6 Replies to “Thursday On Turtle Island”

  1. ““The anti-racism promoted by the federal government is not actually anti-racism, it’s reverse discrimination in most cases,” Milke told True North. “It’s nothing like what Martin Luther King envisioned, which was to judge people by their character, by their merit and not by the colour of their skin.””

    It’s discrimination that would otherwise be illegal if not for section 15(2) of the charter, proving once again that the trudeau charter is anti-enlightenment, and useless.

  2. Trudeaus govt eh..??

    “…According to a government release, “Indigenous, Black, racialized and religious minority communities continue to face barriers to inclusion due to racism and discrimination…”

    No Actually they don’t – it is White Euro Centric Folks just like me that are being TRASHED. One look to Govt Orgs and their flat out RACIST Hiring Policies: NO WHITE English speaking MALES Allowed:
    RCMP, CBC, CTV, Fed Govt. And not only is our Fed Govt doing this, but the Vast majority of Human Resources folks hired over the past 15-20 Years are 100% imbued with this utter Diversity, Equity, Inclusion BS.

    Long overdue for a massive push BACK

  3. “Communist Party Agent…” Mole. MOOOOLLLLLE! Moley moley moley molllley!

    How f-in’ crooked are these people? Seriously. Is there a limit to the corruption, or does it just reach all the way down to H3ll?
