48 Replies to “June 16, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. ah jeez. their gonna have to somehow shave samples off hundreds of spots on the planes for spectroanalysis.
      the findings could sink boeing.
      funny thing stuff made in chirer just gets flimsier and cheaper, cutting corners until the item no longer functions.
      a flash-lite for instance, the utter minimum of metal. failed.
      their construction is coined ‘tofu’ from a mainland chinese civil engineer looking at umpteen structures collapsing.

      1. I can barely wait until the Three Bridges dams collapse and cave the chicom manufacturing sector.

        1. billy bike
          The Chinese build very good stuff, it’s the western elites who build junk in China, using cheap labour for bigger $$$$$$. CDM products are of high quality. I know, I’v seen them, first hand.
          The AZZholes in here are brainwashed with their own stupidity.

          1. @ scar:

            Well they got to fluff something, otherwise they feel unloved.

          1. They’re called the Three Gorgeous Dams, for some reason. They look quite ordinary to me.

      1. Oh the irony – or should I say titaniumy?

        I really do not understand this lust for Russian destruction that infects the Western rulers; it has always backfired.

    2. One Wonders if Boeing ever heard of: PMI..??
      Positive Material Inspection using radioisotopes.
      I know they can be fooled, but one would think doing some destructive testing along with PMI, they woulda known pretty quickly they were sold Garbage.??

      Just another facet of the asymetric war on the US By the ChiComs….and their Western Hemisphere Globalist pals

  1. its proceeding. multimillions that wont bring a half second of lucidness to the dead women.


    instead of building a clinic and name it after them. or maybe the plan is to do that anyway, no choice needed.
    and as far as the money no need to pick. these millions and the millions in current areas will still flow. its encoded in the economy

    1. Interesting guy. I will try to get my adult kids to watch this. Thanks Reader!

  2. a lesson to the big electronics chains
    its the 90s l find an obsolete tape backup unit at the oakville future shop. or as l came to say future SLOP

    l haggle them, no dice ‘thats a management decision and theyre not in this week’
    so l go back the thing of course hasnt sold.
    so mgmt dops the price.
    to match the new higher capacity model.
    l point out the absurdity.

    did they eventually relent and give a proper PROPORTIONATE price?

    not saying they did not saying they didnt.
    what lm saying there are REASONS people patronize certain retailers and shun others to the point they go BANKRUPT AND EXTINCT

    1. That’s not true that they ignore white Canadians.

      The Liberal government as a special progrom for white Canadians. It’s call Medical Assistance in Dying!
