15 Replies to “From The Sea To The Swimming Hole”

  1. the rocket and missile guy gets a taste of his own medicine.
    why are they called missiles? that one was most definitely a hitile.
    oh l make jest knowing that guys guts are RIGHT NOW smeared on that stretch of road.

    l envy the success rate of IDF general terms.
    lm going to hive off to the wilderness with my typrewriter and recollections and documents and
    write a book why that is.
    oh. wait. its been done already.

  2. Thanks for the reminder … man do I miss having Donald J. Trump in the White House. How many Houthi missiles would be fired at cargo ships in the Red Sea if PDJT was rightfully in office? Zero times zero is the answer.

  3. Shades of General Schwartkopf (sp.?) some years back.
    Kind of makes one feel better all over more than anywhere else!

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