
Telegraph- Germany is descending into chaos – and it will take the rest of the eurozone down with it

It is now little more than a “developing country”. Its stock market is a “junk shop” selling old tat. And its reputation as a place to do business has “never been so bad’. In the middle of the UK’s dismal election campaign, it would be easy to imagine that Britain was the country under discussion.

But Theodor Weimer, the head of the once mighty Deutsche Börse, was describing his native Germany. And he was absolutely right. After a series of catastrophic policy mistakes by centrist leaders, there is no way back for Germany – and its decline is only going to accelerate from here.

33 Replies to “Schadenfreude”

  1. soooooooo basically we can wait for yet another ‘saviour’ of the german nation who once in power decides its time to make up for all the nation’s losses and difficulties by . . . . . . you guessed it.

    1. Rusty
      Correct, they were make by the USA IC, the sanctions against Russia is part of that mistaken policies. I read an opinion piece were it was suggested that this whole shitt show over there, the “war”, is as much to bring Germany down, as it is to destroy Russia, mostly getting rid of Putin.

      1. You read it where, Wapo? The Gray Lady? National Inquirer?

        Sounds like your speed.

          1. I don’t think GYM is a troll. I think he’s entirely genuine. A genuine loon, obviously, but sincerely doing his thing. And sometimes sincerity matters, and I think it does here.

    2. Apparently your Newspeak Dictionary is missing some updates.

      Of course those people are centrists. There are two positions on the political spectrum: the reasonable center, where those people reside, and the “far-right,” where everyone else is.

      That is how otherwise doctrinaire progressives such as RFK Jr and J.K. Rowling find themselves on the far right.

  2. You don’t suppose it had anything to do with blowing up Nordstream and structurally nearly doubling their energy costs and the cost of feedstocks for manufacturing there? Naah!

    Supposedly, the whole reason for the invasion of Syria, way back in the Obama Administration, was to seize (illegally) half of Syria so that we could replace Nordstream with a pipeline to Turkey from Qatar. Except that Russia came to the aid of the sovereign government of Syria.

    You should read “The Grand Chessboard” by Jimmy Carter’s national security advisor, Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzeziński, for the strategy.

  3. Regardless of pipelines, Germany’s mistake was to assume it could keep getting cheap energy from external sources. It became utterly dependent on external energy, while it’s domestic energy production was actively dismantled.

    This is common in western nations where environmental activists have demonized reliable energy in favor of green energy.

    1. The German greens were funded by the KGB for a very long time, now they are probably funded by the Sierra Club or some such.

      1. Bing, bing, bing. JD has the answer. For decades since the early 1970s, the KGB has been pouring funding into an assortment of German green groups and political parties. This was specifically for the purpose of turning Germany into a captive market for Russian oil and gas. This is specifically why the German Greens were so violently antinuclear. This was specifically the reason why Yuri Andropov was picked to be Brezhnev’s successor in 1982.

        Now they are funded by the collection of ghouls that show up at the annual WEF meeting.

    2. The funniest part was when the German Officials laughed in President Trumps face when he warned them about Russian gas.

  4. German cars are still best in the world.
    Their manufacturing is still best in the world.
    It is rather expansive, though people are buying it, so far.

    Once though, the enrichers start running Germany, because Germans are ‘racists’ of course, the economy and the country will go downhill rather at accelerated pace.

    It was the chancellor from ‘Ost’ that ‘knew’ how to run things and be warm and fuzzy. She let the country to be enriched with hordes from shithole countries.
    As soon as it got hot, she handed over the reign to others.

    Being most advanced country in the world, being ashamed of being Germany, it will take a long time to crash.
    Of course there is a very good chance that they will get it together and save themselves from the enrichers.
    Depends on critical mass.

    1. This is why knocking Germany down a peg was one of the goals for the US of this conflict. Joe Biden humiliated Scholz by threatening to blow up his pipeline with Scholz standing at his side, grinning stupidly. We will see how long German auto manufacturing can defy gravity when the rest of its economy is basically collapsing.

    2. Vito, they were the best manufacturers in the world. But over the last three decades, they’ve been offshoring much of their manufacturing to South America and India.

