27 Replies to “Whose Side Are We On Again?”

  1. Cuba, where a bottle of 15 year old scotch is more expensive than a 15 year old prostitute, courtesy of Castro.

    1. What’s the problem? Here in CA that’s legal now. As is trafficking in illegal children … evidently. And the Disney exec’s are grooming them all …

  2. Justin Castreau needs to prove his loyalty to his late pappy’s regime.

  3. You would have thought they would have done a paint-ship routine or even touch-ups prior to the deployment – showing off our latest ship.

    1. Your NEW Navy don’t do menial tasks … those are micro aggressions by the commanding staff and will cause loss of their commissions.

  4. Turdeau is channelling his inner Jane Fonda. He’s dreaming about straddling that Russian sub.

  5. Yeah just because the foolish neocon Yanks want a fight with Russia does not mean that Canada must follow suit. If the Yanks want a fight they should step outside and if I’m not there in a year or so they can start without me.

  6. It’s a bit of a stretch to call it a “warship”. Wikipedia lists it’s weapons as 1 Mk38 25mm cannon, and a couple of machine guns. It has no anti ship capability, no anti sub capability and no anti air capability (the 25mm cannon is a single barrel with a rate of fire of 180 rds a minute, so a 6,600 ton warship is about as well armed as a Bradley IFV). This ship is the size of a WW2 light cruiser and not as well armed as a motor torpedo boat. It’s a total joke. I wouldn’t join the navy to go to war in it.

    1. It’s a patrol boat, designed for arctic operations, so of course the canadian government sends it to the Carribean

  7. Canada’s navy ships all look like lightly armed fishing trawlers. Absolutely zero LCF and even less lethality. Our ships sure fit our new post national putzy image. Do our ex British subs even float? And how are the supply ships coming along? Icebreakers?

    1. It’s a patrol boat. It’s armed, but not designed for serious battle. It’s actually pretty advanced, although it may not look it.

      Frigates are something else entirely. The new frigates that are on the drawing board will not look anything like a trawler. God knows when we’ll get them.

  8. It’s cheaper than Mexico. Same logic thousands of Canadians apply every spring break.

    1. Propping up commies for a cheap vacation, a Canadian is a Canadian, ad naseum.
      Oh look at all the old buildings and cars, how quaint.
      Where’s the inclusive buffet and bar?

      1. That’s what we are now. A bunch of cheap vacation losers and batshit crazy Kovid Karen’s who vacation in Cuba, protest with Hamas, and get all their up to date boosters.
