Endless War

NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, explaining how Putin’s peace proposal is not real, and how the peaceful solution is actually to keep fighting a war they cannot win.

NATO are in no position to negotiate. Whatever leverage they had is now gone. Putin is offering an olive branch. NATO/Ukraine can admit defeat, spare the remaining Ukrainians and negotiate, or Putin is just going to take what he wants by force.

The West know they cannot take the political hit by admitting they lost this war, especially before the US election, so they will continue to sacrifice the Ukrainian People to advance their own nefarious agenda.


112 Replies to “Endless War”

  1. Putin offering an olive branch? LMFAO

    It’s yet another non serious “offer”. Did the author actually read it?

    Meanwhile 400 Russians are cut off in Vovchansk.

    1. Right, because Big Arrow offensives are lost when an understrength battalion is cut off. Wow, I didn’t know Rommel actually won WW2 singlehandedly by cutting off and capturing 35,000 Commonwealth troops at Tobruk! I didn’t know Japan won the war in the Pacific by capturing so many Commonwealth troops in Singapore and Hong Kong!

      Someone forgot to tell the Allies to surrender, I guess.

      In armed conflict the enemy always has a say. Even when lost. Most NATO people don’t seem to realise this.

      1. Allah, world’s trucker and texter, is sure of it, his Main Street media told him so, despite all evidence showing the Azovs are badly outmanned and outgunned. Now they are kidnapping citizens on the street and feeding them to the meatgrinder.
        They’ll fight until the last Uke male is extinguished, accomplishing nothing but the destruction of their own country.
        The biggest lie being told, is that Russia will March on Europe. Complete fever dreams by the neo-cons and their sheep followers. This could have been settled twice, first, before the war started, and then April of 22, but Bojo the Clown destroyed the deal. So, Ukraine continues to lose, and lose badly.

        1. I’m guessing you haven’t been paying attention. Russia is still losing several times more equipment than Ukraine. They’re still doing nonsense attacks right into obvious kill zones.

          To top it all off, they’re losing ground in several areas. Vovchansk is right on the border, and Ukraine is getting more of it back every day.

          1. “I’m guessing you haven’t been paying attention. Russia is still losing several times more equipment than Ukraine. They’re still doing nonsense attacks right into obvious kill zones.”

            LOL…and you BELIEVE that, because CNN and The Guardian told you so, right?

            “To top it all off, they’re losing ground in several areas. Vovchansk is right on the border, and Ukraine is getting more of it back every day.”

            Funny…the Ukrainians actually doing the fighting seem to think they are *losing* ground every day. Gee, I wonder who to believe?

          2. You need to stop drinking the Ukrainian supplied Kool-Aid.
            Not reading Oryx also helps.
            Russia has far more equipment, and is replenishing it faster than it loses it as well.
            Ukraine’s losses are low, because they don’t HAVE any to lose anymore, having uselessly frittered it away over the last year.

            Ukraine is gaining in Vovchansk at the same rate they gained in Avdiivka and Bakhmut i.e rapidly, to the rear.

            As for high Russian casualties??
            BBC says no….

          3. @NiggleW:

            “Russia has far more equipment, and is replenishing it faster than it loses it as well.”

            Nope they produce less than they lose, their reserve stocks are running thin and whatever they got left require more and more effort to restore. Cannibalizations is a norm. They’re scraping from the bottom of the barrel, that is partly why the pace of their operation is so low.

            Also, everything else you said is bullshit.

  2. NATO is a supra-national globalist outfit, and all NATO leaders are stuffing their respective nations to the gills with dangerous immigrants, that’s one of the reasons NATO took out Ghadaffy.
    Also, the Ukraine isn’t part of NATO, so its really none of NATOs business.

    1. Each current sitting hierarchy of NATO requires a personal forensic accountant “proctology” exam for any unexplained financial gains. I’d start with Jens Stoltenberg and just keep going. Stoltenberg defended Germany’s decision to purchase Billions in oil and gas from Russia despite the original mission statement of NATO.

      In short….were it a totally useless organization the members would allow it to dissolve. However, they are adamant about keeping it in place while refusing to fund it according to previous agreements. That suggests the benefit of NATO is no longer its original purpose, but purely a financial opportunity for participants.

      The whole organization stinks to high heaven.

