18 Replies to “Today In Islam”

  1. Remember that time the Israel lobby blackmailed the Australian Prime Minister? Good thing that was a one-time thing that could never ever be a standard method of operation.

    “Australian Prime Minister, Gough Whitlam admits he was BLACKMAILED by the Israeli lobby to support the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

    Whitlam refused to have his government blackmailed and remained neutral in the conflict…

    Two years later Whitlam was fired by the Governor General in what would become the most controversial moment in Australian political history”


    1. Matt

      Did you read this? He offers no proof why he was fired. Other then blame Israel.

    2. “Remember that time the Israel lobby blackmailed the Australian Prime Minister? ”

      You mean TRIED to blackmail, right? It’s right there in your post:

      “Whitlam refused to have his government blackmailed and remained neutral in the conflict…”

      (if it’s true at all, of course…and I really can’t be bothered to check…)

    3. How many times do you suppose those same folks have successfully blackmailed prime ministers, or other politicians that we don’t know about?

      This is one time they were called out for it.

      I bet it works most of the time.

      I’m sure no blackmail is needed for the dual citizens in the USSA, Inc. political party.

    1. Jezz matt.
      Do you even read this stuff first?

      The area on the Lebanese border is characterized by boulders, thickets, and dense thorn vegetation, which poses a challenge to the IDF.

      See the part that says brush.. Not plantations.
      Have you ever seen the words. (Look before you leap)

    2. “…igniting plantations across the border…”

      Plantations. Right in the headline.


      Why would the headline say plantations if they didn’t mean plantations?

      “Plantations are farms specializing in cash crops, usually mainly planting a single crop, with perhaps ancillary areas for vegetables for eating and so on. ”


      Odd coincidence that the example image there is palm trees in Israel.

      1. “Why would the headline say plantations if they didn’t mean plantations?”

        Clickbait (obviously).

        The IDF quickly corrected the deception by clarifying what they were *really* firing at.

      2. “The area on the Lebanese border is characterized by boulders, thickets, and dense thorn vegetation.
        Why would the headline say plantations if they didn’t mean plantations.

        Simple answer. They lied, unless you think boulders and dense thorns are ( plantations)

        You fall for this stuff all the time.

        PS. Using wiki proves you never pay much attention

  2. Glenn Beck interviews Alex Newman:

    “The result was devastating for his globalist establishment political party. And the party that won, by a massive margin, that used to be the national front. Now they call it the national rally, is basically the antithesis of Macron’s party.

    They’re very strong French nationalists. They want to preserve French identity. They want to do deportations. They want to remove criminals and illegal aliens out of France.”

  3. the gaza meme is being printed and mailed to the local mosque as a reminder the ENTIRE current mideast crisis is all and only the consequence of islam’s october 7 actions.

  4. but mr x aussie pm, you dont get it. muzzies DONT WANT what youre pushing.
