70 Replies to “June 13, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. “Canadians are facing higher levels of food insecurity”

      “More people are living in food-insecure households

      In 2022, 16.9% of Canadians were food insecure, compared with 12.9% in 2021. Overall, the proportion of individuals in households experiencing food insecurity has increased by 5.3 percentage points from 2018 to 2022.

      Close to 1 in 10 (9.9%) Canadians were living in poverty in 2022. An individual or family with a disposable income below the appropriate Market Basket Measure (MBM) threshold, for the size of the family and the region of residence, is considered to be living in poverty. The MBM is Canada’s Official Poverty Line. Food insecurity was greater for people living in poverty (34.0%) than for people not living in poverty (15.0%). From 2018 to 2022, food insecurity has increased for both those living in poverty (by +3.6 percentage points) and those not living in poverty (by +5.8 percentage points).”


    1. Hahahaha, you lefty dipschitts are all the same, no sense of perspective.
      NO, the sanctions are NOT working, and that pathetic line up may just be business as usual, I’v seen them that big in Toronto, were there were/are no sactions, now FO Cass.

  1. Rita @ Sky News Australia has a regular segment called ‘Lefties Losing It.’
    If, like me, you have prematurely called peak lunacy many times you may want to look in an Rita’s show.

    She recently featured a 20-something woman tellng us that TIME itself may be TRANSPHOBIC.
    You see: Queer and transpeople experience time completely differently than cis people.
    It’s called ‘queer temporality”.
    Queer and transpeople’s lives started much later and for a variety of reasons end earlier.
    Therefore: Their experience of time is much more compressed
    She tells us that all the milestones we’ve been socialized to mark the passage of time such as marriage, children, working, retiring, and inheritance have not been accessible to queer and transgenderer people.

    That bigoted linear timeline has a name: heterochronology.

  2. 1am. Just turned into the CBC to see todays lies.

    Story about Canadian women in the military bitching about something.

    Sweet. We’ll be well defended in a hot war….

    1. Prolly bitchin’ about never any tampons in the women’s room so they have to walk aaaall the way over to the men’s room to get them.

      On the bright side (there’s always a bright side), if you get shot in a men’s room in Canada, you’ll always have a tampon handy to plug the bullet hole until you can get medical attention.

  3. Greenwich Village? In 1964? Where are the folksingers – the one and only thing the Village is remembered for in the early 60s?

    1. 1I was mediocre folk singer in the 1968 (good acoustic guitarst though). Folk singing disppeared when Bob Dylan showed up with zn electric band at the Newport Folk festival in 1964. Coffeehouses started to go bankrupt, and disappear, wheras bars showcasing loud bands thrived. The electrified bands were loud enough to overcome the background talking. With the old coffeehouses there was an ethic to keep quiet when a folkie did a set.

      In the very early 1970s I was a janitor on weekends at the old Le Hibou coffeehouse in Ottawa.

      1. “In the very early 1970s I was a janitor on weekends at the old Le Hibou coffeehouse in Ottawa.”

        I remember it so well.

  4. A staggering rate of First Nations newborns are stuck in the Manitoba child welfare system.


    FN children are 7 times more likely to become permanent wards of the province (it’s actually higher because the cohort they are compared to includes FN children not on reserves).

    “Sherry Gott, the Manitoba advocate for children and youth, says the study’s findings are consistent with what her office has been seeing. She says First Nations children who have early contact with CFS can be more likely to get involved with the justice system. “There’s violence, there’s all kinds of stuff that can happen because children are losing their identity,” she said.”

    “We need to decolonize this system.”

    But there’s hope…

    “Any child is a gift, and I think that they need to find their roots, find their family, and look for their identity and who they belong to.”

    “Child welfare in the next 10 years is going to look significantly different in Manitoba, and certainly across the country, as more and more First Nations assume jurisdiction,” she said Tuesday.

    “Child welfare will and is changing as we speak.”

    1. “Child welfare in the next 10 years is going to look significantly different in Manitoba, and certainly across the country, as more and more First Nations assume jurisdiction,” she said Tuesday.

      Best news ever. Take care of your kids and assume responsibility for them instead of breeding for the state.

    1. David…the ONLY WAY to Prevent Vehicle theft… ??
      …is to begin Treating this scum like we did in the mid 1800’s.

      Set em up on a very tall horse, Hemp noose hanging from a tree wrapped around their Neck, Hands ties securely behind their back……

      And SLAP…!! the horses be-hind.
      I SEE ZERO difference in stealing a horse to stealing a Vehicle.

