Margin Of Fraud

Liz Harrington; (thread)

There are over 20K unsubstantiated ballots in GA’s 2020 original results from tabulators that “do not exist” according to the Rossi/@KevinMoncla complaint.

Fulton County provided “proof” they exist.

Except their proof showed they used serial numbers for DIFFERENT machines.

There’s a word for this… Oh yes, fraud.

They claimed there was an ICP3 at the East Point Library during early voting.

Only problem: there were only two scanners there, according to Fulton County’s own checklist.

They did the same thing for a tabulator they claimed was at the South Fulton Service Center polling location.

They said there was a third tabulator, when there were only two.

33 Replies to “Margin Of Fraud”

  1. The Democrats / Deep State are gearing up to steal the 2024 Is Election.

    How many tens of millions of phoney votes will they need this time ???

    1. That is the big lie by Democrats….that it takes huge fraud to get “millions of phoney votes”…..they don’t need tens of millions of phoney votes…..they just need a few thousand in specific areas to turn the results.

        1. That’s after 2000 mules, 51 intelligence experts and Ruby in Georgia.
          There had been no accountability for even when the fraud was recorded on video as was the case in Georgia. I expect a full repeat this time around but can Ruby scan ballots fast enough this time around to make up for Joe unpopularity is the question.

          1. “There had been no accountability for even when the fraud was recorded on video as was the case in Georgia.”

            That accountability is coming soon.

      1. “That is the big lie by Democrats….that it takes huge fraud to get “millions of phoney votes”…..they don’t need tens of millions of phoney votes…..they just need a few thousand in specific areas to turn the results.”

        That’s a fact. They seriously underestimated Trump’s support in 2016, which is why he won then. They underestimated it yet again in 2020 and had to scramble at the last minute to manufacture enough fake ballots, which led to mistakes like stopping the count in a select few states (while states that used exactly the same systems and procedures had no trouble continuing their own counts), pulling ballots out from under tables, pizza boxes over windows, not allowing any Republicans to observe the counts, etc….they just weren’t ready for the sheer number of Trump votes.

        They will have a much more difficult time with this election because the Republican volunteers will be out in f*rce and watching very closely, as will the public.

        1. Yes, I read somewhere that Laura Trump is assembling an army of 100,000 poll watchers and also that the Trump campaign is boosting their mail in vote initiative.

          It will be fascinating to see if the Dems can goose their margin of fraud efforts enough to win. Like Old JoeI I am in awe of the Dem fraud machine.

          They may need HRC as candidate to make the fraud more plausible.

        2. I have no doubt they are intimidating the Electoral College voters too.
          Nice house ya got there……,
          nice kids too….
          These people are evil.

  2. Make elections as opaque and as awful as possible.. Staff them top to bottom with untouchable minorities.. Turn all the checks and balances into a media driven court ordered / cluster DUCK..

    Where everything must get triple checked except the votes that were cast.. Cluster DUCK..

    Politicians??.. Kind of like Al Capone .. Innocent as can be, sitting on top of a criminal empire.. Did Joe or Justin cheat? no.. That’s the job of the grassroots volunteers.. The system itself has to appear clean and functioning properly because they just announced the winner.. Rocking the boat?.. Handing ammunition to your political enemies.. Wait, wait we need to count again but who is in charge of that?.. Rail the details and then say no..

    Water under the bridge.. We call this democracy..

  3. Well, given that these EXACT same totally HACKABLE, voting Tabulators (Dominion), were used in many recent Civic Elections, (in Calgary – 100% CERTAIN), one has to assume that the Federal Liberals will INSIST on utilizing them (Once again), in 2025.

    GARANTEED… their thoughts being…
    “its the ONLY way to be sure”…No.??

    1. They are already talking about outside of vote station registration — to reduce the inconvenience of the voters, an issue never thought of for decades, centuries.

  4. Much is being said about Democrats raing $30 million in Hollywood last night yet nothing is being said about Republicans fundraising in Detroit last night. Curious.

    1. Where does the $30 million go when all of their TV ads are paid for by Gates/Zuckerberg PACs?

  5. I suspect this time around they won’t bother with the petty application of “votes.” Instead I would not put it past certain placed Secretary(s) of State to just certify false results. Michigan and Arizona come to mind immediately in that regard (as does Colorado and Maine).

    Arizona has gone so far as to issue warnings to precincts disallowing them the ability to recount at their own locations. So, essentially, it is the Secretary of State who coagulates the totals and certifies the “result.” We’ve seen that the DOJ is willing to jump right in and shut down any investigations into irregularities. They wouldn’t dare challenge a desired result regardless of how egregious it appears.

