11 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. So sad that the regime media is losing its best and brightest reporters in Gaza – AL Jazeera, CNN, Reuters… shocked, shocked that their correspondents embedded with terrorists are terrorists.

  2. Am Israel Chai! Aside from the loss of the Israeli commando, may his memory be a blessing, the only thing I feel bad about in that rescue is they didn’t rescue enough hostages and they didn’t kill enough members of the HAMAS.

    Press in Israel reports the hostages were tortured and abused daily by the psychopaths who kept them prisoner. Of course Al Jazeera denies their journalist kept hostages. These HAMAS types are total psychopaths/sociopaths with no conscience and no qualms about any kind of lie or deceit making their point and no respect of any sort for any human life or anything to do with moral decency. They make the German Nazis of WW2 look like Boy Scouts.

    Someone once asked me how to make peace in the HAMAS. I said then and I still believe it today, peace with the HAMAS will only come when enough are dead that the rest give up their psychopathy or every last one of them are dead. That should be their choice.

    1. Yes, the goal of every civilized nation should be to eliminate every terrorist by any means regardless of the collateral damage. This should be starting today whereever terrorists have set up bases of operation.

      1. I disagree about “regardless of collateral damage.” Although it does make the job of the HAMAS a lot easier because they can hide behind civilians.

        1. I agree with you there about collateral damage. Perhaps the question really is, are there any genuine civilians anywhere in Gaza? Certainly UWRA has already demonstrated that it is committed to the Hamas side of the conflict. As has Al Jazeera. For me that means they are combattants as serious as those who carry guns. For me that means that they will no longer be fighting if they are simply shot when resisting. Arnaud Amalric defined the solution in 1209 when he stated, “Kill Them All and Let God Sort Them Out.”

          Regardless of whether or not they are trying to hide behind civilians, the IAF never let that stop them in 1976 when they came after the PFLF at Entebbe airport.

    2. Agreed, I’m honestly surprised that Israel has held off utilizing the one weapon that would eradicate that entire enclave, ~20 -30 KTon range. One or more may be needed.
      I Suppose daily conventional munitions will do the trick….but it will take forever to do so.

      BOTTOM Line..??
      There are, nor have there EVER been, Any “INNOCENTS” in Gaza.

  3. When this is over, I don’t think there will be enough hamas to form a veterans club.

    1. Well … on the other hand … Antony Blinken is in Israel for the 8th time in the last 8 months … to peddle his “Peace Plan” just endorsed by the UN (tells you everything you need to know about his “Peace Plan”).

      Yes, his “Peace Plan” demands the return of Israeli hostages … in exchange for “Palestinian hostages” (read: captured Hamas military). Yeah, that’s how twisted and lying the US foreign policy is. So … perhaps Hamas will reassemble shortly after the return of Blinken’s “hostages”. Oh! And Blinken calls for the rebuilding of Gaza. Now who do you believe will be paying for that? Hamas? Gaza? Qatar? Hahahaha ha ha ha … nope. Israel and US taxpayers will be paying for the rebuilding of Gaza … and the rebuilding of Ukraine. The Biden Admin. is EVIL … pure EVIL.

      1. Kenji, does it matter what Blinken thinks or does? Right now it looks like he will be out of office less than 12 months from now. Hence his promises are likely worthless.
