Coming Soon?

World Economic Forum- Feeding the future: why Renovation and Reinvention are key to saving our food system

Our global food system is in urgent need of transition. At present, one-third of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions come from food production. At the same time, the global population is projected to reach nearly 10 billion people by 2050, which could increase the demand for food by 60%. Many of the ways we grow, manufacture and consume food are causing a dual crisis of human and environmental health, and the complexity will only intensify.

h/t Jim

42 Replies to “Coming Soon?”

  1. And because Daniel Smith and conservatives still pay lip service to reducing emissions this kind of garbage will continue to get promoted

    1. That 10 billion figure is a lie. Virtually all population projections show the world total getting over 8 billion, then starting to decrease before it ever gets to 9.

      1. Simple. All brown people are limited to two children. Problem solved. Or … let the race wars begin … then the pop. will fall.

        1. Statistics … statistics, my friend are not racist. They’re facts. This article is full of statistics … bemoaning a world pop. of 10B mouths to feed. Want to cut the number of mouths … ? Do what is statistically significant. Logic … and statistics. Not racism. Oh! I said “brown people” ? Then what should I have said? “Breeders”? “Litter Droppers”?

        2. Hey, we can’t help it if we think brown people are useless mouths. It happens to be the unvarnished truth.

      2. The WEF -lying- about population? Impossible, right? Even though they frickin’ lie about literally everything else, we believe them on population.

        Here’s a bold and brave notion: what if they lied about overpopulation too? What if the population numbers we all reel off from constantly hearing about it are completely false? Like everything else? Same as gun control, global warming, renewable energy, electric cars, the Antarctic melting, polar bears, the Covid jab, etc.?

        What then? Hmm?

        Here’s the thing. Western nations keep a pretty good tally of who’s in the country. The two biggest countries, India and China, are so utterly f-ed they have no idea who is in them. China lies to the world for sure, but inside China the officials ALL LIE TO EACH OTHER just to keep their jobs. This is the country where they paint the dead dirt green to make it look like grass. India is all payola and crime, don’t even get me started on them.

        Africa? They don’t even know what goes on outside the city. Two miles out of town, everything is a mystery.

        So, -are- there 9 billion humans on earth? Who says so? How do they know? They pulled it out of their @$$, is how they know. They made up a number that supports their agenda, just like every other socialist out there.

        1. the population of the earth is an estimate, not a count, in the same way that despite the government of canada have stats about how many people are born each year, die each year and immigrate each year, they still estimate the population of canada.

          And anything the WEF claims should be verified by those who aren’t “true believers”.

      3. Also given the abrupt 21% utterly baffling and unexplainable drop in sperm motility that occurred between 2019 and 2022. (Vax spike and nano particles accumulates in the testicles but the only thing we do know for sure is it can’t possibly be the safe and effective mRNA jab.) The over population problem is going to fix itself. And just in case it doesn’t they have three more band spanking new safe and effective jabs coming out in 2024 alone.

        1. Could just be men playing with themselves more before giving a sample. Lockdown was boring.

    2. lip service is necessary because it fools all those ocd karen types harping about glow bull warming blaming us hooomahns when one need only do a quick calculation as to how much energy pouring out of the sun every second, hits the earth some 150,000,000 km distant.
      assuming the output is much the same in every direction, lve never figured out how much area that is inside the ‘sphere’ of that avg radius. compared to the size of earth’s profile at that point.
      anybody want to help ol’ ward here with those figures? hmmm?
      got that ward baby? EVERY SECOND. where it bounces off or penetrates or the wave length yada yada yada is related but SECONDARY to the point.

      1. 1347 Watts per square meter, on average, at the Earth’s distance from the sun.

      2. I remember watching a climate “scientist” say in an interview that he didn’t know that the sun could melt snow and ice. He thought that only air temperature could.
        Many have never experienced the joy of watching melting in February at -20 C where the sun’s rays are directly hitting south facing black objects. It’s not a lot, but a little bit of hope midwinter.

        1. A “scientist” that doesn’t know about… radiation. Put that bugger through a few courses of thermodynamics, he deserves it.

  2. Good math. 35% population increase = 60% in demand. It’s people using fuel. It’s cows. It’s farming. It’s garbage.

    1. Better math. 8 billion to 10 billion is a 25% population increase. Makes the claimed 60% increase in food demand even more ludicrous.

  3. Just No. Local and provincial governments in Alberta and Saskatchewan need to be loud and clear that the answer is No.

    In the linked article the WEF makes comparison about renovating and reinventing the agricultural sector in the same way governments have renovated and reinvented the energy sector. As in they want to make the food system as unreliable, unaffordable and completely f’ed up as the “green” energy system that have been imposed upon us. Food and energy are too important to allow the “we’re from the (federal/international) government and we’re here to help” crowd from doing any more bull-in-a-china-shop damage.

