22 Replies to ““It’s the toaster-fucker problem.””

  1. Sadly, there probably -is- a “Toaster F-er Support Group” talking about ways to get into other people’s kitchens and f- their toasters.

    And thanks to Rule 34, there’s pr0nz of it out there, somewhere.

  2. Truth! However … toaster-fkcuers are now fully 12% of our population. Thanks internet …

    1. Reply to Kenji
      Should we not call it toster colitis, to protect the children’s school teachers.
      I think Congress might ban the colitis assault on toasters for health reasons.
      If you bought one at a thrift store, it might not be Germ proof or FDA approved.

  3. Back in the early 60’s the KGB set up a secret program to get American university professors interested in toaster f#c&king. It worked apparently.

  4. I would put this on my Facebook page, but all the f-words would get me banned.
    This is a wonderful, short explanation of the situation we now find ourselves in. Good job!

  5. Thanks for sharing this one, Kate….it was hilarious!

    I bookmarked it and passed it on to some friends and family.

  6. The solution is obvious..High Voltage Toasters.
    The deranged and their enablers are living proof of that old wisdom.
    If you feed the crows,they never leave.
    And if you protect the useless and clueless,while elevating them in status..You get ever more clueless and useless persons..
    Hordes and hordes of them.
    As an example,look at Dear Leader and Bill Blair, now imagine if either was handed a loaded pistol and told to “Make it safe”.
    One could only hope the room would be filled with fellow Liberals.

  7. And they probably flushed at least $150k down the toilet putting this absolute garbage together. And people wonder how it is we’re piling on one trillion dollars in new debt every 100 days. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  8. My parents told me never to stick anything in a toaster other than bread. I’ve lived a sheltered life. I thought they meant silverware.

  9. Will the duct tape they will be using to fix that leaky Boeing capsule be rainbow colored too? Priorities, NASA.

    1. Urrrgh… Is it bad that I immediately thought the same thing?

      What about the Toaster Protection Society?! Leave our toasters alone, you preverts!!!

      Even RED DWARF never thought of this!

  10. Forbidden Use of Carnal Knowledge with toasters. That’s a penetrating discernment.