    If this sounds far fetched. Take a few moments and list all the efforts that have occurred over the last few years to assure a certain electoral outcome. The Democrats are all in, the media is all in, the DOJ is all in, and a significant number of Republican politicians are all in. Then consider that certain Secretary(s) of State have already tried to remove Trump from the ballot without cause.

  6. A clear majority of U.S. voters have lost faith in the system:

    “The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 60% of Likely U.S. voters think it is likely that cheating affected the outcomes of some races in last year’s midterm elections, including 37% who say it’s Very Likely. Thirty-five percent (35%) don’t believe it’s likely the 2022 midterms were affected by cheating, including 20% who think it’s Not At All Likely.”

    “By a margin of 52% to 40%, voters believe that “cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 U.S. presidential election.” That’s per a Rasmussen Reports survey from this month. This stands in stark contrast to the countless news stories editorializing about “no evidence of voter fraud” and “the myth of voter fraud.”

    1. That last paragraph was written by someone who has brain worms. 90% of Americans believed Saddam had undeclared WMD in 2002, does that make it true?

      1. WMD was plausible even if not true. Biden’s win against Trump from his basement was much less plausible,
        hence the doubts. A paraphrasing of what Scot Adams said, if was it possible for Democrats to cheat than they likely did cheat. The parties have always cheated if they could. There has always been voting by dead people. There has always been voters with addresses at vacant lots. There is a myriad ways to cheat and they do it with relish.

        1. “WMD was plausible even if not true. ”

          All intelligent people realize that, yes. The fact that Hans Blix and his UN inspectors went in looking for them (based on the irrefutable evidence of international import/export records regarding controlled/restricted chemicals) and couldn’t find them means nothing. The fact that they then declared them non-existent was actually funny…what, just because you can’t find the chemicals that you *know for a fact* were delivered there means that they suddenly don’t exist at all? Because you diligently searched every square foot of Iraq, right? Hilarious…

          The tired old “there were no WMDs in Iraq” dodge is for children, idiots or liars (like our own Allan S.)…

      2. “That last paragraph was written by someone who has brain worms. ”

        No, it was written by someone who was just passing on actual polling information. That’s what the general public believes, and for good reason. Suck it up, buttercup.

        “90% of Americans believed Saddam had undeclared WMD in 2002, does that make it true?”

        No, the export records of all the nations that sold Iraq the precursor chemicals to create those weapons make it true. The fact that they were never found is irrelevant.

    1. alla unDORK

      And dimwitts will BULLschitt, thanks for dropping in and proving that you are the only one who posts in here , who has an error rate greater than the colon.

  7. Watch the pollsters.
    They will be shaping the fraud well in advance of the election.
    In the USA ..”Biden rising in polls”.
    In Canada “Liberals making come back”.
    Which will both be total BS, but necessary for the vote counting fraud.
    You may hate the state funded journalists,but you do not hate them enough.

  8. We need a voting day not a voting month. We need voter ID we need purple thumbs, and paper ballots.

          1. Swampthevote works … your poison links don’t.

            Trump is playing by the CURRENT rules … which are unconstitutional. The Constitution sets forth a voting DAY … but since the Democrat Communists don’t give a fig about the US Constitution … gotta play by the Commies distorted rules.

  9. In Europe, what did the Far Left – all Lefties are Far Left – do after the recent elections?
    And that’s not the first time.
    And what did they protest? Not the fairness or accuracy of the vote, but the outcome.
    What did Hilary do when Trump won?
    And created a fake dossier and a whole industry with the MSM backing her subterfuge.
    Because she didn’t like the outcome.
    Far Leftists – the Democrats (and the Liberals) are now that – protest the outcome.
    Right people – and that’s what we are – protested cheating, the blatant ballot stuffing and fraudulence of the vote.
    When Biden is turfed – either electorally or mortally – and Juthtin the Phag is removed – hopefully from the Solar System – look to the protests from the Far Left.
    Antifa, BLM, Idle No More, Climate Cultists, Alphabet Soup and so on.
    They’ll protest and march and scream and disrupt and burn, loot and murder.
    The difference between an “Election Denier” and a results denier is the difference between plain wrong and justifiably right.

    1. “What did Hilary do when Trump won?”
      Exactly what Trump did, declare the election stolen.
      But Hilary was given a pass where Trump was viciously attacked with lawfare.

      1. ““What did Hilary do when Trump won?”
        Exactly what Trump did, declare the election stolen.
        But Hilary was given a pass where Trump was viciously attacked with lawfare.”

        Whaaa? Say it isn’t so!
