42 Replies to ““Mayor Jyoti Gondek” Is Not A Character In A Tim Burton Movie”

  1. yes . they just added 5 to 7 weeks to a one week schedule that is already a week over .

    the department head is a woman. coincidence????

      1. bingo. sometimes catastrophe pushes agenda aside, but depending on the nature of the catastrphe it can take a while. how long did the break take to really happen? vids tell us it happens in seconds.

        thats the starting point. the catastrophe is now in place, let it fester and get in the news lots, start the fingerpointing.

        so they ‘invested’ x billion in a rail line that is what? not used? anyway,

        1. The rail line’s not built. No one believes it ever will be. The trains are well used in Calgary, if this one runs it will be used, but if that happens it won’t be until I’m long dead.

    1. Hey, cool, in Stoon our house got hit with a 7.8% tax increase gift as well – yay!! Still haven’t seen anything improve in the POW city, Paris on the Prairies.

      Saskatoon sure does shine…

      A couple weekends ago we had palis running a “protest” up and down 8th St like a bunch of ruh tarhds

      1. No, didn’t you hear? We’re Blue Sky Country now. The city rebranded us… for $5 million.

  2. It is deliberate. Not the accident, only the response. Remember the goal. How many extra people are going to die because they don’t have water? The goal is destruction. So a few more days with a legitimate excuse is a bonus.

    As to the light rail project, you will not have a car in their future. And if you do, you won’t be able to drive it because of ULEZ or some other regulation. And if you are allowed to drive it, there will be a per mile charge, and a penalty is you exceed the amount allotted (If you can get fuel).

    They want you dead or enslaved. It is neo-feudalism and a slave economy works great and is very lucrative for the masters.

    1. Its an interesting way to run an experiment. See how long the plebes take to revolt, make notes, and then plan for the next one.

      The Ciendish Funning!

    1. No.
      Blackie will fly in Fiji brand bottled water @ $5 per 500ml.
      Sunny Ways bitches

  3. Now Calgarians know what it’s like to be a Californian. Our water gets flushed out to sea because the Delta smelt need it lest they move upstream. Pretty much the same thing as a busted main water line … spilled water-humans suffer.

    1. But didn’t Bay Area residents, you excepted, vote to remove a dam that forms your reservoir?
      Calgarians only votes for this indirectly. In the linked article’s comments, someone suggests this break is the result of a push for bare minimums in property taxes, which supposedly results in improper maintenance. The public is stupid. Lower taxes are sufficient, if they don’t blow the money on vanity projects.

  4. I am so fed up with cities which are run by NDP types. Take care of the roads (no potholes, regular maintenance); take care of the water and sewer pipes; take care of services such as Fire, Police, EMS and forget about homelessness, flying to major Climate Warming events in far-off countries and all the PRIDE crap.

    And FYI, I am NOT homophobic. But even my gay friends in Toronto are totally fed up with the PRIDE nonsense and always arrange to be “out of town” when it happens.

    1. Big Momma:

      Bingo! My wife made the same observation yesterday: that most gays are equally sick ‘n tired of organized gay.
      Quibble: Never EVER start a sentence with “I am NOT homophobic”.
      Or racist, or a climate denier etc.
      That word does not refer to anything that exists in the natural world.
      In denying you’re one you are confirming that other people might be.
      A phobia is an irrational fear.
      Fear of islam, for example, is rational.
      No one is afraid of gays, just sick and tired of them, or more accurately, BIG GAY.

      1. “That word does not refer to anything that exists in the natural world.
        In denying you’re one you are confirming that other people might be.”

        Agree 100%. ‘Cisgender’ and ‘non-binary’ and ‘intersex’ (among several others) are all words that I will never, ever use. As others here have mentioned many times…when they successfully coerce you into using their language, they automatically win.

        I was thoroughly disgusted when our Canadian Parliament passed the first resolution legitimizing the word ‘Islamophobia’, and only 72% of our so-called Conservatives had the backbone to vote against it.

  5. I have no words that can be printed.

    This commie piece of TRASH was in my opinion 100% INSTALLED…much like every other BIG City Mayor in the country – ALL of them Far left Woke DEI ESG filthy Communists.

    Since when did we need DOMINION Voting Tabulators to count votes…What.?? No one volunteered..??
    As if. A piece of late 1990’s tech beyond easily HACKED. Calgary had never even heard of this bitch prior to the civic election ~ 2yrs ago. That election was, IMO, Jeremy Farkas’ to win.

    GonDYKE is a Illegitimate MAYOR, another treasonous hand picked bit of SHIT by Soros & Co.
    A CLUNT minus the L.