  4. wef is the poster boy for barging ahead with unproven policies and methods, enormous change and upheaval thinking its like a train on the track ‘predictable’. thats BULLSHYT. or as LCB puts it, ‘china shop’

    aaaaand besides which in 1950 lm either 98 or 99 dep before or after end of summer. hopefully lm lucid at least to see the folly and laugh back at a society that continues to treat me like DIRT. furthermore regardless when l check out suffice to say l just renewed my dr license and again KEPT THE NAME OFF THE ORGAN REGISTRY.
    and thus the power system bullies made it life and death for *someone* and having very convincing proof of the existence and efficacy of Karma, lm sure she can find a way to hurt the most deserving. l did a 25 page writeup the abuse and delicious consequences of for instance my childhood sexual abuser did of (quote) “massive brain hemorrhage’
    the residence and source of that demonic behaviour was DESTROYED? yep. 1975. she knew l would ‘figure it out’. (pssst, ’twas my own muther and her permanent scowl boo hoo hoo and ha ha ha)

  5. Three things governments should never be allowed to fiddle with…, energy and water. Any government that does needs to be horsewhipped.

  6. Anytime the WEF promotes policies on farming, I remember how well their advice worked for Sri Lanka. Give it the derision it deserves.

  7. I’m no math genius, but if we’re at 8 billion people now and they say we’re going to add another 2 billion by 2050…wouldn’t that mean food needs will go up by 25% (not 60%)?

  8. A RADICAL change to our food? Yeah … WEF-Soylent Green -is- people. But it’s low salt, low fat, low sugar!!

      1. Really …! I need a little fat content in my liquid people for “mouth feel” …

  9. Notwithstanding this article’s watermelon bias on alternatives of tilting at wind turbines and bug burger recipes:

    Walking with a bud in the woods with his friend who has a small farm nearby.
    He brings in no feed, has cows and chickens, about as free range as you can get.

    Making a living off the land but unwilling to upscale, aka buy more cows and chickens, because … government.
    That way he might make done dough proving local fresh food (no comparison folks) except for … methane.

    Too bad farmers are polluters who must pay and if unfortunately to using significant natural gas – 40% carbon tax.

    Is he to be replaced with “fully scaled reorientation of food production?”

    What other choice will we have when the collectivist charlatans of malevolent mendacity starve us and productivity to fight capitalism, I mean climate change, to build coal fired food factories and soon enough, shared misery, except for the architects of the New Green Raw Deal?

  10. Remember, the issue is never the issue. They really don’t care about pollution or global warming or over/underpopulation or transperverts or saving the delta smelt or the polar bears. These are merely facades, excuses. They don’t care what the hoi polloi pay for food or gas or anything plebian like that.

    Power. It’s all about political power.

    1. the issue is never the issue

      This cannot be repeated too often.
      It’s a corollary to “follow the money” and “cui bono”.

  11. Photosynthesis..
    A word so far from “The genius of central planning”.
    What was that famous quote from 40 years ago?
    The modern “Environmentalist” (heavy on the mentalist) will do anything to save “The Environment”.
    Damage people homes and properties.
    Threaten women and children in their sleep.
    Commit open aggression against their own energy suppliers.
    Anything,no matter how insane .
    Commend any atrocity by others…
    Except go back to (or go to) school and get an education..of how the environment works.
    The result?
    We have The Cult.
    The Cult of Calamitous Climate.
    Where willful ignorance and stunning idiocy are virtues.
    Funny thing about agriculture,it collects carbon dioxide..way more than the industry “emits”.
    And exports that CO2 directly into the cities..

    But our parasitic overload is immune to facts and logic.
    Act accordingly.

  12. Live in a sewer pipe, eat bugs, never go further than 15 minutes from your sewer pipe.

    Come on you guys, it’ll be FABulous.

  13. We have the capability to produce more than enough food for every person on earth, regardless of their skin color. The biggest impediment is political and environmental activist interference. We already had a Green Revolution in agriculture that led to massive increases in crop productivity. The biggest credit should go to one man:

    Norman Ernest Borlaug was an American agricultural scientist and plant pathologist, and winner of the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1970. Known as the “Father of the Green Revolution,” Borlaug helped lay the groundwork for agricultural technological advances that alleviated world hunger…His work in developing countries, especially on the Indian subcontinent, is estimated to have saved as many as one billion people from starvation and death.

    1. I still think of it as WW5.

      WW3 was the cold war.

      WW4 is the ingoing islamic war against the rest of the world.

  14. I have a dream that there be allowed one more atmospheric nuclear test of say, one megaton, 5000 ft above Davos during their annual world elitist Jacobin and Bolshevik circle-jerk.

  15. Genisis 1:26 – 28 (NIV) Says to FILL the earth with people and subdue the earth.
    26 – Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
    27 – So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
    28 – God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”

  16. Food transition? To what, starvation?

    Also, the curtren tpopulation is what 7.5 billion for argument’s sake. How can a 33% increase to 10billion result in a 60% increase in food consumption?

    I’m sure Bill Gates is working on this, buying up as much US farmland as he can.

  17. The current world population is 8,116, 000,000 (worldometer). How does an increase of 25% in population create a 60% increase in food demand? Because bullshit, that’s how.

  18. So, if you (WEF) are so concerned abut there being enugh to eat
    1) Let’s get rid of wind and solar farms and return the land to agriculture, even if it is only used for grazing.
    2) Produce much more CO2, plants love it and plants are food!

    But that wouldn’t give you control over the world, would it?
