Fairness For Every Generation

Read the whole thing.

Western Standard- PBO releases carbon tax data — $20 billion annual hit to Canadian economy

The Trudeau Liberals after weeks of evasion finally released carbon tax data Thursday morning. The ever-increasing tax has made a $20 billion-a-year dent in the Canadian economy.

It results in an additional annual cost of $1,200 per family every year, to continue increasing. By 2030 it will cost Canadians $30.5 billion annually. The Official Opposition is now calling for the resignation of Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault.

19 Replies to “Fairness For Every Generation”

  1. And how much does the throttling of development and export of our hydrocarbons cost us? Or the destruction of foreign investment?

  2. I would welcome the departure of Stephan the Gullible. Political Ideologues without a lick of sense need to removed from office.

    1. The only place that guy belongs is in the slammer, back where he came from.

  3. It’s a simple, obvious … and dastardly … transfer of the wealth of a capitalist nation into the pockets of Socialists who will all start living like Kings and Queens … on your dime, err 1,250 Loonies.

  4. EVERYTHING the government does is to further their money laundering scam. Everything. I doubt you could find a single government program that wasn’t being used to siphon money off to politicians, bureaucrats or their friends. And it isn’t just Liberals.

    It’s a big club and you ain’t in it. Ha.

  5. Guilbeault doesn’t need to simply resign. He needs at date with Madame Defarges.

  6. Calling for the resignation of the the criminal environmental minister is pointless, because it won’t change the mind of the true believers in government who promoted this policy.

  7. – Oh lookee here, ANOTHER spoiler for you! For this service, there is no charge…

    “Guilbeault must resign…” He won’t.

    “… or Trudeau must fire him!” He won’t.

  8. So…what you’re saying is “Liberals lie so they can steal tax money”. Well colour me surprised. Canadians have the government they deserve.

  9. See…this is where the ability of the citizens to either vote out the party that comes up with stupid ideas like this–REGARDLESS OF THEIR STANDING–or vote via a referendum on the increase or imposition of a tax is necessary to keep the politicians and their minions (the public service) in the check.

  10. Aww cmon man, its all for the peeps in Big Rock Candy Mountain land.
    I love that tune, frim the heart out.

  11. Since I know, and have always, that the #CarbonTax is part of the #GlobalWarming fraud I don’t need to read the whole thing.