    1. I suspected there might be trouble in vote tabulation, when I first saw these machines. Having once been a scrutineer, I can’t see any need for these machines, other than to disguise malfeasance

    2. Elections Calgary ran a very questionable PSM heading into the election. I figured something was up especially since the union was running or endorsing certain candidates including GoneBitch.

  6. The media cartel has announce that the mayoress got bump in the ratings for doing her job.
    Now, as it appears, it maybe be a good idea to stretch the ‘crisis’ to gather more of favorable press.
    There is so much propaganda from the paper pushers at the city hall, it is deafening.
    Every dick and harry hava say at a news event that is stretched to take more air time and tell the population how bad things are and how they endlessly they care.
    Just to mention the fact that the pipe is half way thorough its projected life span.
    It is also worth to notice that the water people were doing something that is so far unexplained earlier this year or late last year at the very spot that the break happened.
    Regardless, breaks happen, for this reason or another or no reason at all.
    Things just happen.
    It’s the way life is even with non-life.

  7. This on top of the stirred up hornets nest from their bylaw eliminating single residential zoning will likely awaken an electorate that has to date not paid much attention to the quality of character that they elect to “serve” their interests in running the city’s leviathan 30,000 strong bureaucracy. How many layers of bureaucrats would a Councilor have go through to get to someone who actually knows what is going on at the field level of awareness of their systems. Is there a management system in place or are there fiefdoms of unaccountability? Why was there no redundancy in the system, loops for isolation, etc. That they were implementing densification did anyone ask the question of what will it take to double or eventually triple-up on water and sewer supply and perhaps discovering something about the actual system? Like so many aspiring higher-order politicians, municipal politicians are generally ignorant of, and worse, uninterested in the unglamorous business of sewer, water, and garbage, the very things that people take for granted until the shit hits the fan. The only thing worse than loss of water is sewage failure or back-up. So many questions from a former municipal councilor in charge of public works in a small town where knowledge of the system was much of the part-time duty (everyone on council had a full time unrelated job).

  8. How do these wacko unhinged left wing “leaders” come out of nowhere to get elected and no one knows anyone who voted for them. The agendas they are pushing no one voted for.
    Is the system rigged?
    They use voting machines at municipal elections.

  9. “You will flush nothing and you will be happy”

    Flush Schwab, WEF – Word Effluent Forum

  10. Time to fire up some inter-city Flames/Oilers, Stampeders/Elks rivalry here.
    If you feel a shit coming on, hop in your EV and take a drive up Hwy 2 to pay a visit to your cousin up north.

      1. Get with it man!! Eskimos is so rayciss doncha know!!
        Esks….. gotta preserve the Double E.
        Hows about Edmonton Elfs? Nah, too sucky. Eels, I mean really??
        Edmonton Eunuchs? Yahbut, seven eff’n letters?? Apropos, but we’re on a budget here!! Geez!
        Elks it is then…….


    1. There is another river, though smaller, that supplies water to the city.
      It’s just that the Bow river has some of the best drinking water in the world.
      They say that certain big, big soda pop company uses the Bow river water for other locations.

    2. Bearspaw Water Treatment Plant capacity is 550 million litres a day. Water comes from Bow River, upstream of Bearspaw Dam

      Glenmore Water Treatment Plant capacity is 400 million litres a day. Water comes from the Elbow River at the Glenmore Dam

      Current water demand in Calgary is approximately 480 million litres per day. Meaning various water storage reservoirs are being drawn down.

  11. OK now is the CF going to deploy the DART team and their reverse-osmosis water machine? You know, like we do when there is a disaster in a shitty little country abroad?

  12. If enterprising and make an effort, in Bowness, between tracks and Shouldice bridge, drill or pound down 12 to 14 feet, lots of water. Lived there, had well in backyard, sands/gravels. All plugged/filled after Bowness joined Calgary.

    As far as Clown Show in City Hall, they excell at nothing except meetings, social justice projects, taking away property rights (city wide rezoning to please JT etal and grab some accelerator dollars which may or may not appear), no idea of real world, and last but not least, DEI driven.

    Witness the flood response, private enterprise stepped up, city accepted beyond thier ability, meetings don’t get “s..t” done. Whammo, equipment, men, “get her done” got it done. Then Mayor etal took credit. Who cares?? It GOT DONE, today sadly.

    Process, not outcomes, feelings don’t leave someone out, VS work, and of course no real competence in any part of City Admin. Industry is the “villain” , private “enterprise” is bad, techno and snivel servants are in charge, without any accountability.

    Agree, ultimately, you do get what you vote for. Sad, truly sad for Calgary, my home town. I miss the Klien days when stuff really did get done in Alta best city.
