43 Replies to “How It Started”

  1. Hard to understand why the little weasel Singh-along would pick up 13 seats, though he couldn’t do much harm with a Conservative majority. It would also be amusing if he came out ahead of his former Liberal master. The BQ would be an absurdity as Official Opposition though that happened once before with Lucien Bouchard.

    1. The damage Meathead is doing to the NDP is spectacular. Check out the forecast on 338canada.com for BC. Seats that have been NDP for over 30 years are forecast to be firm CPC, others are tossups that never were before.
      As well, for BC, the forecast Liberal wipeout is spectacular.
      Beer and popcorn time!

  2. The Liberals would seem to have only one chance to stave off a massacre next election: turf their leader now.

    1. I don’t think that would do it. It is Liberal policies that have enraged the people, and only repudiation of those would help the Liberals.

      1. If they brought in an outsider like Carney, who then carried out a major cabinet shuffle, they might convince many that they’ve turned over a new leaf. This assumes Carney is good at politics, which is not a sure thing.

        1. Carney is a globalist sociopath without the incredible charm and warm dulcet tones of Ignatieff.

    2. It didn’t help Kathleen Wynne. You’d think that would serve as a reminder given the Turd’s 2 Rasputin’s, Butts and Telford, helped drive the Ontario Liberals into the ditch.

      1. There’s enough carbon tax anger directed at the Minister of Environment and Fake Climate Change Steven Guilbeault to carry the weight from a departed Trudeau.

        Also, no soft landing in the cratering housing starts figure yet, don’t believe a word Freeland says.
        Anyone who care cares about their own money and has the means to do so can simply remove their money from Canada, refuse to invest here. Especially folks with crypto currencies as the gov’t has no idea how those funds are doing, rightfully so it’s none of the gov’t business either.

        Nice to see the polling map holding up month to month as well. It’d be glorious to see the names of the traitor MP’s released prior to the election, and have the #Libranos poll numbers actually implode to non party status in Parliament. ….

    3. Let us hope, Trudeaus personality takes precedence & he stays on till Oct ’25.
      A Mark Carney install would make Trudeau look like the Cub Scout he truly is….
      That guy is nothing short of PURE EVIL.

    4. It’s too late. They should have done that over a year ago.

      They may as well anyway. Gotta start somewhere…

  3. Remarkable thing about Poilevre is his desire to have business convince the public of the need for policy changes they want, rather than just writing a check to the Conservatives.

    Lord willing, he smashes the LPC so hard next year that the party disappears forever. I believe if he wins a majority, he will make destroying every lever of Liberal Party power in Canada job 1, which is the only way to effect permanent change.

    1. Well, that will be child’s play, if he’s serious.

      Offer any Jewish Canadian who wants one a machine gun and as much ammo as he wants and outlaw Canada’s anti-Semites, granting Jewish Canadians permission to summarily execute any Jew-haters who cross their path. The assets of the Jew-haters will be forfeit to the Jewish Canadian who put down the sons of dogs. The Government of Canada will not honour their debts.

      I don’t expect many anti-Semites will actually be brought to justice, alas. Not many will be before the rest of the Trudeaupians will flee Canada with their tails between their legs.

      And that will be the end of the Liberal Party.

      (And the end of the housing crisis too. Once the Trudeaupians are gone there will be more than enough vacant houses and apartments to house any and all loyal Canadians not above doing something useful for a living.)

      1. KAHANE

        I like it , but why LIMIT said SMG’s only to “Jewish Canadians”..??
        ALL Canadians SHOULD Have the right to beer arms.

    2. If elected his first step should be privatizing the CBC. If not, then it’s meet the new boss…

        1. That’s because she’s always sitting down, and you only see her from the waist up! I suspect (without any proof — full disclosure) that there’s more to Vassey than meets the eye.

          Do I have *any* respect for any media types, especially those who work for CTV (Fake) “News?”

          Heck no!

