I’m Bullish on Unvaccinated Sperm

Pub Med- Recent decline in sperm motility among donor candidates at a sperm bank in Denmark

From 2017 to 2019, semen volume, sperm concentration, and total sperm count in the ejaculates of donor candidates increased by 2-12%. Then, from 2019 to 2022, sperm concentration and total sperm count changed by 0.1-5% from year to year, but none of those changes were statistically significant. In contrast, both motile sperm concentration and TMSC declined significantly, by 16% and 22%, respectively, between 2019 and 2022. Thus, the concentration of motile sperm in donor candidates declined from 18.4 [95% CL: 17.0, 20.0] million/ml in 2019 to 15.5 [14.4, 16.7] million/ml in 2022, and TMSC declined from 61.4 [55.8, 67.5] million per ejaculate in 2019 to 48.1 [44.1, 52.4] million in 2022.

28 Replies to “I’m Bullish on Unvaccinated Sperm”

  1. Campbell asks (rather derisively) why there hasn’t been research on the effects of COVID vaccines on male fertility. In fact, there have been. Here’s a literature review that looked at 19 studies:


    These studies generally found no variation in fertility, or sometimes temporary variations that likely did not affect the chances of conception.

    Why didn’t Campbell mention these studies? Two possibilities come to mind. One is that he wasn’t aware of them, which is hard to fathom given that they’re not difficult to find them on the internet. The other possibility is that he knew about these studies, but didn’t mention them because it spoilt the narrative.

    Neither possibility speaks well of Campbell.

    1. Why trust them? Where they conducted before the need of informed consent or after?
      You come off pretty strong yet seem to forget the idiots offering hamburgers for gene therapy, yet you can’t seem to see how such shallow dumbassery doesn’t rub off on science in a very negative way.
      You have a beef with humans saying FK u to the establishment take it up with your cohorts that shot themselves in the foot and don’t want to deal with it. Not people that watched everything basically done in a way to FK society over, and weaken it further, under the guise of humanity’s intellectual mastery of the right thing to do, and worse the right way to be.
      Science got what it fking deserved and doesn’t even possess enough basic humanity to grasp that fact .

      1. bingo.
        with godforsaken AI regardless of ANY promises, censorship up the wazoo which naturally includes unpopular truths, digital fraud sucking 100s millions out of citizens accounts
        etc etc.
        like l said to a very dear friend its coming to a time, again, like in the old days recording technology didnt exist, (whereas now its corrupted) we can only trust those personally known to us and only and increasing long ‘learning curves’ the more at stake.
        and that too will have a high failure rate. hopefully thus some of the major proponents of all this crapola wind up in the mouth of a volcano robespierre style.

    2. It really bothers you that we survived and thrive, doesn’t it, without the toxic Fauxci Ouchie?
      Meanwhile, that mRNA crap continues to circulate in your system, damaging you in ways that you refuse to imagine.
      Get your affairs in order, rat!

      1. DanBC, I’m used to your vacuous insulting replies, but to tell someone that they’re about to die is a new low for you. Kate really does need to do some house cleaning.

        1. Oh, no! Mortality! Ratbutt fears the thought of death! Here we have a powerful new tool! I’ll constantly remind him of his sad transient nature! I’ll grind him down! It’s my new “mortal and pester” approach.

    3. That study you linked to came out of China, every single author is from the University of Hefei China, and the primary authors last name, funnily enough, is Wang. Would anyone in China have any interest in suppressing bad news about the Wuhan Flu? Can you trust anything that comes out of China that is promoting the CCPs best interests? This weasel worded quote from the study admits that the vaccine changes sperm but the words “suggest” and “may” to qualify that statement. Later on it mentions using the WHOs guidelines. I don’t trust these people although you may do so.

      “The results suggest that although males may experience fluctuations in semen parameters within their physiological ranges after receiving the vaccine, it has not yet reached a level of influence on the partner’s pregnancy probability.”

      1. It wasn’t a “study”. It was a review of the scientific literature. You are free to read the 19 articles on male fertility that it cites for yourself, and judge whether the review’s summaries of those papers found in Table 1 seem accurate.

        But tell me — what excuse does Campbell have for not acknowledging the considerable literature on COVID vaccines on male fertility? He doesn’t have to agree with the literature, but he can’t pretend to his millions of followers that no studies have been done. That is grossly dishonest.

  2. But BABY! … the anti-vaxxers said I was sterile!! My boys don’t swim. You can’t be pregnant

    1. Know ur a troll, but:
      This is a small decrease. However what this study does not assess is the number of vaccine doses. If this is a cumulative effect, then yes, you will eventually risk going sterile.
      Also worth noting some places are still injecting this into children as young as 12 or even baby’s. This study does not assess what this does to the reproductive systems of those developing. Remember that something like mumps won’t affect the fertility of an adult man, but at the wrong time in a teenage boy it has a risk of doing so. In 10-20 years are we going to see something much worse?
      You are a cruel and bizarre twisted example of can only loosely be called human to ever feign defence of what is being done to children.

      1. Troll … PUHLEEZE …
        Sometimes a joke is just a joke … and an ejaculation is just an ejaculation

        I’m ON YOUR SIDE … but we still need to not take ourselves as serious as the ‘white’ purple-haired white haters take themselves. Laugh.

        1. And Dan … I quite enjoyed your retort to my wise ass comment. You clearly have a sense of humor to go with your sense of propriety. We’re on the same team.

  3. One of the best lines I’ve ever heard was from LA Law in the 1980’s. One of the characters comments that as a man, you always think of your sperm as Marines storming the beach, NOT as a boatload of Vietnamese refugees!

  4. So if it doesn’t maim or kill you, you end up sterile? And white, western, countries, ones with annoying traditions of civil liberties, labor rights and democracy mind you, were just about the only ones who by majority injected themselves with the serum? And many of these same countries are flooding themselves with uncontrolled immigration of those who don’t share our traditions and values? What could that portend? How are we to interpret these policies?

  5. No wonder the counts are down. In Europe they send you into a cubicle with Greta centerfolds; in Canada you get bare naked Freeland.

    1. Wow, I can’t imagine that, or don’t want to imagine that, in the theatre of any mind, but certainly not mine.

  6. KM, because you are so thick, let me say this slowly for you, like Christya.

    I don’t care what you think, and neither does anybody else, troll.

    1. If you don’t care what I think, why do you keep responding to my posts? Strange behaviour for someone who doesn’t care.

      Tell you what. We’ll both prove we don’t care what each other thinks by not responding or referring to each other ever again.


      1. I’ve got a better idea! Why not piss in each other’s faces at prodigious length and volume?