      1. Ohhhhh mommaaaa Orson … you’re just a Putin stooge! NATO’s sole purpose is to fight the Union of ex Soviet Socialist Republic KGB spooks … i.e. Putin! NATO’s sole purpose is to take down that homophobe (sic) Putin. Don’t you want to send our boys (who pretend to be girls) to fight Putin … “in his country, instead of waiting for him to invade Florida?” (Sic, sic, sic)

    2. Yes. Remember Afghanistan? NATO helped them write their Constitution. Article 1 is that Afghanistan is an islamic republic. Article 2 is that sharia is the law. The rest of the articles don’t really matter given 1 & 2. Under NATO’s watch, the last church was burned down. Now the Taliban runs the place, but it was always going to be an Islamic regime, no matter what.

    3. Putin needs putting down, like the rabid dog he is. He’s destroying both his country and Ukraine.

        1. A little old for enlisting.

          The only thing the west can do is ensure Russia’s defeat in Ukraine by supplying them with proper armaments, and they should. The actual toppling of Putin can likely only be done by Russians.

          And yes, at almost any cost. It would only be a tiny fraction of what NATO has spent through the years defending against the Soviet Bloc.

          1. “A little old for enlisting … ”

            There it is. Happy to send other peoples’ kids to do your dirty work. Coward. If you are under 70, the Ukies will take you on as a trooper. Go get ’em, big guy!

          2. Screw you. The only people that should fight this war are Ukrainians, and for them, fighting is better than surrendering.

            Don’t ever respond to my posts again.

          3. “The only thing the west can do is ensure Russia’s defeat in Ukraine by supplying them with proper armaments, and they should. ”

            Yes, because that strategy has worked so well up until this point, right? And when the Ukrainians run out of people to use those armaments…what then?

          4. The west has NOT been supplying Ukraine with the armaments it needs. Specifically they have so far refused to supply long range missiles, in a highly misguided attempt to “control” the war. Fortunately, they’re beginning to change that policy.

          5. NATO should just give Zelensky nukes and get on with nuclear armageddon. That would sure show Putin. ~sarcasm~

            I personally know people on both sides of the conflict. Russia didn’t start this fight. The fight goes a lot further back from when Ukraine was invaded. And most Ukrainians don’t support Zelensky and his Azov Brigade bosses. Most Ukrainians I know hate them. I even know some people from the formerly Azov Brigade occupied zone who think Putin is their protector and liberator.

            Where I live a majority of folks are Ukrainian by ethnic origin. When Putin invaded everyone put up Ukrainian flags. Most of them are long gone. The few still flying are tattered and faded remnants. Why? Because we have ethnic Ukrainians who still speak the language, our Canadian government decided this area was a good place to dump the refugees from the war. We have been flooded with Ukrainian refugees. If you spent a little less time shilling for Big Pharma and a little more listening to the ordinary people living in or from that area you might develop a different opinion. I suggest starting with a Ukrainian woman who had her child taken for trafficking by the Azov Brigade.

          6. I’m in my 70’s and have been in-your face combat.

            A video game, this isn’t.

            Heck even Prez Trump pushed NATO to fund more combat systems.
            They are a little late!

        2. He found out that you have to be up to date on pharma booster juice to enroll……..the varmit
          turned anti vax.

        1. Absolutely correct LindaL!
          If you haven’t seen it yet I strongly recommend Tucker Carlson’s splendid interview with Jeffrey Sachs.
          One of best, most informative interviews I’ve seen in years.
          They are both on fire.

          Jerry, LindaL is one of the best informed and thoughful commenters here.

          1. “LindaL is one of the best informed and thoughful commenters here.”

            No, she just resides in the same echo chamber you reside in.

          2. “If you haven’t seen it yet I strongly recommend Tucker Carlson’s splendid interview with Jeffrey Sachs.
            One of best, most informative interviews I’ve seen in years”

            That one was absolutely fascinating, for sure. It’s not often that I will watch something like that from start to finish, but Sachs is just so knowledgeable and Tucker such a good interviewer.

            Watching that interview should be mandatory for all Simpletons ™.

      1. Pootin is a product of russia not the other way around. It is russia that needs neutering, with or without Pootin.

        1. Colon, like Trudeau, Biden and the rest of the progs predictably announces his fascination with neutering.

          1. Potato and Brandon have a fascination with neutering? Either you should not post when you’re drunk, or you should not be sharing your fantasies.

      1. “I’m sorry what did NATO do that was wrong?”

        Go back to the kiddie table, Allan…the grownups are trying to have a conversation here.

