10 Replies to ““Diversity Audit””

  1. Whiteness AND heterosexuality are a problem because that means white people breed and slaves are supposed to be NOT white and in the dystopian future everyone is a slave so can’t have white people.

  2. Seems to me we had fewer problems back when there were less turd worlders and degenerates around.

  3. What are the names of the people pushing this garbage. Why do we never see their names?

    1. A pendulum indeed. In my lifetime (75 years), universities and professors have gone from a position of admiration and respect to disrespect and revulsion. Even the STEM fields are contaminated by the contagion.

      1. agreed. lm 72 l just finished FOREVER abt a decade part time tuition free self interst courses, some credit some audit. some poli sci mostly history the last 2-3 years traipsed aroung with a star of david luggage tag.
        l wonder how that would go over in our new local nazi headquarters temporarily in the tents on the football field on campus . . . . .

  4. The only proper response to such idiots,is “I am sorry you feel that way” as you eject them from your company.
    Parasites are insufferable.
    Entitled freeloaders ?
    Death is too good for them.
    If white working males are so toxic to the “Progressive Utopia”,then I say t let them build without us.
    Although I cannot imagine what “build” will mean in Prog Speak.

  5. So … normality is a problem? I guess it would appear that way if you’re a weirdo or whack job
