11 Replies to “I, For One, Welcome Our New Self-Driving Overlords”

  1. I don’t know why McDonald’s gave up on AI. I can’t tell the difference between how AI screws up my order and how the dumbed-down humans they have to hire screw it up.

  2. I think it’s pretty clear AI is not living up to its billing.

    I used to love McDonalds. While I was never a regular customer, I probably used to average at least one or two visits a month back in the 90s. The taste is pretty much the same (except for the Quarter Pounder which they managed to screw up – sigh), the overall experience (ordering, paying, waiting forever for your order (“fast food” – hah!), eating inside), is just plain terrible any more, with the prices being completely out of control lately. Thanks Dementia Joe!

    1. Baffling. That era was when McD’s and fast food in general sucked. McD’s in particular was a conspiracy to sell Dukoral. Over the past several years they actually got really good.

  3. Thanks to the do it yourself ordering kiosks at McDonald’s, my order is usually correct now. Much improved my service experience, especially over the masked shouting through a plexiglass wall of a couple of years ago…..

  4. Why don’t they just do a big online menu and have customers pay before they get there? Allow customers to save their favourites in a short menu. Give a 10% discount for anyone who does it all online.

    1. Who plans ahead to go to McDonald’s? I’m not pulling out my cellphone while driving to order a cheeseburger through some overly complicated online menu.

      Internet menus suck.

      Take pizza places. What was wrong with calling on the phone? Gimme a large sausage and pepperoni. How hard was that? Now you have to spend ten minutes dicking around with an online menu.

    2. They already do? But unfortunately, the app they designed has some sketchy features like constantly reporting where you are to McDonalds.

  5. is it true the tipping point when ronnie AI mcdonnie ordered stuff for the drivein that wasnt on the menu?

    ya its a joke now. what happens when the interconnected AI systems turn the world into a scene from ‘Brazil’ where there is NO refuse, NO appeal, NO guidance just 100s millions contradictory dead end rules and procedures and once your in an ‘infinite loop’ getting passed off to the next . . . . . . what then?

  6. My local MacDonald’s drive through always screws up my order. Always, without fail. Cuz a Quarter pounder and fries is complicated. Tim Hortons, there is also no one that speaks or understand English, so I point at the menu. Coffee. Coffeeeeeee. The New York fries has the slowest hot dog in the west. Made by people who neither know how to make a hot dog, nor understand the concept of fast food. How long does it take to take a sausage and slap it in a bun? 15 minutes.

    My son just came back from Japan: He went to a fast food place, ordered up curried chicken and rice: 14 seconds later, he has his order, piping hot, with a smile that says come back again. 14 seconds, he timed it.

  7. So … when I use the drive through … give my order, which is repeated back to me perfectly by the $20/hr. clerk … she hands me the bag and there’s a burger missing, or the onion rings are fries instead, and my strawberry shake is chocolate. Who or what do I cancel then?

    Because that happens quite a lot