      2. NATO did nothing wrong.

        NATO is designed for the mutual defense of its member States. States enter into NATO voluntarily. They are not conquered. NATO is expanding because nations are being threatened by a regional aggressor. That aggressor historically was the USSR, but is currently Russia.

  3. The warmongering war machine needs to blow all the taxpayer money they can possibly get their hands on before The Peace President returns to his rightful office. What an absolute JOKE … a very BAD JOKE by a horrible comedian this Ukraine War has been. Disgusting. Ukraine is a disgusting cesspool of USA greed and graft. The goings on in Ukraine make me ashamed to be an American.

    The voters and PDJT will put this all right. So enjoy your “brave, brave, moment of defiance” NATO … because your budget is about to get slashed deeper than a random Muslim knife attack … or worse.

    1. Ukrain is a mess of corruption and graft, and a LOT of US politicians have been neck deep in it for years. Every time Zelensky tells old Joe it is time for another 50-60 billion US tax payer dollars, he reminds the dementia patient that all the info on Hunter and Burisma and Joe’s personal involvement can hit the media tomorrow. Keep those “aid packages” coming, old man, or all the kompromat goes public.

      A bunch of congress critters get the same message every so often. Tons of them were on the money laundering gravy train, too.

      1. I agree with all of it but one point. Telling the media or the DOJ would make no difference at all because the media and DOJ are part of the problem.

  4. Yeah, nothing like a #2 pencil headed Nato dickhead telling the rest of us why more Ukraine kids need to be put into the meat grinder.
    Immoral prick.

    1. “Yeah, nothing like a #2 pencil headed Nato dickhead telling the rest of us why more Ukraine kids need to be put into the meat grinder.
      Immoral prick.”

      Better still are all the Useful Idiots clamoring for “better weapons” for Ukraine. “Better weapons” is code for “highly complex weapons systems that need to be commissioned by qualified technicians and operated by trained NATO troops”. What could go wrong?

      (other than the Russians getting angry enough to start targetting significant numbers of NATO personnel inside Ukraine)

      While we’re at it, why not supply the Ukrainians with the “long range missiles” they have been asking for to reach targets deep inside Russia…what could the Russians do in response?

      (well, other than use some of their own THOUSANDS of long range missiles (including hypersonics) to overwhelm Ukrainian air defenses and FLATTEN Odessa and Kiev)

  5. The US puppet regime in Kiev has lost to Russia and can either hope the maniacs in the west keep funding their increasing losses perhaps dragging NATO into a likely nuclear war, or prevent further losses and negotiate for peace. That they and their backers will be humiliated is a given. What they were doing in the Donbas from 2014 to 2022 had consequences. Once more US foreign policy blunders, this time with Ukrainian blood and US treasure.

  6. Putin’s “peace plan” involves handing over land that Ukraine now controls. And there’s no guarantee that Russia wouldn’t restart the war to claim even more land later, when they had replenished their armaments.

    No sane person would agree to this.

    1. So what is Ukraine idea?

      Noticed you failed to say.

      Ever been in a full blow war?

      1. Ever been in a full blow war?

        Sounds unsanitary.

        More seriously, some things are worse than war. Putin’s “peace plan”, a scheme to annex territory that Russia doesn’t control right now, is that. It gives Putin the opportunity to claim he’s not the one furthering the war, and some gullible people will buy that.

        1. Some hear unsanitary, some hear good clean fun!

          But yes, some things are worse than war. An interruption in the supply of dead babies and dead baby propaganda, that’s much worse than war. We’ve got those babies in the meat grinder. How dare Putin not turn the crank!

  7. When Russia brought up objections to having NATO on its doorstep, it was Stoltenberg who told them to pound salt. That Russia had no say on who joins. I wonder how he feels now. Looks like what is going on is lost on him.

  8. I’m sure if Russia succeeds with their plans in Ukraine, they won’t try again somewhere else. I mean, Chamberlain got peace by negotiating with Hitler over Czechoslovakia right?

    1. Rusty ShackleDORK
      NATO has been going after Russia/Putin, since Putin took office, and that Georgia debacle was part of that. Do try to keep up, so you won’t sound too stupid.


    2. “I’m sure if Russia succeeds with their plans in Ukraine, they won’t try again somewhere else. I mean, Chamberlain got peace by negotiating with Hitler over Czechoslovakia right?”

