8 Replies to “Sunday On Turtle Island”

  1. But without government assisted death for Old Stock Canadians, how is the government going to make room for our replacement population?

    1. You may of heard of the new World War that your Governments are trying their darndest to start?

      Now, since men have been in the forefront of every war ever, it’s time to recognize the new world.
      Women aren’t just equal, they are better.
      So say Governments and Media, and they wouldn’t lie.
      So, time to draft every female between 18 and 50 and put them all right on the front lines.
      White males may even become popular again.
      In the meantime practice your Russian.

  2. Given the latest news that white nation sperm motility is down by 21% since 2019 (an impossible to understand or explain phenomena that has doctors baffled) I expect the white issue is not going to be with us much longer.

  3. Off topic but a question for you historians out there: Did we give aid to Japan after the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor in 1941?
    If not, why are we giving aid to Gaza after they attacked Israel on Oct 7 and Gaza can end this war today by surrendering?

  4. A very interesting article about the Spanish Flu and how Aspirin may have led to the cascade of deaths … it makes sense that massive doses of aspirin could cause respiratory edema.


    Homeopathy. The whack job writing this article HAS to put his own bias and stupidity on full display by implying if not outright claiming that Homeopathy would have saved everyone from The evils of capitalist greed monger Rockefeller … and The Spanish Flu.

    This article reminds me of our utterly polarized political world today … you have big Pharma enthusiasts -vs- the alternative medicine whack jobs. Whatever truths each side could agree upon get totally lost in open hostility and insanity. Homeopathy is the 6ft social distancing of their opponents. Total garbage.

    1. Indeed, the author’s bias toward homeopathic treatment is a glaring negative in the article. Of course, if the course of treatment being given through “conventional” medical channels was a lot worse than the disease itself, then homeopathy might well have saved lives, without having any actual effect on the progression of the disease.

      The aspirin treatment, including its use as a prophylactic, was horrendous, with some sources saying that doses of over 30 grams per day (That works out to around 100 of the 5-grain tablets!!!!!!) were given. The range of problems that would cause all on its own are mind-boggling.

      A few years back saw a previous article about the aspirin problem, but it didn’t include actual dosages, nor did it talk about effects on the immune system.
