Safe and Effective®

Dr. Byram W. Bridle- BC Centre for Disease Control Caught Lying and Withholding Important Public Health Data

The report obtained by a freedom of information request is damning. It demonstrates the withholding of comparative data that would have dramatically facilitated informed consent with respect to COVID-19 shots. It also shows that numbers of adverse events were manipulated in the public report in a way that substantially downplayed safety concerns. I did not find explanations for this in the report.

What he did find…

British Columbia Centre for Disease Control Discovered COVID-19 Shots Were More Than Sixteen Times More Dangerous Than Flu Shots But Never Disclosed this Publicly.

COVID-19 Shots Caused 13.6-Fold More Hospitalizations and 24-Fold More Deaths Than Flu Shots.

19 Replies to “Safe and Effective®”

  1. Excellent news! Welcome to the land of Adrian Dix & Dr Bonnie Heinrich and Acuitas Therapeutics which holds the patent on LNPs (lipid nano particles) used in the modRNA poison clot shots. Small wonder we have the most draconian “whack scene” on the planet.
    C in C
    1st St Nicolaas Army
    Army Group True North

  2. All those involved should be facing criminal charges via violating human rights and fraud.

    1. How’s about we just avoid the entire cost of prosecutions to the taxpayers and move directly onto hangings?

  3. How many knew that flu shots were dangerous? Like the poison shots used for the Coronahoax, flu shots are also dangerous, just not as dangerous as those used for the Coronahoax.

    What do they have in common? They are both claimed to reduce the symptoms of an invisible entity that is claimed to be dangerous, able to spread and replicate, and is supposedly transmissible between people.

    None of these claims are verifiable. The best evidence is that one’s own body produces a solvent to attempt to fight off invaders to the body – be they bacteria, parasites, fungi/molds, or other toxins. This solvent has been named a “virus”. When someone is sick, viruses will be present in the same way that when an animal dies, scavengers appear. But only a fool or a liar would claim that scavengers killed the animal.

    I hold that those behind the junk science of vaccines are the latter.

    1. Flu shots were just an administrative gamble to try and reduce hospital visits for people who had a cold, flu or didn’t feel well. Nothing to do with science or health. All this ‘free’ healthcare ain’t free you know.

  4. Francisco, here’s a nice one for you related to *all* vaccines:

    “Andrew Moulden3 was a Canadian neuroscientist and doctor specializing in neuropsychiatry. During his clinical training, he noticed young children showing subtle neurological signs of strokes that his colleagues missed. Over time, he found these strokes often occurred soon after vaccination and could lead to severe neurological disorders like autism.

    Note: Vaccine injury reports as far back as the early 1800s contain the same signs Moulden noticed.4

    Moulden realized that the subtle stroke signs doctors look for in adults should also be assessed in children. Because these strokes in infants are often missed, many conditions are misdiagnosed or attributed to unknown causes. One scientific challenge is making “invisible” issues visible. In neurology, disruptions in brain function, often due to impaired blood flow, can reveal stroke locations through careful physical examination.

    Moulden found that cranial nerves in the brainstem, particularly in watershed areas with less redundant blood supply, were vulnerable to strokes. These strokes, caused by impaired blood flow, often due to increased blood thickness, were missed in infants, leading to conditions misdiagnosed or attributed to unknown causes. Key cranial nerves indicating vaccine-caused microstrokes include:”

  5. This should give all those fired B.C. Medical Workers for not rolling up for the jab sufficient argument to sue both the B.C. Gov’t and their Unions for not standing up for them. This looks like clear evidence of Gross Negligence causing harm and failure of fiduciary duty, which in Tort Law, should open up liability to damages. I’m hoping someone picks the ball up on this one. It’s long past time to get all those unfairly fired back to work.

  6. In July of 22, the BC CDC erased their Webpage Portal from public view. Why? Well, when the data is publically showing that the shots were ineffective at best, killing at worst, the best strategy for a lying, corrupt government is to purge the data, instead of apologizing for killing its citizens.
    I have screen caps of those donut charts from May of 2022, shortly before they were erased.
    90% of deaths at that time were jabbed 1, 2, or 3 times, ICU and hospitalizations, same numbers.
    Alberta was also publishing until they were caught, and then blinded the data. though, caught the data, still available. Deaths maximized at 10 days post jab……..and government strategy was to lie and obfuscate. If anyone wants the data/webpage address, I’ve got it, email Kate. Ideally, Dr Bridle has that info already.

      1. Not true. The government of Alberta says you’re not vaccinated until 14 days after the jab so all these deaths days 1-14 were due to covid in unvaccinated. ~sarcasm~

  7. While the same government assholes were actively telling people that Vitamins C, D, and Zinc supplements would not help your immune system fight covid. Same with exercise.
    Telling them NOT to use measures that would help keep them safe.
    And some morons still trust the government.

  8. Why, now, this is impossible. I’ve been repeatedly assured by Very Smart Ground Rodents that peer-reviewed studies show the vaccines are Safe and Effective®. If the source data has been manipulated, why that would mean those studies are worthless, wouldn’t it?

    1. Oh, but the data might have been treated with such wonderful merit as to be worthy in itself. Like folk embroidery.

  9. At this Point in Time, I will NEVER effin EVER accept an INJECTION of any kind from anywhere
    F that noise1000%

    For the record:
    In 2011 I took my one n only Flu shot during my Annual Checkup with my dr.
    Within about 2-3 weeks, I started feeling off…not sick, but something just wasn’t right…this feeling lasted for near 4 months.

    Fast Forward to 2012, go bk for Annual, after her physical, she comes in with a tray and a fit sitting on it, I ask “what’s that..?” she says your annual Flu Shot –
    I tell her I’m not interested in it and relayed to her my previous experience.

    You’d have thought I accused her of MURDER given her reaction..!!
    Like I turned on a Million Watt light switch..

    She totally, in micro Second, Unhinged herself – SCREAMING at me..!! I was just standing there and watching her utterly deranged performance in AWE..!
    Never in my life would I have expectd her reaction

    “YOU CANT Get sick from this shot..!!!!!”

    I replied in a clear voice..” I NEVER Said I got “sick”…I SAID….. I felt off for 4 months”
    She turned around and walked out still screaming at me.

    Suffice to say, that was my LAST Visit to MARGARET CHURCHER MD. of Calgary.
    1000% PAID Pharma SHILL – like pretty much the Entirety of Canadas Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons.
    ZERO TRUST in the entire Sick CARE SYSTEM we have here.
