99 Replies to “June 17, 2024: Reader Tips”

  1. The idiot prime minister of Canaduh thought it appropriate to shout out a nazi Banderite slogan just as the group photo was being taken at the Ukraine conference in Switzerland: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrhEiPlglOo
    Starts at 23:00. You can take the boy out of the drama school, but you can’t take the drama school out of the boy.
    At the beginning of the video he also says that Ukraine needs to be held to account for what it has done.

    1. You can take the boy out of the drama school, but you can’t take the drama school out of the schoolboy.

      There. I think that’s much better, DCH.

      1. You can take the boy out of the drama school, but you can’t take the Drama Queen out of the schoolboy.

        There, much more accurate.

    2. Slava Ukrayini! Pidor.
      Muscovy delenda est (don’t forget the salt).

    3. Well, you’ve labelled Bandera a Nazi. But did you do so with the required fervour? Comrade Stalin expects more from you, comrade.

      1. Most of the “donors” would likely be Ukrainian military personnel. A new law was passed some time ago allowing Ukrainian military officers to decide if their subordinates can be used as donors, when the “donors” are themselves unable to give consent.

  2. Re: The Enemy Below.

    I recall going to see that movie in a theatre when I was about 8-9 years old.
    Some of the guys I was with were cheering for the Germans in the sub. We got in a fight after the movie. It was a Sat. 2pm movie.
    On Monday morning the teacher, a Catholic nun called us all to her office. She reprimanded us for fighting on Main Street. I made the mistake of telling her that this happened away from the school, and that it was not school business. Her answer was: “I know that, however it reflects on what we teach you here at school.”

    Thus, that day after school, we had to stay in and wax hardwood floors. Lessons learned!

    1. Aw finally caught you, you little bastard.
      I broke my hip back then on your slippery floor and am charging you for the pain and suffering now…
      Lawsuit away we go!

      Remind me why I stopped Fostering Children long ago as they’re no protection from any type of future allegations. Many things that I used to volunteer were not in my best interest for any type of future allegation would be difficult to prove no matter what.

  3. The Enemy Below is one of the better submarine war pictures from the 50s. Interestingly, there is what amounts to a sci-fi remake from the original Star Trek series. It’s season 1, episode 14 “Balance of Terror”. William Shatner plays the Robert Mitchum role and Mark Lenard is in the Curd Jurgens role. There’s even a character filling the part of Theodore Bikel from the movie.

    Lenard plays a Romulan in this episode, but he’s best known as Sarek, Spock’s Vulcan father. He even makes a cameo appearance as a Klingon in Star Trek The Motion Picture. Lenard as a multi ethnic alien was likely only equalled by the late great David Warner (human, Klingon and Cardassian).

    1. “Interestingly, there is what amounts to a sci-fi remake from the original Star Trek series. It’s season 1, episode 14 “Balance of Terror”. ”

      My favorite episode of the original series, that one. A classic.

    1. I have long maintained that both young men and young women should do mandatory 2 year military service. It would get them away from their overly protective parents, teach them discipline and how to handle hierarchies (both military and corporate). If nothing else, they will know how to make a bed, keep their personal spaces clean and tidy and know what buttons to push on the washing machine. In other words, help them to “grow up”.

      1. Moma. I would normally agree in principal.

        But there is NO War that the US is involved in LEGALLY…. Nor is the US Mainland in Any current danger of invasion. (sorta)

        Said Draft is the first step to ensure younger populations in the Western Hemisphere don’t make it past 25…as they are Sent to Ukraine. Trudeau is looking at doing the same… All of these Filthy NAZI bastards, such as Biden, Trudeau, Macron and the Nazi’s at NATO HQ & the EU parliament…all pushing for eternal war with Russia.

        A Meat Grinder designed to reduce global population of Euro-Centrics.
        Just like the endless BS of Pandemics, War against Food etc etc.

