Ha-Pea News!

New York Post- Vegan fake meats linked to heart disease, early death: study

“While ultra-processed foods are often marketed as healthy foods, this large study suggests that plant-based ultra-processed foods do not seem to have protective health effects and are linked to poor health outcomes,” she said.

The Lancet Regional Health- Implications of food ultra-processing on cardiovascular risk considering plant origin foods: an analysis of the UK Biobank cohort

Conversely, plant-sourced UPF consumption was associated with a 5% increased risk (1.03–1.07) and a 12% higher mortality (1.05–1.20). The contribution of all UPF was linked to higher CVD risk and mortality, and no evidence for an association between contribution of all plant-sourced foods and CVD incidence and mortality was observed.

12 Replies to “Ha-Pea News!”

  1. I eat my ancestral diet. French food. Lots of meats … all kinds. Lots of vegetables … all kinds. Beautifully rich pastries … with lots and lots of REAL butter (margarine causes cancer). My cholesterol numbers barely register … despite eating all the rich foods (in serious moderation). It’s in my genes. I eat what my genes dictate … which I why I can’t get enough of pickled herring (that’s my Swedish genes). As for my English/Scottish genes … well … that food’s rubbish.

  2. As a younger lad (kind of stupid as well), I tried some of those “plant based” burgers, and the ultra processed taste became more than I could stomach. That was about a quarter century ago and I have had one since.

  3. Based on personal experience I’ve come to the conclusion that there are few 2-legged alfalfa munchers who aren’t angry/anxious about everything. Stressed to the max, they are; obsessed with their diet and health. Perfect candidates for early heart attacks.

  4. “Conversely, plant-sourced UPF consumption was associated with a 5% increased risk (1.03–1.07) and a 12% higher mortality (1.05–1.20).”
    Another plus for the anti human climate tards

  5. This echoes problems with “Grain free” dog foods. They replaced corn and other grains with peas and lentils… and dogs began developing diet associated heart failure.

  6. Ahh the circle of life.
    The vegans eat the vegetables, then the bugs eat the vegans.

  7. Vegetable’s are like salt and pepper.. You eat it with a meal..

    Eat a balanced diet of meat, veg and breads .. Don’t forget your dairy and you don’t have to put any thought into health concerns.. The magic bullet doesn’t exist..

  8. Can I Get That with a Side of mRNA?
    Food manufactured in a petrochemical plant is obviously healthier than the food God provides.

    And I laughed and I laughed and I laughed.