      1. The Japanese and Koreans are the best manufacturers. The Americans the best marketers. The Germans are the best engineers. The ideal car would be engineered in Germany, made in northwest Asia, and sold by Madison Avenue.

  5. Oh look, another notch for the environmentalists to carve into the heal of their Birkenstocks. So, for those keeping score at home. Germany stupidly went top heavy on Russian LNG and gave Putin control of their destiny, which was smugly exercised at the most inopportune time (just following the Hari Kari Covid programs). Then, German refuses to grow their nuclear power capability (on the contrary, they are reducing it). Plus, despite having shale rich terrain, they refuse to allow fracking to any significant extent. Then, they believed the charlatans of the alternative energy brigade despite not one example worldwide that would suggest that the promises of said brigade were feasible (and they weren’t). AND, Germany proudly proclaims that they will be carbon neutral by 2050 (despite the distinguished list of formerly listed failures). This is still their battle cry.

    I used to have a couple Guineafowl that ran around the house. It was more of an amusement than anything else. Without putting too sharp a point on it….guineafowl are the most stupid of the bird world. Their antics give pandas a run for their suicidal money. Think of it this way….when they wanted to see if a car was coming they assumed the best place to stand was in the middle of the road. That’s Germany of 2024 for you….Guineafowl standing in the middle of the road because it seemed like a good idea at the time.

    1. I remember the Germans laughing at Trump when he warned them. Ze Germans can be a bit arrogant sometimes.

  6. This could be describing Canada just as easily. That is what happens when “feelers” take over from thinkers. Don’t want to be mysogynistic, but one gender does have more than the other, look how we are faring with a female PM.

  7. Incidentally, I wonder if people get tired of saying…. “You know. He was right.”

    From Vanity Fair (July 2018)

    In what one outlet characterized as a “startling public outburst,” Trump told NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg that Germany—and not, say, the executive branch of the U.S. government—is “totally controlled by Russia.” Seemingly referring to a new Baltic Sea pipeline, called Nord Stream 2, that will double the amount of gas Russia can send directly to Germany, Trump ranted: “We’re supposed to be guarding against Russia, and Germany goes out and pays billions and billions of dollars a year to Russia . . . If you look at it, Germany is a captive of Russia. They got rid of their coal plants; they got rid of their nuclear; they’re getting so much of their oil and gas from Russia. I think it is something NATO has to look at.”

    1. Only one thing missing from your list, Orson. The Germans allowed both the Luftwaffe and the Bundeswehr to rust out almost completely. The operational readiness of Luftwaffe combat aircraft was less than that of the RCAF by about 2018.

      As for Trump, Reagan was making exactly the same arguments to Germany in the mid-1980s. Of course the German Greens were stooges for the KGB.

      1. There is a persuasive argument that Andrea Merkel was a stooge for the KGB (or today’s version of it).

        1. Given that the circumstantial evidence all supports that, your suggestion is reasonable. At least some of them certainly were traitors. Gerhard Schroeder comes to mind, as he was openly working for the Russians. Helmut Kohl spent money faster than water over Niagara Falls in vote buying among the Ossis while claiming to rebuild East Germany. So there’s two more KGB stooges for the collection.

      2. Hold my beer: It was so bad the Kriesmarine didn’t have a frikkin operational U-boote. How bad is that? That’s like running out of Sauerkraut and beer.

    2. The snide “—and not, say, the executive branch of the U.S. government—” is Total Vanity Fair. Were they the one who made a beautiful fawning article about that Syrian Assad’s wife?

  8. I think the most important lesson to be learned from Germany’s recent troubles isn’t whether or not they should have made themselves so dependent on foreign import of energy (no nation should ever do that, if they have any choice)…it’s that they should never have given up their perfectly functional nuclear plants. The real lesson is: never trust the Green Party.

  9. “After a series of catastrophic policy mistakes by centrist leaders, there is no way back for Germany – and its decline is only going to accelerate from here.”
    they were not mistakes ….. it was intentional….. marxist commies

  10. “one thing is clear: our reputation in the world has never been so bad”.

    Ohhh, I don’t know about that.
