43 Replies to “Getting What They Voted For”

  1. There are reports that the Calgary water won’t be ready in time gor the Stampede.

    Sorry, didn’t recall the SDA post two or three posts below. It 2oild be something if the Stampede would be canceled.

    1. Oh, they could salvage something. But it wouldn’t be Stampede without the traditional deepwater dolphin wrassling.

  2. But, climate change “might” be a threat in 100 years, to h*ll with day to day maintenance!

    1. In response , the city will allocate more funds for degenerate flags and crosswalks. It will also double down on useless expensive art stuff.

      1. Yes, some “good” modern art will distract the people from the fact that their bread and circuses won’t happen.

  3. Here in N.CA … we have fireplace smoke snitchers who will turn you in to the BAAQD (Bay Area Air Quality District) for having a fire on Thanksgiving during a “no burn day” … and EVERY Thanksgiving and Christmas happens to be a no-burn day. Smoke snitches will turn me in.

    And we have water snitches. Every time I wash my car in the driveway, I have to look out for snitches who will turn me in to the State Dept. of Water Resources for “wasting water”. Puhleeze. It’s not like I leave the hose running in the gutter …

    And when I Jack the car up in the driveway to change my oil or replace my pads and rotors, I have to look out for snitches who will turn me in to the State Department of Wastewater treatment who have banned all driveway mechanics … because some oil may drip and get into the storm drains.

    Yes … we have become a Maoist nation of Block Captains and snitches who do the bidding of … The State, err … The “Community” … root word “Commune” … as in Communist State.

    1. Post WWII, people wondered how the fascists got control of Germany and the same for the communists in the Soviet Union post 1989. People pointed to the Gestapo and NKVD – they terrorized the population it was said and certainly in Hollywood movies both have a reputation of being omnipotent. What was their secret? Snitches. Snitches are ugly little people filled with envy, jealousy and hatred for their fellow man. That curse has spread throughout the free world.

      1. EVERY hardcore leftist I know … most notably my sister-in-law (wife’s older sister) … are snitches. And their self righteous indignation is worn like a medal upon their breasts. They’re know-it-alls … but really know nothing. And are pure HATERS. They HATE with a zeal I have never witnessed.

  4. If this was any critical pipeline other than one run by bureaucrats a bypass would be built around the sections that need repair. Even a 4 foot plastic pipe bypass could be built and that would increase water supply by over 40%. This is what happens in the oil patch.

    1. If it was run by a private company it would be fixed likely in short order, because the incentives are correct.

      Given that it’s a government job, the incentives are not correct to get it up and running quickly.

      As an example, when CN had their derailment near Gogama on March 7, 2015, they built a bypass by March 10th, and had the bridge repaired and back in service by March 18th, because it was costing them lots of money, and they have a good idea what they are doing.

      The government doesn’t have the same incentives, and they found 5 “hotspots” that need repair, which of course they were totally unaware of, so the restrictions are going to be in place for another 3 to 5 weeks. Management of the utility will not pay any price for this disaster.

    2. i think a couple of frac pumpers and some 1ft high pressure hoses and they could bypass the full 11km , just one midway station. I see them set up all time near sylvan and gull lake.

      id also be putting in isolation valves and cross overs now. with the holes opened up. just another ongoing clusterfuk , run by a hierarchy of women.

      1. But, but, but … girls can be plumbers too!! Few want to be … but they could if they wanted. As it is … few girls even know how to shut off the water under their sink (ladies of SDA excepted).

        1. Getting to be fewer boys & girls who know how to shut the water off under the sink.

          Was onsite with general trying to work out house location, along with septic & well.
          Small lot, so it was taking awhile with alot of measurements & moving stakes.
          Owners ( tech/city ) were getting frustrated, and finally stated the obvious to us ignorant folk.
          We just have to turn the faucets on to get water.

          I’m shocked that govt. leaders have not just told the fine folks who voted for them, that they have ordered a new pipe from amazon. Due to budget, they could not request overnight delivery + assembled/installed package.

  5. L – Calgarians need to go down to the river and fill a bucket or two, bring it home and… sell one or
    both to a neighbour. Only then will it hit home to voters brains, what a couple of decades of neglect(theirs)
    costs. Turning Calgary into a desert takes a special kind of talent for chaos; this likely from a select elite
    whose university major was dystopia.

    Identity politics(C.R.T./C.G.T.) replaces competency with mediocrity, something typical of 3rd world nations,
    many of whom also have a wealth of natural resources. Ironically, fixing failing utilities requires a lot of
    “toxic masculinity” (tradesmen) accepting the required risks to get the job done.
    to be continued…

  6. “Somehow it seemed as though the farm had grown richer without making the animals themselves any richer – except, of course, for the pigs and dogs.”

      1. Calgary and Edmonton are more than half the population of the province.

  7. O.K. I have a little empathy for people who don’t vote for idiots having to deal with this ‘inconvenience’, but holy smoke – what complete incompetence. Bet the Jackson Hole, WY road that had a landslide recently gets fixed first.

    1. Billionaires don’t take the roads to Jackson Hole … they Lear-Jet to their $25M “cabins” … so we shall see how motivated they are … no road? No pesty tourists.

      1. Yes but who’s going to fill their order for double fat lizzo lattes, or whatever they call coffee these days.

        All the “peon” service industries people live in Victor, Idaho (too expensive in Jackson Hole), and now their commute has gone from 30 minutes to two hours… one way.

