineering Tech at SAIT. LII Inspector.

      No regrets…

  3. As for Eby, Typical Socialist Globalist POS…IMO..?? (Commie)

    It’s not the issue of 10’s of thousands of mostly useless migrants coming into their province…its ONLY ever about the $$.

    Danielle – it is time.

  4. Anything that Murray Mandryk disagrees with has got to be a good thing. He is the ultimate idiot and how he manages to retain his “job” is mind-boggling.

  5. Well at least the students will learn something useful which will help them succeed on later life after school.

    It’s better than teaching them how to To Demonstrate and create chaos and inconveniencing the general public going about their daily lives.

    We need more of this.

    Banks should sponsor classes in fundamental economics like how to balance a bank account and the value of command interest,
