3 Replies to “Today In Islam”

  1. Everyday I get more angry. Islam must be destroyed worldwide.
    Depravity gets redefined by Koranderthals everyday.
    Ban Islam
    Destroy all Mosques
    Deport the inbred imams
    Exile all Muslims back to their shithole

    They deserve zero acceptance in a civilized world

  2. Violence from stabbings, rape, and murder to large terrorist bombings all help Liberals to build their police and surveillance state, they say they need absolute power over you to keep you safe, and little canadian voters agree.
    Liberals pocket cash and gain power with every new Muslim that colonizes the civilized world, the national socialists occupy all the big government institutions so more unionized teachers, bureaucrats, media leftists, NGO’s, science fiction writers, etc. are needed. All workers are told who to vote for if they want to satisfy their greed.
    Little “Venezuelans of the north”…
