5 Replies to “Things To Come”

  1. I hate it when people call out right acts of treason, hoaxes.

    A hoax is the fake two headed calf at the county fair.

  2. lm waiting for some whacko billionaire like that stoop that funded the training of an olympic athlete (they did a movie starring whatsisname Tatum) to get it in their head to invest however much to train, track down agenda and schedules and start doing a ‘jfk’ on these s.o.bs.

    1. Do the so called Right Media have a different agenda than the Left Media, I believe they are one and the same, they just cater to different groups.

  3. The leftist media deem assault and vandalism by the left peaceful free speech. Disagreeing by the right is violence and hate.
    Sadly, there are still way too many brain-dead sheeple that treat the leftist media as unquestionable arbitrators of truth.

  4. As much as it angers me to reread the litany of laws broken by the Democrats and their media stooges I fear that no real justice will ever be applied to them. I would love to see them all brought up on charges for the blatant crimes they have committed and lies they have told, but I would settle for them being brought before Congress to be questioned about it. That way, they can either A) publicly expose their wrongdoing, B) pretend they don’t remember things 200+ times or C) be caught lying to Congress (and at least be jailed for perjury).