  8. It would be cool if somebody could get a hold of those snitch phone numbers and make them public.

  9. News says Mayor reaching out to other municipalities and private entities for resources. Acknowledges Province’s offer to help but maybe that hasn’t happened yet. Question: does the Ciry have to open its books if it accepts help from the Provincial Government? Does the City have fiscal irregularities it would prefer not to expose?

  10. That post by Tamara Lich is unreal. Looks like Calgary is using this as a pretext to shut down small business, just like they did with the coof.
    go wexit indeed.

  11. Early on Jyoti Gondek said the pipeline that failed had a 50 to 100 year lifespan.

    At the last few water break update news conferences I’ve seen, she now says the lifespan is 100 years. Yeah right.

    But as reported by Rick Bell, no one will tell us when this pipe was last inspected, or if it has actually ever been inspected.

  12. These kind of things are what happens when the mayor or premier or prime minister or president are installed and not elected.

  13. Quick! Quick! Joostaihn!

    Import a couple of thousand government watermain engineers from Gaza and Guanzhong!

  14. Pipe maintenance is underground and invisible to the public. Budget time the sexy items are funded first. Pride crosswalks, injection sites and arenas are sexy. Water/ sewer pipes are not sexy and maintenance programs were the first cut. As an aside- when I was reviewing inspection results, when anyone asked what I was doing, I told them I was watching dirty movies. Nobody joined me to watch.
    The other point is that 78 inch pipe is not a shelf item. Sourcing or even manufacturing pipe can take weeks.
    Stampede grounds are on the south system. The break is in the NW. The show will go on come hell or low water!

  15. One – a fair few of us didn’t vote for either the present mayor of the former one.
    Two – current mayor was – when not blaming the province for the problem – assuring us that this was a “black swan” event because the pipeline was good for 100 years and this was just an outlier.
    Three – a professor from the local uni said that this type of construction was only good for 50 years. Given the downstream inspection which has shown the whole pipeline is a disaster, why was the “100 year” narrative out there?
    Four – whose bright idea was it that one pipeline should carry 60% of the water capacity of the city? Prudence dictates that no more than 30% should be allocated to one line, particularly when it’s as crucial as water.

  16. There are two issues here:

    1- The water line break and related issues: original installation quality, inspection or lack thereof, pace of repair, and lack of creative alternatives to temporarily improve water supply. Everyone above has already covered this so ditto.

    2- The inevitable exhaustion of the existing water supply as Calgary’s population grows given how small the flow is in the Bow and Elbow rivers.

    Of the two, the limited water supply will prove to be the bigger problem for Calgary. Edmonton is on a much larger river, but Calgary, Red Deer, and southern Alberta have very limited water sources. The Atlas of Canada 5th edition has an excellent map showing stream flow for different river systems across Canada:

    South and central Alberta along with southern Saskatchewan simply don’t have the water to support the population planned by the Federal Government and the Century Initiative. The watershed divide between rivers emptying into Hudson’s Bay vs. the Arctic Ocean shows that trying to get water from Lake Athabasca and Great Slave Lake will be harder than it looks. The next big pipeline might be for water and who knows what the approval process will look like for that project.

    1. Oh, it will be wearing elaborate beadwork and chanting “Hey-ya!”, I think we can safely predict.

  17. For decades I’ve paid taxes and exorbitant fees and in return I have seen my city in decline. Pocket picked for parking, permitting, house inspecting, , power surcharges, sewer (both types), and three types of garbage.

    These vile, arrogant, incompetent, thieving, woke-scolds at city hall and in city management need to fail and fail as a cautionary tale of gross urban mismanagement for future generations. Fail beyond redemption.

    Stupid deal after stupid deal, over priced, frequently rebuilt bridges, sprawling bike lanes, pitiful (mostly Chinook based) snow removal. And for some incomprehensible reason council really hates businesses on 17th Ave, constantly tearing it up and destroying previous works to rebuild, repair, and repave. I have to guess that this mafia is running this show, it can’t just be as simple as someone on the take.

    I await the moment Queen Jyotiphene suggests that we all bathe in Perrier as she cancels the Stampede, closes all hotels, AND shutters the airport.

    Any business that uses a dribble of water will be gone, all while bringing in thousands of more new Canadians to demand more while we can barely share less and less. All this while we live stinking with unflushable toilets .

    Council will continue to use smoke and mirrors as they fight the province desperately trying to give us free Heroin. Anything to distract us from thoughts of civil disobedience,

    I’m sure Chestermere, Airdrie, etc. are all racing up to Edmonton for long, hot, showers while demanding their own water treatment plants after having been lied to that Calgary’s water infrastructure is ‘magnificent’.

    When they shut off water to the reserves (first I’m sure because they’re all crypto bigots), I look forward to the blockades.

    When winter shuts down the water repairs you’ll be able to hear whimpering Calgary socialists sniveling; “just three more weeks” in Saskatchewan.

    And just when they get the water working, uh oh, major sewer failure, major power failure, oh we need to tax more for the Emperors new green line.

    Let’s just evacuate and rename the city Pripyat Jr. and get it over with.

  18. If Mel Lastman can call in the army because Toronto got 2 feet of snow?.. Hand the DEI brigade some shovels and lets see what they can do.. But where is the graft in that..

    Best to setup a water ‘misuse’ snitch line so we can get our share of the loot..
