“Not Weaponized” (Yet)

During the next pandemic they can harass farmers in the middle of nowhere for not wearing a mask while greasing their cultivator.

Calgary Herald- ‘Game-changing’: RCMP testing crime-fighting drones in rural Alberta

The drones are purely used for observation, according to RCMP, and aren’t weaponized. Some can be equipped with loud speakers, emergency lights and sky hooks to carry emergency equipment. Officers on Friday said pre-recorded messages can be blared from certain drones equipped to do so, making them a communication tool in emergency situations.

27 Replies to ““Not Weaponized” (Yet)”

    1. Farms miles apart, very large areas to cover = thousands and thousands of drones needed.
      Battery drones = limited coverage per flight = thousands and thousands of drones needed.
      Farmers carrying shotguns = dead drones
      Horny but rejected boyfriend/girlfriend cops = drones more likely to spy on ex’s (this is happening all the time with current police drones).

      So possible, yes – but likely to have an impact on you, no.
      I’d be more worried about satellite coverage catching you putting in more nitrogen than your gov’t oversight bureacrat has deemed needed to farm your land.

  1. As always, technology is neither good not evil but the designers and operators certainly choose one side or the other. Drone technology should be used for legitimate purposes like locating criminals and missing people. Assisting officers in apprehending criminals. Detouring traffic around unsafe conditions, etc.

    Will it be used as part of a authoritarian surveillance state? Until covid I’d have said no. After covid I have to say, yes, it will be used by the ruling class to abuse human rights and privacy if we stay along the current political trajectory.

  2. All depends in how the drone is used. Do you trust the government?

    I have mixed feelings. Local cops used a thermal drone last winter to find a missing kid. They used one a few weeks ago to track down a shooting suspect. Fire department has one for scouting dangerous scenes. All great uses.

    I’m less enthusiastic about potential future uses. Thermal drone could easily monitor energy use, among other things.
    I’m pretty sure blanket scanning of houses is still illegal in the US at least, thank you weed growers.

    1. I remember that during the COVID pandemic, the cops in Britain were uing drones to find people breaking quarantine way out in parks or isolated areas. And bragging about it.

  3. Get rid of these S-O-Bs!!
    Seems to me Colorado allows drones to be shot down if they are imposing of a person’s privacy.

  4. Let me guess, drones will not be allowed to enter airspace over the reserves? Wouldn’t want find all those stolen cars, all those graves of missing Indian women and those those meth labs?

    1. Don’t forget the people smuggling, drug smuggling, cigarette smuggling, marijuana fields, gun smuggling….did I forget anything?

      1. Snuggling?

        It’s basically an airborne telescreen as predicted in 1984.
        “Stay where you are!”

  5. Just build a jammer in the control frequencies, I had a friend who built a police radar jammer and installed it in the front grill of his car, probably illegal though. If you built a directional jammer you could block the control and I believe the default is for the drone to return to its launch site. I think it also loses video feed at that point too. You could build a low power omni directional jammer which could cause any drone entering its envelope to trigger the Auto Return to Home feature. You might want to have an easily accessible kill switch to use if you see an “Official Vehicle” approaching but if you are in the country behind a gate they may have to request access. It would at least let you know that they are surveilling you. You could tell them all the new 5G towers have been causing weird problems for your WiFi too and your portable phones are not working anymore.

    1. and when the kit hits the market they are banned and still more laws protecting MACHINES
      and not the people.
      lm waiting for sumbuddy mention The End Times.
      personally l utterly detest every last one of them the so called ‘good cops’ are the ones who look the other way. their buddies might coerce them however something about a ‘team’

      all l need to know about cops the nite l tried to buy a ticket ahead of time for the discount and some godam drunk kicked me in the leg get me out of the line.
      shythead VIA sells HIM a ticket not me so l leave just in time cops show up and blame it all on me and have now refused FOUR TIMES to view video of me being the victim and wont even tell me the rules what it takes to do so.

      l state here openly and freely cops are the utter worst bullies lve ever dealt with and get immense sense of satisfaction when for instance whatsisname in Tranna dun got hisseff RUN OVER. naturally ALLLL his buddies commited perjury according to forensics

    1. and Alan Parsons’ “I am the eye in the sky looking at you ooohh I can read your mind …”

      1. Children of the Moon:

        “We let the blind man lead the way too long
        Easy to see where we went wrong
        Nothing to live for
        Nothing to die for
        We’re lost in the middle of a hopeless world..”

  6. If you’re going to stress over anything, you should focus your attention on your Judicial system and your Politicians. Good luck with that, though, with our Constitution they together foisted upon us.

  7. Will the drone deliver a warrant before entering property airspace?

    How would one know it’s a police drone, as opposed to some asshole trespassing?

    1. If your drone happens to accidentally smack into theirs over your own property, which they’re flying over and holding under surveillance without a warrant, that’d be a shame. Wouldn’t it?

      Is home air defense going to become a thing? That would really suck.

  8. I see no probability that this sort of technology would be misused by the very same public servants who openly gloated on internal social media about the opportunity to trample unarmed peaceful protestors with police horses.

    Serve and protect, right? I mean, why worry about this sort of thing unless you’re guilty of something, eh comrade?

  9. without a warrant isnt that called ‘fishing expedition’?
    wait thill they change all dem impordand rdddddules about rights to suit the new era.

    even WITH them cops found ‘loopholes’

    wait til the chicago ‘gang’ hears about it

    corrupt corrupt corrupt since at least Capone’s time a CENTURY ago . . . . .

  10. So which is the real drone?
    The flying camera platform?
    Or the fat slob munching donuts in front of the screen?
    Naturally the camera will “Suddenly fail” when the “responders” open fire.

  11. Do NOT forget to wear a face mask and a stocking cap when you go out with your shotgun.

  12. L – Federal political corruption rife in Ottawa requires the surveillance and targeting of the citizenry
    to prevent police reverting to their traditional role (Sir Robert Peels’ 9 Rules of Policing) to serve
    and protect the citizenry and a mutual role of the suppression of crime.

    The R.C.M.P. traditionally answered via the Commissioner to Parliament not to the government of the
    day; something designed to preserve the Rule of Law applying to politicians and bureaucrats, as a way
    of keeping them honest or in jail. Respect of the Rights of the citizenry engendered a mutual respect,
    reserved for those whose motto “To Serve and Protect” was a sacred covenant.

    Former Assist. Commissioner Robert Head advocated that from the time he ran for the Reform Party
    in Saskatchewan. The C.P.C. under Harper didn’t do that. Will the C.P.C. under Polievre?
    Will the C.P.C. continue the cover-up of the Lockdowns/Mandates? If they can’t reform themselves.
    It is unlikely they can reform much else.