      Wait…aren’t you one of the people ridiculing Russia for the supposed incompetence of their military f*rces? Claiming that they are losing so many personnel and and so much equipment to the Ukrainian military that it is only a matter of time until they are defeated and f*rced to beat a humiliating retreat? If their army is being decimated and degraded so badly by the hapless Ukrainians that they are on the verge of collapse, what makes you think they will have anything left to take on any other European countries?

      Make up your mind….is the Russian military just a bunch of drunken clowns, or are they a viable threat to the rest of Europe?

  9. The idea that NATO is on the ropes but Russia isn’t is hilarious. Russian troops have been (slowly) advancing in the last few months, but at enormous cost of lives and equipment. Further, the last round of trade sanctions has put the Russian economy on the ropes. The country is in a precarious situation.

      1. Yes absolutely in every respect. There are two constants you can reliably count on:
        (i) Things are always worse in russia.
        (II) Things in russia are always worse than they seem.

        A lot of people here remind of Western analysts in 1988 expecting Soviet Union to last for decades to come.

    1. Killer DORK
      Russia’s economy just surpassed Germany’s, according to credit raters. So you are full of schitt, as usual.


      1. That’s too complicated for him.

        Let me try, GYM, idgit, pay attention:
        You build a bomb, GDP goes up by the value of that bomb. The bomb explodes your GDP does not change. You build another bomb, GDP goes up again. That bomb explodes… can you predict what will happen to GDP?

        Once again for the cheap seats: German and Japanese GDP in 1944 and 1945 was growing.

        Besides all those GDP stats are based on official Rosstat numbers and hence feces to begin with.

      2. Now GYM, you know facts aren’t your strong suit.

        Russia has a per capita GDP of about $15,500. Germany’s is $31,500, or about twice Russia’s. It’s true that Russia’s economy has been growing rapidly for the last year or so, fueled by arms production. But it’s also true that this latest round of sanctions will likely hit Russia hard.

        And by the way, the major credit raters all give Germany their highest credit rating. They refuse to rate Russia at all, it’s such shite show.

        1. “But it’s also true that this latest round of sanctions will likely hit Russia hard.”

          Yeah, like all the other ‘sanctions’ have done, right? Oh, please…Putin is laughing his ass off.

          1. Putin hasn’t been laughing since April 2022, when he discovered that Ukraine would not be a cake walk, and that he had immersed Russia in a quagmire that would be very slow and expensive to extricate from, and might even result in defeat.

    2. According to the IMF and the World Bank, Russia’s economy is now 4th largest in the world and bigger than Germany’s. Nebiulina is pointing out that Russian economic growth is heading up too fast, even for her. She plans to raise rates to slow things down a tad. So how are we winning the economic war? The USD is rapidly being dumped and once the BRICS complete the transition to the BRICS currency, what then? When half the world no longer wants the dollar, it is not exactly the world’s reserve currency anymore, is it? Can the US be an economic powerhouse when they have nothing to sell but the class of weapons that are currently on display in a dilapidated state on Red Square?

      1. “BRICS currency”

        LOL. That will happen when India accepts Yuan. OK then, wake me up when that happens.

      2. You’re making it up wholesale. Russia’s GDP is around $2.2 trillion per year. That puts it 11th in the world, behind US, China, Germany, Japan, India, UK, France, Italy, Brazil, and … wait for it … Canada.

        Fun fact: Russia’s economy is about 6% the size of NATO’s aggregate economy.

      3. You’re likely quoting PPP which is a socialist measure that heavily favors countries with price controls on things like food.

        Now if you want to talk about GDP per capita, Russia is 55th.

    3. “The idea that NATO is on the ropes but Russia isn’t is hilarious.”

      Who said NATO was ‘on the ropes’?

      ” Russian troops have been (slowly) advancing in the last few months”

      Yes, they have been.

      ” but at enormous cost of lives and equipment. ”

      Yes…the problem is, they can afford that cost far better than the Ukrainians can.

      (I don’t need to explain how a ‘war of attrition’ works to you, do I?)

      “Further, the last round of trade sanctions has put the Russian economy on the ropes. The country is in a precarious situation.”

      Funny how the rest of the world keeps saying that, but the Russians keep laughing as their economy improves.

  10. Appeasing the murderer in the Kremlin will lead to more war, not less. If you want to know Russia’s plans listen to them talk amongst themselves.

    1. Well then let’s cut to the chase , and obliterate them then.
      Time for those channelling world war 2 to get on with it and unleash the hounds and our nobel values or sht the FK up.
      Get back to me when the dust settles.

