Whatsisname’s Britain

Where the foxes caper unmolested, the government packs your school lunch and they give you fair warning*, “…either you or your head must be off.”

I am here today because OfCom, the media watchdog agency, concluded that my presentation of information from scientific reports about the Pfizer injection, on Mark Steyn’s TV show in October 2022, caused “harm.” Ofcom also referred to me in public documents as a “conspiracy theorist,” using that discrediting characterization of my work, as part of its decision to penalize Steyn for airing the show in which I brought forth the evidence I did.

I wish to describe to the court please the nature of the evidence I presented on GBNews. I then wish to describe my credentials, and lastly, I wish to make some points about the history of censorship.

Mark Steyn: Trials and Tribulations

13 Replies to “Whatsisname’s Britain”

  1. I just heard Nigel Farrage in a long form interview: https://youtu.be/FhNmupmr7vk?t=1658

    He mentioned that all sorts of official agencies in the UK, such as this one, are designed to keep the status quo of the Big Conservative Party and the Big Labour Party. No others are wanted. No discussions that question the authority of the status quo are permitted. They must be crushed.

    1. It is sad to see what all of the vaccine naysayers have been through in the last few years. It is especially sad to see the toll it has taken and continues to take on our friend Mark Steyn.
      Our first world countries are broken, but most don’t realize it.

  2. Intyre blew up. The vax vs novax comparisons should be done per age group etc, because the patient age was the factor defining if you made it to the stats.

    1. ‘OfCom seeks to portray this material as “harmful.” But can findings be “harmful” if they are true? I am a reporter and I base my opinion on facts.’

      The BBC is harmful but that finding is so easily politicized. No way can be used censor, pure USSR is that.

  3. ” I am not a medical doctor”

    To avoid any confusion in the future, I suggest you stop referring to yourself as DOCTOR Naomi Wolf.

    1. Then what does D.Phil mean? I thought it was DOCTOR of Philosophy?
      She seems to know that she is not a DOCTOR of medicine hence her

      Maybe she just annoys you, which is OK. At least you could fess up to it.
