Tuesday On Turtle Island

Today In Islam:  Pro-Hamas supporters team up with climate terrorists.  Islam in Africa.  Islam in Germany.

Dementia Joe’s America:  Nobody is above the law.  Tranny wants an abortion.  Only Biden can keep Russia out of Moscow.

Blackie’s Canada:  Justin’s migrants crossing into the U.S.   Trudeau looks after Quebec.  The CBC is fading.

China Virus News:  Following up on Fauci.

Your morning cartoon.  Another cartoon.  And a meme.

10 Replies to “Tuesday On Turtle Island”

  1. “Today in islam” should read “EVERYDAY in islam”.
    I am glad the Depraved muslims are targeting Banks. These Woke Jihadi’s(banks) were all in on DEI, and Diversity, but when it breaks their windows they are shocked.
    Ban islam
    Deport all imams
    Destroy all Mosques & Salt the earth where they stood
    Exile ALL muslims back to their Shithole Caves.
    Deport all the Anti Human Converts to Antarctica

    1. Have you noticed. Muslims seem to love killing—- others who are from a different faith.
      So much for getting along.

  2. “Trudeau looks after Quebec”.

    Trudeau’s corrupt government pays off his supporters. All of the time. No need to worry about our federal deficit.

  3. Trudeau looks after Quebec.
    Put that in the No Shit Sherlock file.
    Every time I hear about “outrage” or “frustration” from a western premier, I laugh.
    STFU and take it because there is nothing you can or will do if you could, you stupid assh@le.

  4. Trudy vote buying in Queerbec? I’m surprised CBC has followers at all, wonder if they are all CBCCCCCCCC employees?

  5. The CBC … “… the poorest performance of any Canadian television network despite $11.4 billion in subsidies. ”

    Actually, it’s because they get paid $11.4 billion in subsidies. They give their customer, i.e. the government, what it wants.

  6. Well, let us not forget that the Libranos exist and prosper precisely because the C/conservative faction in this country is inept, incompetent, cowardly and has most assuredly well-earned the “Stupid Party” sobriquet.

    Stevie Harper’s TFSA lives on, likely as a future Liberal tax target/ war chest; his other boutiques cuts long gone, certainly eclipsed by his turning the Senate over to the Liberals, possibly forever; his timorous debt restraint, as usual completely blown out of the water by Justin Appleseed’s mathless, unrestrained flinging of your tax dollars hither and yon; and of course the topper, still champeen………… the dreaded “R” word still reigns supreme, usual for slaying any and all conservatives in any scenario, and always good for a laugh to see the World’s most guilt-ridden people, White conservatives, scatter like cockroaches as Libranos laugh all the way to your bank.
    Losers at every turn.

    If you want a vision of the future, imagine The Book of Canada will end with a Liberal boot stamping on a Conservative face forever.