  11. One thing is abundantly clear, the west cares much more for Hamas terrorists than it does for Ukrainians.

    1. Yes, you have been saying it all along, and you keep saying it, and it is now, just like it has always been, a proof of your limitations. A halfwit trying to sound witty is a purest proof possible.

      1. ” A halfwit trying to sound witty is a purest proof possible.”

        (Oh, the IRONY…it burns!..)

        1. “(Oh, the IRONY…it burns!..)”

          It is not the irony, you need antibiotics and lube.

    2. “As I’ve said all along, “To the last Ukrainian!””

      Yup. And the last dollar.

  12. “Let’s turn their lives into a crazy nightmare in which they can’t distinguish wild fiction from the realities of the day, infernal evil from the routine of life,” ~ Dima Medvedev.

    Seriously, literarily every part of the opening post is from the opposite world.

    Go home Dima, you re no longer needed.

      1. Yes, sort off, it is mind boggling. SDA used to be place of critical thinkers but over the last couple of years they replaced the ability to think critically with the ability to disagree reflexively.

        The absurd fact is that the russian bots (DCH, BDSM etc), who come here in waves, with the regular dose of Gerasimov doctrine overestimate the demented audience.

        1. “Yes, sort off, it is mind boggling. SDA used to be place of critical thinkers but over the last couple of years they replaced the ability to think critically with the ability to disagree reflexively. ”

          Over the last couple of years we have also been subjected to the presence of a few disgusting pieces of human filth like you, which tends to make thoughtful conversation a bit problematic.

          1. Indeed. All I can say is that these guys are always easy to scroll through, and when we’re lucky they have the fascinating repulsiveness of squabbling muskrats. They sometimes have a disgusting charm.

            And they shit their pants delightfully when needled. Er, that’s about all I can come up with in their defence.

    1. ^^^ An argument about as thoughtful as “you like cookies, just like Hitler”.

  13. I have been following it for quite a while, and if you watch what they say, and then watch what happens, Putin appears to be the most honest man in the whole bunch. That is if you bother to check sources, and not take your opinions from the screaming war monger propagandists who make up our mainstream media.

    1. “Putin appears to be the most honest man in the whole bunch. ”

      Facepalm. Every time I read something like that I wonder if it is supposed to be satire. Read Vova, volodia, Vladimir by Krystyna Kurczab-Redlich.

  14. Your key to the whole conflict is to the benefit of the military industrial complex.
    Eisenhower knew whereof was he speaking.
    It was very much precisely about this particular war.
    There can’t be peace, there are billions and literally billions of dollars to be made by the war machine manufacturers.
    The bonus here is that it all is done by proxy, the Americans, the French, the British don’t have to die, its the Slavs that will be eliminated.
    What’s not to like?

    1. ^^^ Says one who cares so much about Slavs that he would turn them into slaves of the Siberian Mongols. Just close your eyes and think of Kremlin.

      P.S. A dead giveaway of stoopid, is when a posts starts with Eisenhower and Military Industrial Complex.

      1. Imagine taking Slavs and turning them into slaves! That’s like taking Britons and settling them in Britain!
        And the clearest proof of stupid is ending a post with Eisenhower and the Military Industrial Complex. You won’t catch me doing that. How bout them Oilers?

    2. Also every time one talks about “Slavs” it means that they consider everyone east of Oder as NPCs. Of all the World Wars only two started there, so what’s the worst that can happen?

  15. Censorship is a real conversation killer.
    NATO is being trolled.
    And they are still too ignorant to see it.
    The victorious Allies ever advancing ..Westward?
    Where does map reading lie,in todays Woke Military?

  16. I have little doubt that any peace accord with Russia will last about as long as it takes Russia to refit its military.

    Then they’ll annex more territory, and beg for another peace accord when that runs out of steam. And so on.

    1. “I have little doubt that any peace accord with Russia will last about as long as it takes Russia to refit its military.

      Then they’ll annex more territory, and beg for another peace accord when that runs out of steam. And so on.”

      And I have little doubt that you are mistaken about that. Putin already has what he wants: the traditional majority Russian areas where his presence is mostly welcome. He has his ‘buffer zone’ now. Taking additional territory where the majority of the population really do not want Russian rule would be counter-productive.

      1. Like Putin cares whether the people want Russian rule.

        Those people can be eliminated leaving only those who want Russian rule.

