15 Replies to “Your Possessions Are Holding You Back”

  1. Communism all over again. This time pushed by a generation who had everything on a platter and didn’t experience the ‘joys’ of ‘people’/state ownership. A generation who didn’t read history nor Marx.

    1. Oh, they’ve read Marx all right and they’ve been conditioned by their university professors to believe that any criticism of the utopian theory is just evil capitalism trying to keep it’s boot on your neck.

  2. The possessions that hold me back is the “faith” I placed in the government/system/boondoggle.

    But they no longer hold me back because I’ve left them outside for the neighbours to have. That will be fun.

  3. well l dont mind sharing. or paying for stuff.
    any time l lose control over $ and property other than the above is theft.

  4. does he have any possessions? Yes? will he give them away? No? then f off you miserable grifter.

  5. “I don’t own anything. I don’t own a car. I don’t own a house. I don’t own any appliances or any clothes. ”

    Then who is she leaching off of?

  6. I see nothing wrong with sharing a car, in fact I’ve done it many times. I called Enterprise or Avis and we were both pleased with the outcome. Oh wait, you mean she wants it for free????

  7. Canada had one of these also. Remember Climate Change Barbie? Are Socialist women trying to make true the 1970s tropes about Dumb Blonde jokes?

  8. It’s called “the overuse of the commons” and it’s been understood to be a problem since medieval times.

    1. It’s sometimes called “the tragedy of the commons”, though that term is also used for Joe Clark’s parliamentary career.
