36 Replies to “It Gets Hot In Summer”

  1. But the map is all angry and red! Like a republican

    I finally turned the AC on last night. Has been a very mild start to summer. My snap peas are still going strong well into June when they’d normally be cooked by this point

  2. Only Blackie and his carbon tax can save us. If you don’t believe me, he/she can burn jet fuel to your city and explain it to you.

  3. There is one sure way to detect propaganda. It only works one way. For example, you NEVER hear of a positive for “climate change” or “global warming”. EVERYTHING is negative AND, of course, deadly.

  4. O…M…G… there has been a “rescue” story running the last couple of days here in CA … of two hikers at Joshua Tree monument who “ran out of water” in the … somber reading … TRIPLE DIGIT HEAT!!! say the newscasters breathlessly … TRIPLE DIGITS!!! … in the desert … in mid June. Ohhhhhhhhh mommaaaaaa … it’s HOT in the desert!!


    PS … the “blistering heat wave” at Joshua Tree was 100-102 deg.F … in the DESERT!!! In JUNE!!! (spoken in the tones of Sam Kinison) … MOVE!!! MOoooooVE!!! … and bring enough water to DRIIIINK!!!!

  5. Kanada Pravda along with Environment and Tossing Virgins into Volcanos Canada colluding again to disseminate more absolute Horse Sh*t.

  6. I took a quick look at the weather forecast for Toronto for the next three days : 26C, 27C, 29C for daytime highs then cooling at night to 19C, 20C, 21C. So, basically, the equivalent of temperatures during a winter vacation in Mexico even when accounting for humidity.

    …oh, the horror. I’d take those temps anytime over the -35C to -40C temperatures we had in Alberta and Saskatchewan in January 2024. Last summer on the part of the prairies where I live we had a string of hot days considerably longer than the heat apocalypse predicted in the GTA this week. We easily survived and we don’t have AC (because I’m not fond of AC).

    1. And these temperatures are pretty normal for Toronto at this time of year. I remember sweltering days in the last month of school going back half a century.

    2. Don’t forget that was dry heat not at all like humid heat of Ontario. /s

      The problem is that summer happens only once every year and people have short memories

  7. On Vancouver Island the temps are a month behind. Haven’t hit 23 degrees yet. Bad for business.

  8. High of 16 today in Saskamatoonistania. Going down to 3 overnight.

    Alert the press.

    1. Yep, I’ve been covering tomato plants a day or two every week since planting. Then there’s the gale strength winds. It’s normally windy here but this year is particularly annoying. I’m good with the rain though.

  9. That dang tilt to the earth’s axis does it to us northern hemisphere dwellers every summer.

  10. It’ll take close to a year for failing memories and “adjusted temperatures” to kick in so they can tell us “June was the hottest on record”.

    1. we will measure the temperature to 3 decimal places, using equipment that is at best +/- 1 Degree C

      1. Yes JD, you have spotted the falacy of false precision. It even works where there are no thermometer readings, of any accuracy; they just make up data with a 2-D low pass filter. In fact, you will notice that on the maps, global warming is spatially inversely related to the density of measurements.

  11. We’ve turned these inane weather reports into a drinking game. Every time a mediot says ATMOSPHERIC RIVER, POLAR VORTEX or HEAT DOME, it’s time for a shot of vodka or whisky.
    Nothing but propaganda and fear based nonsense.
    Oh and The Big One is going to be worse than ever on the west coast, because “flat crust” or some such nonsense.
    Gotta keep the FEAR FEAR FEAR based media proclaiming it, when there’s no other fear BS to propagandize

    1. Every time a mediot says ATMOSPHERIC RIVER, POLAR VORTEX or HEAT DOME, it’s time for a shot of vodka or whisky.

      You’re gonna need a bigger bottle.

  12. It was 2 above here this morning, and the snow line in the Rockies to the east of here is down to about the 6000 ft level, fresh from Saturday night.

    …damned global warming!

  13. Oh Susanna, don’t you cry for me..
    Weather Porn and mockery there of,has a long and musical history.
    “Feels Like..Armagedon”..
    So many government agencies that must be made extinct, so little time.
    Starting with the State Funded Media broadcasting this tripe.

  14. JD, you are right on about the thermometers, and of course where these devices are placed . Also all the old data collected before satellites changed the game is not referenced when they mention temps from the past. So it’s all bull shut.

    1. “Also all the old data collected before satellites changed the game is not referenced when they mention temps from the past. ”

      They resisted satellite measurements for as long as they possible could, because the satellites showed no appreciable warming (unlike the old measuring stations in parking lots and near heat sources).

      But now that we have switched from ‘global warming’ to ‘climate change’, it’s all good.

  15. It also helps the narrative when you retroactively “adjust” prior temperatures. The 30s were still a heck of a lot warmer and we haven’t beaten those records yet, but they are working on it.

  16. Geez. And here we were, dumb little buggers, stacking bales in a a blistering hay-mow when it was 96F in the shade. And no Environment Canada to warn us. How did we ever survive?

  17. It hit 32C in Ottawa today. The wife and I are fine, we have ceiling fans, but the poor dog is suffering. He hasn’t really started shedding yet. 🙁

  18. Just remember 75%+ of Canada lives south of the 49th parallel (the border from Manitoba west)
    It’s more like south of the 45th. (ottawa)
    Is there a climate emergency across the USA border in Rochester or Detroit?
    Enough of the “hair on fire”.

  19. Meanwhile, here in balmy Southern SK, the temperature didn’t even get into the double-digits!
    I wonder what the media would have to say about that?
