15 Replies to “What’s The Antidote to DEI?”

  1. I’d change the “I” from intelligence to integrity. If one already has merit and excellence in one’s field–it follows that the individual has the requisite intelligence to rise to the highest levels in that field. However, as the current crop of politicians, bureaucrats, medical doctors and “experts” have shown in the past three years or so–Integrity is a very necessary ingredient in cementing the public’s trust in individuals and institutions.

    1. “I’d change the “I” from intelligence to integrity.”

      Good point….I would do the same.

      At least someone is finally trying to stand up against this idiocy.

  2. Wishful thinking. Maybe I’m a pessimist but this just seems like a marketing strategy. They identified a target audience not satisfied by mainstream tech companies.

    I’ll believe it when I see it.

    1. AI is as much a scam as green energy, so it’s a moot point. Their web site says they work with US government agencies, which means they’re beholden to rules for government contractors. And if this gets any traction the cancel mob will target them.

  3. The antidote? Mockery.

    Relentless mockery. Meme them to extinction. Never engage, never consider their position seriously. Point and laugh.

  4. MEI can be replaced more precisely with REIF. Responsible Equal Individual Freedom. It’s the thesis underlying both the Declaration and Constitution. MEI and other aspects like freedom of speech, freedom of religion, fairness, Justice for all, the right to bear arms and informed medical consent all fall out of that. Everything. Begins. With. The. Individual.

    MEI are traits of a responsible individual important to making a free society work. One additional trait I think is required but almost never mentioned because it’s a Christian one: Grace.

  5. all i can say is my close encounter with DEI was an utter failure.
    l did and documented an astounding lift on the leg press at the local university.
    l wd get accused of exaggeration and questionable, thats why l got it documented.
    l was soon after told by mgmt ‘politely but firmly’ to STFU and not give tips suggestions encouragement etc to the little darling closet nazis.
    then DEI got real big so after l left said ‘halls of larnin’ l contacted the individual in the presidents orifice as to why *I* was EXCLUDED from the ‘inclusive’ part seeing as l was singularly and specifically TOLD TO SHUT THE HELL UP.

    sound of crickets . . . .

    l conclude ‘DEI’ ‘includes’ those only in *certain groups*

  6. The antidote to DEI is itself. It will ALWAYS fail. It will ALWAYS cause a company to implode. The ONLY way for DEI to survive is to place ALL the DEI hires in a rubber room within the org. and essentially allow them to do NOTHING. So … the corporate entity must be wealthy enough to afford to carry DEI hires.

  7. As someone who can’t check off any of the DEI boxes, I’m saying “faster, please.”

  8. Ironic merit raises it’s head , in one of the very places “smart” humans develop something that may take the merit out of humanity all together
    Merit mattering seems to be a great tool to dull the senses to just another ruse.