      2. NO STUDENT DEFERMENTS. Lyin’ Joe Biden had 5 student deferments which didn’t just postpone his military service, it eliminated it completely. There are lots of members of the “lucky deferment” club from the 60s and 70s. I know members of my peer group who were drafted a decade later with higher GPAs then Joe ever achieved.

        1. Maybe if “senator’s sons” and daughters are drafted, wars in places like Ukraine won’t have as large a fan base as Ukraine currently enjoys.

        2. “NO STUDENT DEFERMENTS. Lyin’ Joe Biden had 5 student deferments which didn’t just postpone his military service, it eliminated it completely. ”

          Agreed. Say what you want about the Kennedys and the Bushes, at least they allowed their kids to join the military and go into actual combat.

      3. So I guess you’d have no problem having your teenage son or grandson drafted into a military controlled by a globalist traitor to go fight the Russians in Ukraine then. Moron

        1. “So I guess you’d have no problem having your teenage son or grandson drafted into a military controlled by a globalist traitor to go fight the Russians in Ukraine then.”

          When are Canadian, American or any other western troops due to be shipped off to fight in Ukraine? I must have missed that news story.

      4. I have long maintained that you and people like you are slavers who have no place in civil society. However you are doing a great job of demonstrating the need for mass gun ownership.

    2. It’s been illegal since the 13th Amendment was ratified in 1865 because the draft is straight up enslavement.

    1. So is our Opposition. They dare not post their platform, dare not call out the climate fraud, dare not speak of massive gov’t downsizing, dare not oppose mass immigration…. for fear they won’t be elected.

      Either they do not have the courage of their convictions, and thus forfeit my support, or they don’t believe in any of those conservative positions.

      Either way, I’m sick to death of cowardly politicians.

  4. Watching BNN-Bloomberg Europe this morning and the latter part of last week, and the reporters are pissing their pants over Le Pen’s popularity. The reporters are so used to interviewing Eurocrats, they have zero comprehension what French working people are going through.

    1. “…”This is something I have to look more closely into,” she said. “This is information that is news to me…”

      Demonstrating Liberal utter INCOMPETENCE as per usual.

    1. I would rather encounter a bare woman in the woods… if she is young, pretty and not woke.

  5. 15 months ago a certain Toronto public elementary school had the 8-9 year olds draw up Trans Flags, and the teachers marched down the street with the children waving the flags yelling “Trans rights are peoples rights” as if the young children had any idea what any of this meant.

    Then a few months ago, all around that school’s area, children’s stick drawings were posted on hydro poles with the caption “Free Palestine from the river to the sea”.

    So don’t think it isn’t happening in Canada.

    (Cleveland) Residents concerned about antisemitism at Beachwood High School

  6. Homicide #37/2024,
    Glendower Circuit and Birchmount Road area


    Suspect #1 is described as male Black. He was wearing a red hat and red shirt.
    Suspect #2 is described as male Black. He was wearing a black hoodie.
    The victim has been identified as Kayelin Rider-Downey, 16, of Toronto.

    Suspect Sought in Sexual Assault Investigation,
    Don Mills Road and Van Horne Avenue area


    The man is described as “Asian”, 20-30 years old, approximately 5’8″ and 170 lbs. He was wearing all black clothing.

  7. Canadian businessman Frank Stronach accused of sexually assaulting three complainants: document

    … A court document shows Canadian businessman and billionaire Frank Stronach is accused of sexually assaulting three different complainants.

    The document, which lays out the charges against the 91-year-old, says the alleged incidents took place in 1980, 1986 and last year…

    … Police have said Stronach was released on conditions and is set to appear at a Brampton courthouse on July 8.

  8. Secret Service agent robbed at gunpoint during Biden’s California trip for star-studded fundraiser

    NYC mom recounts nightmare as ex-con stole her car with baby son in backseat: ‘what if he would’ve dropped my baby off at a ditch?’
