Loud And Proud, You Say?

Atlantic columnist is oppressed by expectations of politeness and basic consideration:

Ms Gonzalez, who repeatedly mentions how “minority” and “of colour” she is, also tells us how she, “just wanted to be around people in places where nobody told us to shush.” Say, when being a late-night annoyance to roommates and neighbours, a thing that by her own account happens repeatedly, or when playing music in a library. Where other people are trying to study:

“One day, when I accidentally sat down to study in the library’s Absolutely Quiet Room, fellow students Shhh-ed me into shame for putting on my Discman… I soon realised that silence was more than the absence of noise; it was an aesthetic to be revered. Yet it was an aesthetic at odds with who I was. Who a lot of us were.

A bold admission. One, I suspect, that reveals more than intended. Also, the claim that one can sit down in a library accidentally.

Oh, there’s more. And a plot twist of sorts.

17 Replies to “Loud And Proud, You Say?”

  1. Perfect example of what is wrong with the world.

    In a sane world, the first time this idiot told the anecdote of specifically entering a library room set up for Absolutely Quiet and making noise she should have been ridiculed and insulted into obscurity, instead she is building a grievance career on it.

  2. I am loath to think of what kind of unrestricted, self-centered, undisciplined, self-indulgent, tantrum-filled childhood this oxygen thief had that she never knew that a library is a quiet space.

  3. “Why Do Rich People Love Quiet?”

    Another deliberately obtuse darkie gets a soapbox.

      1. That, but this too: a previous article elsewhere bewailed the lack of quiet when editing her novel and her subsequent migration to upstate NY to be oppressed by peace and quiet so she could get the job done.

  4. “Yet it was an aesthetic at odds with who I was. Who a lot of us were.”

    Apparently, a lot of “us” are rude, obnoxious, technicolor clowns.

    1. Simple. I have a simple phrase for this kind of person … “Not my people”. That’s it. We’re incompatible. And flooding our country with these people (who are not of my culture, couth, or extraction) will inevitably create friction. Who couldn’t predict this?

      So … deeper and deeper into the hinterlands I flee. Further and further FROM the multi-CULTi urban core I run. You residents of Sask. and Alberta don’t know how good you’ve got it.

      1. Ya might wanna rephrase that Kenji….reesidents of Calgary & Edmonton are bombarded with this crap daily….DEI ESG Woke Pride. I live in an apartment complex in NW Calgary, It may as well be located in Johannesburg, Mogadishu, Shanghai or Dehli.
        …we are being overrun.

        Universities full of indoctrinated woke IMBECILES cheering on HAMAS…
        Both Calgary & Edmonton run by by “Installed” Mayors.
        No Albertan in their right mind vote the above kinda garbage in

  5. I am now so far past giving a shite about what Third World people have to say

    1. Reader:

      LOVE the witty ditty “Quiet”.
      Have archived it for future reference.


  6. clearly the narcissistic t**t knows nothing of the study method your sources spread out in front of you very legible instead of 20 tabs on the laptop. and the need with some of the more technical disciplines to AVOID DISTRACTIONS like excess noise.
    libraries serve that purpose by setting aside *certain areas where shushing is the norm*