        The people who want Russian rule can migrate to Russia.

        1. “Like Putin cares whether the people want Russian rule.”

          He has to. Putin may be many things, but stupid is not one of them. Most of the areas he now controls were about to vote for independence from Ukraine and closer ties to Russia. Don’t forget that Ukraine did vote for a pro-Russian president…and then the US and other western nations engineered a coup to overthrow him.

          “Those people can be eliminated leaving only those who want Russian rule.”

          You like the Azovs tried to do in the Donabass to people who wanted Russian rule?

          “The people who want Russian rule can migrate to Russia.”

          Or the people who want Ukrainian rule can move out of the Russian occupied areas any time.

    2. That would mean fighting would stop, and children stop dying needlessly. For extended, repeated periods! Can’t have that. Those Ukrainian kids have got to die horribly! Non-stop, 24-7! After all, keeping the Russians from acquiring more territory is absolutely essential to our interests. No matter how irrelevant to us or how completely useless the territory is.

      You just don’t get it, do you? It’s completely unacceptable that Russians are killing innocent Ukrainians. That’s why the killing must continue!

      1. “That would mean fighting would stop, and children stop dying needlessly. For extended, repeated periods! Can’t have that. Those Ukrainian kids have got to die horribly! Non-stop, 24-7! After all, keeping the Russians from acquiring more territory is absolutely essential to our interests. No matter how irrelevant to us or how completely useless the territory is.”

        With the ability to ‘spin’ like that I see job offers from Raytheon, Northrop Grumman and General Dynamics in your future…;)

  17. None of us really knows what’s going on in that war. All we’re hearing is the propaganda from each side.

    Here’s some things we do know. The war has dragged on for over two years. Russia has five times the population of Ukraine.

    In a war of attrition, the side outnumbered more than 3 to 1 loses.

    You can send all the military scrap metal you want, test out weapons systems and new tactics, but if you run out of soldiers then that’s that.

    The only way Russia loses is if it turns into a wider war. Any guesses on how long that stays non-nuclear?

    1. In a war of attrition, the defender wins by making the attcker’s continued aggression economically infeasible.

      If Russia wins, they will eliminate the Ukrainian people and culture in a slow, quiet genocide. The Ukrainian people know that they face annihilation with defeat and victory is the only path to survival. As such, the can commit their entire population to the war. Ukraine cannot be conquered, it can only be utterly destroyed.

      For Russia, the only victory available will be Pyrrhic victory. It will drain them of their resources, reputation, and children. It is destroying their nation’s future. The Russian people have not realized this yet, but as the costs rise, they will. If they win, what will remain for them? Nothing.

      For Ukraine, there is no future without victory. For Russia, there is no future with it.

      1. “In a war of attrition, the defender wins by making the attcker’s continued aggression economically infeasible.”

        Yes, they do try that…until they run out of soldiers

        “If Russia wins, they will eliminate the Ukrainian people and culture in a slow, quiet genocide.”

        No, Russia and Ukraine are already so integrated as to make that quite impossible. The people currently under Russian protection are mostly ethnic Russians anyway, which is why Ukraine *tried to kill them*. Which was one of the major factors leading to the current situation.

        ” The Ukrainian people know that they face annihilation with defeat and victory is the only path to survival. As such, the can commit their entire population to the war. Ukraine cannot be conquered, it can only be utterly destroyed.”

        Laughable hyperbole with little basis in reality. Try again.

        “For Russia, the only victory available will be Pyrrhic victory. It will drain them of their resources, reputation, and children. It is destroying their nation’s future. The Russian people have not realized this yet, but as the costs rise, they will. If they win, what will remain for them? Nothing.”

        So your side keeps saying, yet Russia keeps plugging along…

        “For Ukraine, there is no future without victory. For Russia, there is no future with it.”

        Dream on.

      2. Excellent post.

        “For Ukraine, there is no future without victory. For Russia, there is no future.”


  18. I notice Ukraine isn’t in the news much anymore.. Scrubbed from my youtube feed.. That means we are winning..

    1. “I notice Ukraine isn’t in the news much anymore.. Scrubbed from my youtube feed.. That means we are winning..”

      Yeah, funny how they all fell silent at the same time, isn’t it?

  19. This is embarrassing to watch. Just look at this guys body language. He is crawling out of his own skin. He doesn’t believe a word of the script he has been handed by his puppet masters. I believe the term is “useful idiot”.
