43 Replies to “Because It’s Father’s Day?”

  1. Why is Trudeau sending a warship to a communist dictatorship?

    a) he admires dictatorships
    b) he’s honouring his daddy.

  2. Canada HAS a warship? But you’re all such affable folks? Perhaps it’s an emissary vehicle for PRIDE Season? The Cubans and Canadians will hold hands and paint the vessel in rainbow colors?

    1. It is a symbol of how denuded and weak we are that that glorified tugboat qualifies as a “warship”. A pissant little deck gun with probably no more than 20 rounds onboard. Could be sunk by a $200 drone.

      1. Nonsense, she is an OPV, her job isn’t combat, you can find similar ships in many other modern navies that are much more capable than Canadian navy.

  3. Quick! Melanie needs to be briefed!
    It could become the Melanie Cuban Misbegotten Crisis

  4. I am surprised that they didn’t list the stop as at an “undisclosed island” like they did on the itinerary when the happy couple’s honeymoon cruise stopped in at the “unnamed island” about nine months before Justin was born.

    1. It depends what her sensor fit is. If she is actually used to gather intel on russians in the arctic then she may be pretty useful following a russian battle group.

      1. And if she’s used to pick up bimbo corpses, she’d be pretty useful following Epstein’s yacht. Thanks for the insight, ya blithering dunce.

        Now I’m off to rehearse my new band, Sensor Fit.

      2. I was thinking just temperature-wise, that’s gotta be a miserable patrol. Hope AC hasn’t been banned due to global warming potential.

    1. I agree.
      My Dad was a naval officer in the RN and the RCN (1938-1968). He commanded ships and never let a ship look like that- especially if it was going to a foreign port. There would be men hanging off the sides cleaning up that nasty rust stain by the hawser hole. In 1945, we had the fourth largest navy in the world. Now look at us- sending rusty tubs into ports of an enemy supprting country and berthing next ships from the enemy’s sponsor state.
      Love the headline Kate. Sad part it is probably spot on.
      Horatio weeps.

  5. try this, shouldn’t be too hard to find someone in coooba legitimately a relative.
    so grab the drinking cup after the TURDeau is finished with the boxed water thing
    and find out if any stretches of the DNA are IDENTICAL. but do all this under the strictest controls
    then contact one of his bought and paid for fluff rags.

  6. Pigs will tomorrow, today I will defend the Canadian federal government.

    1. A russian submarine, a frigate, a support (read repair?) ship and a rescue tug* visit Havana.
    2. Multiple USN and a Canadian vessel have been shadowing the russian group.
    3. US warships cannot enter Havana, Canadian warship can. And she can be parked right next to russians, carefully watching everything russians do.

    That is actually pretty clever, especially if my footnote theory is true.

    *Just a speculation: but maybe a sub was actually broken and Havana was the closest friendly port where the repairs could be conducted, hence the repair ship and the tugboat.

        1. Evasion is complicity. Clearly you’re lizard-adjacent yourself. The question is, pawn or spawn?

    1. That is, I admit, an intereting theory. It gives credit to the current government, but I shall overlook that.

      And despite the clunky appearance of the Canadian patrol boat, it’s actually very high tech. They likely have electronic surveillance equipment that can monitor Russian communications.

      1. KM, I’m from Halifax and know sailors on that class. They tell me if it isn’t broken, it is because it hasn’t been used or is about to break. “junk out of the yard” was a quote.

    2. After Covid, I no longer believe any of them are smart enough to do something like you suggest. It is far more likely the ship has been ordered to stand-down their signals intelligence work so as not to annoy the Russians and Cubans. Photo-op navy visit.

      Besides which, given the state of her hull, what are the chances any of that stuff is working? It really says something when the Russians are better turned out than you are.

      1. Hmmmm, maybe, maybe not. Far be it for me to praise our government but this is a joint surveillance operation with Americans, I think my theory is entirely possible. As for her state, she looks like any ship that has been deployed for a while, needs some touchup but nothing bad. She does not look like a ship sent for an official goodwill visit, and that is actually interesting. Again, I am not convinced of anything here, just speculating because I don’t believe in coincidences.

        1. And you don’t believe in coincidences because you’re a paranoid lunatic. But I’m sure it is a joint surveillance operation. And I bet they catch the Russians smoking dope!

  7. Was/is there a convention or rule or law or tradition that a Canadian warship cannot be in a port at the same time as a Russian warship?

    1. No of course there isn’t. But it is bad optics from any rational perspective. Although it is a bit of a mental pretzel for those regulars here who want friendly relations with russia to be offended by Canadian and russian warships meeting in a neutral port. Canadian defense minister being all surprised about that, added fuel to the fire. She either is an intellectual equivalent of Climate Barbie or can convincingly play a retard in front of the camera.

      1. Embrace the power of the word “and”. No reason she can’t be an idiot and act like a moron in front of the camera at the same time. In fact it likely isn’t an act.

  8. Sometimes it’s comforting to have given up on this country. What, me worry?

  9. This is hilarious. You’re pissed off about Canada having relations with Cuba, but cheer on Putin’s orange lapdog who also literally walked into North Korea hand in hand with its murderous tyrant leader.

    But yes, Cuba needs to be dealt with first. lol.