  5. Illuminating article about how the CRA harrasses ordinary Canadians:

    It talks about how the CRA went after a BC pastor after he took a job counseling PTSD RCMP officers (pastors are not paid that much). Another story: w9rk-from-home-professionals, if audited, have to provide hundreds of documents.

    (under a paywall but a good read).

    1. Eons ago, I deducted rental value of a clergyman’s residence as it was specifically allowed plus I deducted office in home expenses, apparent double dipping. The preacher had a congregation but rented space for weekly services. The Income Tax Act at the time didn’t say you couldn’t double dip. They later changed it.

      Not a lawyer, I took a couple small value tax cases to Tax Court for peanuts because the jackasses wouldn’t back off because they thought no-one would be stupid enough to take the cases to court. The lawyer in one case conceded the day before court and in the second case we were awarded costs that exceeded the amount in dispute. Those bastards rely on people giving up.

  6. The conservative media, including SDA I think, have been discussing The Acolyte Star Wars release. Besides the series being woke-terrible, it is mentioned that it has a 85% favorable rating among movie critics on Rotten Tomatoes, as opposed to a 20% rating by the ordinary hoi poloi. I don’t know if this gap has a name yet.

    Anyway the wife and I watched Hillbilly Elegy on Netflix, and I think it came out in 2019 or so. It’s a film about poor whites in rust-belt Ohio, and about an abused boy growing up by his drug addicted family. The film is known as a paen nto Donald Trump’s voting base. It also has a very wide Rotten Tomatoes gap…

    …with movie critics giving it a 25% rnegative rating, and the general public giving the film 82% an 82% approval rating.

    The boy growing up is now a Republican U.S. Senator representing Ohio. Rare for a conservative film, it has good production values, with Ron Howad directing and with Amy Adams and Glenn Close starring. Again, the gap is an indication of the gulf between the media elites and the public.

    1. “Besides the series being woke-terrible, it is mentioned that it has a 85% favorable rating among movie critics on Rotten Tomatoes, as opposed to a 20% rating by the ordinary hoi poloi.”

      The IMDB comments section is a fascinating read. Hundreds of comments on how awful, intrusive and unnecessary the woke/homo/feminist crap is, interspersed with dozens of comments about how great it is.

      “Don’t believe the HATERS!! This movie is AWESOME!!” “You guys are just threatened by STRONG WOMEN!”

      “Star Wars is for everyone, not just the hardcore fans.” “Everyone who trashes this movie is an incel living in their parents basement and threatened by gayness.”

      (etc, etc)

      A lot of the posts have an obvious agenda, and many are suspiciously similar : “Well, I’m a long time Star Wars fans and I really liked it! I don’t mind if they change the race, gender or sexuality of characters around as long as the writing is good”. “Why shouldn’t Start Wars evolve?” “Why are you so afraid of gays?” “Do you hate all women, or just the strong ones?”

      These posts come quickly after someone has the temerity to explain the difference between actual strong female characters ( Sigourney Weaver in Aliens, Linda Hamilton in Terminator) and what the woke brigade offers us: the 110 lb Instagram models with perfect teeth, makeup and hair tossing multiple grown men around like they were toddlers. Those are *caricatures* of strong women, as might be written by teenage girls….they have no basis in reality.

      It’s not just Star Wars and Star Trek, either…it’s every action/adventure series from the Predator to Indiana Jones. It’s every sword and s*rcery epic from The Witcher to Vikings to The Winter King to Game of Thrones. It’s every period piece from The White Queen to The Spanish Princess to Black Sails to Brittania.

      It’s everywhere, and it’s ridiculous. I choose not to support any company that indulges in this overt, useless bastardization of our history and/or our culture simply for the sake of pushing their own personal political agenda.

      1. Clear sealer is homophobic – it allows the rain to wash away all traces of the semen stains after each pride event!

  7. Viva Dieversity!

    Multiculturalism in Italy: Woman Attacks and Threatens to Kill a Waitress, Accusing Her of Being Racist (Video)

    Meanwhile in Germany…
    Afghan migrant stabs Ukrainian refugee woman in Frankfurt park, leaving her seriously wounded

  8. Ahh… France in the summer. Dining with your loved one outside at a restaurant to the warm orange glow of all the carbeques in the streets…

    French police investigate brutal attack carried out by migrants on two Irish lorry drivers

    France: ‘Dirty Jews, we will kill you, long live Palestine’, customers of a kosher shop in Créteil are threatened with death