  4. What is it the woman said?

    ‘Investments’ in those things the woman in a tight dress mentioned are actually spending, without any expectation of profit whatsoever.
    The help with those things is temporary, as another lady once said, that will end when the woman in a tight dress runs out of other people’s money.

    In her defense though, she really does not know whereof she speaks.

  5. Hopefully at least 172 of those 223 would actually want to conserve the country and its people…

  6. As for the polls, sit back and watch, the Canadian public never disappoints politicians that give them free teat to suck on.

    Anyway, the so called ‘Liberal’ and the socialist coalition will spend so much money that even if the conservatives form a government, they will be out of office by the following election for trying to stop the bleeding.

    There is no guarantee that the conservatives would drastically change the course.
    Remember, it’s easy to open your mouth if you can’t do anything about it. It is a whole new ballgame when you have to.

  7. So if I have this right Ms. Freeland wants to invest in Canada but she doesn’t want Canadians to invest in Canada because if they do she’ll apply maximum tax. Ms. Freeland wants to take Canadian taxpayer dollars and invest them herself in things that she believes in like EVs, solar and wind farms, sending money overseas to help develop third world countries and money like the five billion to Ukraine to defend democracy. Now have I got that right? It will be interesting to see in the next election how many Canadians are as financially bat sh*t crazy as the Liberal and Democratic members are. Do we really need to continue throwing money around that we don’t have to prove how insane we are in electing people that couldn’t navigate themselves down a one way street, much less operate a free bar in the desert?

  8. ‘Canaduh needs to invest’ bla bla bla. is that code for government spending?
    because gubbamint is very bad a guessing the market

  9. Chrystia, this is the end. Your days in Canadian politics are numbered. So are the days of your miserable Liberal Party.

    The days are numbered too in the Western world the globalism of your mentor George Soros, the most notorious self-hating Jew since Leon Trotsky.

    Tender your resignation, grab anything you can’t live without and go to Kiev to join your hero, the renegade Jew Zelensky. And stay gone. Maybe you can lead his shambolic government-in-exile. Can’t be as easy to screw up than the finances of a real country.

    1. “Wow, my comment has disappeared 2x. How frustrating!”

      Make sure that the letters O, R and C do not appear sequentially in any of your words. For example:


      …and many more.

      1. Yes, we can thank our genocidal friend Colon, whose incitements to mass murder have left us eating cro.

  10. TAKE from the “mature” generation … and GIVE (some of it) to the immature generation. Intergenerational THEFT. Government THEFT. LOOTING. That’s all. Nothing more complicated.

    But don’t worry … cause the rest of the EU G7 debtor nations are worse.

  11. The last thing I want is the foreign BQ as the official opposition.
    Unless of course they can up their separatist polls. That will be a reasonable consolation for me, but the S-O-Bs will get the budgets for being the official opposition – without one vote outside of Quebec.
    Rotton Bastards!!!

    1. From a Machiavellian POV, having the BQ as Opposition is not necessarily a bad thing. Let them get more money & influence in Quebec, let them tear what’s left of the LPC in Quebec to shreds, bolster support for separatism, and ultimately get them to finally freaking leave this country so that the rest of us are rid of the leftist deadweight that they represent.

      I think ultimately they’re too afraid to actually do it, because they damn well know they’re financially dependent on the rest of the country. More’s the pity.

      1. Quebec will never leave. It’s a ruse.
        Quebec is fat, happy and federal.
        What does a “pickpocket” do?
        Make you look the other way.

        1. “Quebec will never leave. It’s a ruse.
          Quebec is fat, happy and federal.”

          Exactly. They are also outraged when Alberta attempts to apply the same tactics as they do.

  12. We have seen this before. PP like Mulroney will be beholding to those that give him the majority, and it’s not the west. For Western Canada…it will be a good sedative for a spell.
    What goes around comes around and history repeats itself.
    Lasting fairness for the west will never happen without constitutional change. PP won’t dare go there.
